Disclaimer: None of the characters depicted in the following stories belong to the Author, and no money is being made from this work.

There are times when Sokka wants to go back and change the course of the war to save people he lost, but then he see's her beautiful little face and he decides that things are perfect the way it is.


"Sumi, don't forget your prayers before you sleep, and sleep! Aunty Katara and uncle Aang are coming to take us early tomorrow to see your cousins. You wouldn't want to sleep through the entire trip again would you?"

The young girl nodded solemnly at her father's words before taking her thumb from her mouth and replying, "Yes Papa, I don' wanna miss flying again, and I remembered the prayer this time!" That said she moved hesitantly towards the window where the full moon shone in the night sky, and kneeled in the square of light it provided. She clutched her stuffed Momo toy for a second before setting it aside and putting her hands together on her lap. In that moment she looked so very much like her mother that Sokka felt a thrill of happiness rush through him, he was so proud of his daughter.

He took note of the worn doll that Sumi had been clutching moments earlier. When she was much younger and they were still living with Aang and Katara, Momo had taken to sleeping with her in their bed, acting as her personal comforter. When they had separated a year back, Sumi had had nightmares every night, and she had driven him and Suki nearly mad with worry. It wasn't until Aang had appeared a week later with a wink and a handmade doll of Momo did she finally sleep calmly again.

A soft stuttering reached his ears, and he came back to the present to see his daughter stumbling over her words unable to remember what to say. He could not see her face but she sounded as if she were on the verge of tears. Stepping forward he laid a hand gently on her head, kneeling down next to her and offering a comforting smile. "Sumi, little one, you do not have to remember what I say, that isn't what you need." She turned to him, eyes large and glistening in the moonlight and he rubbed her head slightly and wiped her eyes before tickling her at the tip of her nose. A small girlish giggle broke out for a moment as she fended of her father's finger. "You don't have to say what I say little one, that's not what prayer is about. When you pray, you are talking to Yue herself, and you can tell her anything you want."

Her eyes widened, "Anything?"

"Anything." Her father confirmed. "Yue is always with us; she is always protecting us, watching over us and guiding us. As long as you remain true she will always be you're big sister, your friend, everything." He smiled at his four year old daughter. "When you pray, you have to say what you want to say, not what others tell you to say."

He settled next to her and winked, "So, what do you say we pray together for now?" She gave him a enthusiastic "Mmm!" and turned to face the moon a smile on her face as she began to whisper under her breathe.

Sokka stared at the luminous orb for a moment before closing his eyes and beginning to pray.

Yue, please; never let this end, never let my daughter come to harm. I love her dearly and I would do anything to protect her smile. So please Yue, my celestial one, please guide her, and protect her, smile on her.

In his mind, he received a vision; it was of Yue, older now and even more breathtaking than before, standing in front of the pond of Tui and La. She gave him a wry smile, as if to say, "Like you needed to ask." She smiled and leant forward cupping his face before placing a chaste kiss on his forehead. The vision disappeared, but the feel of where her lips had touched his skin remained.

He opened his eyes a few seconds later to see his daughter yawn mid-whisper and start swaying softly. Sumi's voice was becoming breathier and she struggled to regain her flow until it as broken by another yawn that nearly split her face in two her eyes squeezed closed and she didn't open them again. Moving quickly he picked her up softly in his arms and slowly carried her to her bed. In her half-sleep daze she didn't stop whispering until he had tucked the blankets around her and her doll. With a final sigh she drifted of into sleep clutching her Momo doll tightly.

Sokka kissed her softly on her cheek, "Good night my little heart, sleep well."

Standing and turning he was only mildly surprised to see his wife leaning against the door frame in her nightgown. She was beautiful in the moonlight, makeup-less and with her hair streaming down her back. She reached out to hug him as he approached and he gladly complied, circling his arms around her waist and drawing her close. They stood in silence for a moment, reveling the feeling of being in each others arms, a feeling that had not dissipated in all their years together.

It was Suki who finally broke the silence. "I love you."

"I love you as well, my beautiful, strong and sexy wife, and I don't have any intention of ever stopping."

She stepped out his arms and looked up at him coyly, "My, you are so complimentary this night, husband." Closing the door behind him he gave her a grin.

"I am, and all of it true. And would you believe, I haven't kissed you goodnight yet."

She was walking back to their bedroom the sensual swaying of her hips accentuating her nightgown, before turning and looking at him with a smile.

"I'm sure you can remedy that soon enough." With those words she disappeared in their darkened room.

Sokka didn't reply, but silently sent thanks to Yue for blessing his life before following his wife's soft footsteps into their bedroom.


AN: There you have it, written in an hour after a night of no sleep because the plot bunny was eating my toe and it hurt a lot. All that aside this hasn't been officially beta's so its probably really weird in some places, I will be putting it through the grinder an replacing with a shinier chapter… eventually, maybe when November is over. Maybe. All the randomness aside this is actually the first of three similar drabbles (spawn of the same bunny) the other two will be Aang and Katara, and then Zuko with Mai and Toph.

Also for all those interested I posted the prologue of my NaNoWriMo entry, its sadly been receiving very little feedback, I suppose that's because no one ever searches for Sokka stories. Meh. If any of you are interested, please go read it (you can find it on my profile under the title 'Rebirth') and leave a opinion or an idea of some sort.

In any case thanks for reading! I love all of you:P
