The Reasons Why…

Girl of Light Writter- Aniecä

A/N: I love the coupling of Neji and Tenten, but I don't know why. The make a nice couple but here is a story a sort of prequel to my other fic, 'Uchiha Problems'. Same exact story matches, except Kaydin isn't here as well as Sasuke. It's just Ino, Sakura, Lee, Neji, Tenten, Naruto, Hinata, Kiba, Shikamaru, Shino, Aburame and each of their sensei.

Tenten and Neji are both 15 and are coming upon the age where their parents are setting up engaged marriages, and as we all know, this is my fic and that's the pairing, so understand I write the fic and this is my quest, to write my fic out of my crazy dream.


1: They are Sparing Partners

"Who?" Tsunade asked.

"I don't know, you?" Tenten's far aunt responded.

"I have a hint but it may take time to investigate and see if this works, what do you think?"

"She's your apprentice, she lives far away from me, and I don't know her. I leave it in your capable hands." Her aunt answered.

"Okay, but you'll have to attend the wedding, to sign the papers."

"Fine, just make sure my sister's daughter is happy, okay?"

"I will."

"If I had kids of my own, I'd do the same thing. Make sure they are classy people, top class like our clan use to be."

"I'll try."

"Good, bye." Tsunade hung up the phone and sighed, Tenten was one of those lost souls that needed help with her engagement arrangements. The village had learned that the once great Hoshi (Star) Clan's heir had given birth to a child at the illegal age of 16 they were to be killed, instead they fled, leaving the knew heir in Konoha. That was what they were told while a lone girl lived in the Hoshi home by herself; without any family. No one knew the truth except the heir herself. She said that was the truth, they were gone.

Neji Hyuuga was the only child of the second branch family. (Hinabi is the first branch closest to the main, then the branch Neji is on.) His father had given his life for Hiashi and in term saved the Hyuugas Byakugan from foreigners.

Neji and Tenten as normal arrived in early morning by themselves to spar, like every morning. Neji hated Lee and Gai's happy attitude so much that he'd rather hang out with Tenten, a girl then those two. He soon learned that for a girl she had amazing abilities and some of the time, which now became a lot of the time, had became very close to defeating but still couldn't with his kunai and shuriken reflect jutsu in combination with his Byakugan which makes it hard but with training they have both greatly improved.

Neji doesn't mind working with a girl because she was quite good and the top kunoichi now. She rivaled Sakura on offensive but Sakura beat her at medical jutsu use. Neji needs someone like her since she uses the complete opposite of gentle fist tai-jutsu style.

Tenten just tries to become better at all costs, many days she passes out from attacking her so much, but over the years she has became immune to his tai-jutsu which makes for a harder match, how someone can became immune to it was news to many, especially the young Hyuuga.

This time Neji has learned a new jutsu and took it to Tenten for a test run causing her to pass out, causing him to have to take her to Hinata to heal her again, this meant another lecture from Hinata, which he listened to knowing him Hinata knew when he was listening or not.

Neji carefully picked up Tenten's seemingly lifeless body and brought it back to the Hyuuga home residency for Hinata to take care of. He knocked on her door holding a knocked out kunoichi in his arms, who was starting to curl up in his chest.

"Neji, what did you do to her this time?" Hinata said examining her, using her own chakra to cancel out the effects of her cousin's jutsu she returned Tenten back to normal.

"You better take her home before she realizes what you did to her and beats you up again." Hinata advised.

Tenten saw Neji sparing with him as an honor, a Hyuuga was the number one Clan now, as it always was, and sometimes behind the Uchiha in class because of their seemingly evil nature. Tenten also saw it annoying that he'd actually knock her out, in usually ended up with a kunai thrown at his head, or something, she was a specialist and threatening people with kunai was something he as did everyone, found her good at; especially when he was thinking and off guard with no Byakugan to help him.

Neji picked up Tenten's body and carried it to her home and as normal unlocked her door, set her in her room, left a note, and returned home by the time she came too it was nightfall and he couldn't practice but just knocking out Tenten was an accomplishment for the night.

"Neji, how can you be so mean to poor Tenten? She's just a girl and you are a Hyuuga and using possibly deadly jutsu on her it's not good." Lee yelled at Neji like Hinata would went her got home, except Hinata was Tenten's friend, his cousin and the person who used her chakra to heal Tenten, not Lee.

"Tenten chooses to accept being my sparring partner, she agrees, with no regrets the next day. Any normal person would say no to being beaten day after day but not her, she says yes." Neji answered.

"You really think that's it?" Gai added.

"What do you mean Gai-sensei? Why does Tenten say yes to being beaten by Neji daily?" Lee said looking up to his sensei.

"Tenten wishes to become stronger, the more she battles, the stronger she gets, she becomes more talented, and better and more advanced. She enjoys it, even if she gets beaten; being beaten is something she doesn't care about if she can improve."

"See, she agrees, and I do my part by keeping up the agreement." Neji answers.

"Yes, all you can do is helping her improve, as she helps you." Gai replied. "Now go young Neji, and improve buy gaining more chakra for the next day."

"Yeah, see you." Neji responded walking off annoyed.

Neji returned to his home and walked into Hinata who sat blocking the hall, and as normal on days when he brings Tenten to her to get healed they talk for a while.

"I've already explained this once to Lee and Gai-sensei today, Tenten enjoys becoming stronger, and by sparring with me she does. If she hated it she'd walk away and leave me to train by myself but she doesn't."

"If that's what you think brother. She does because she likes helping others, you asked and she automatically responds yes, it's just a bonus she gets stronger, there's another reason but you wouldn't understand it." Hinata said shyly. "Maybe one day brother you'll understand."

(Tenten's Place) I awoke like normal and made myself dinner because I was hungry from using all my chakra today on fighting Neji, like any other day. Why do I keep on getting beaten by Neji, the only thing I can think of is because ... well you know. And if you don't you should know. It's because If I can't be as strong as him, I can at least stronger, at least that's why I keep telling myself is why. Why I spar with Neji.

If you asked Gai-sensei, he'd say. "Because you wish to get stronger."

Lee would say: "I don't know why you do; why do you?"

Neji would most likely tell you: "Because you say yes and want to be stronger."

Sakura would answer: "Because he's a teammate who asked you."

Ino would say: "You're crazy you couldn't pay me to do it."

Shikamaru would tell you: "I don't know, because you do."

I've never asked Sasuke but he'd probably be like Neji and tell you: "Because you can." Or something like that, some profound way of answering.

Hinata is the only one who knows why, she'd tell you: "Because Neji asked you and you'd never let anyone down, you do anything you can for them and because of that other thing." That's where she stops, because I stop her.

Hinata is the closest one to knowing why, it's so many things; but Hinata knows the last.

1. Neji hates Gai and Lee's attitudes.

2. Tenten was quite good and top kunoichi.

3. She's immune to his tai-jutsu and the match up is harder for both.

4. It was an honor for Tenten to fight him.

5. Tenten accepted to spar; while others would say no to being beaten every day, she says yes.

6. More she fights the stronger she gets, more talented, and more advanced.

7. She enjoys it.

8. She doesn't care about being beaten if she can improve.

9. She and he wish to become stronger.

10. Because she was asked, and accepted.

11. Neji needs a sparing partner.

12. Neji wants to be stronger.

13. Secret Reason (To be discovered.)

The truth is there are many reasons why we train with each other, mine and Neji aren't much difference, except for one, and that is…

How did you like this chapter, I think that the sum up is a great addition to this kind of story and I'm sure it's helpful for those who missed something in the story? If you like this or don't tell me but most likely I'll keep doing it so I remember the reasons.