Last time Kagome beat Koga, Inuyasha turned into a full demon, and know, they have a unexpected guest.Who is this wolf demon running toward them? Just keep reading to find out...

13:Surprises some good, and others...Not so good.

Kagome waited. She new that the demon coming was far away. Know that she thought about it, she could tell there was about five, traveling in a pack. Kagome sighed, ' This might be harder than I thought...' It started to rain. ' Great, thats just what I need! To be rained on!' Kagome was Realy wet when the wolves walked into the camp. They looked like actual wolves, not demons in human form. "What is it that you want?" Kagome yelled. Josnha woke. He stayed were he was noticing that there was many deamons surronding them.

A old female stepped forward. "Are you Princess Kagome?" The old one asked with a kind voice.

"Yes. Who's asking?" Kagomeasked she wasn't in the mood for games.

"I am Yoin, I am the leader of this pack, and fatful servent and friend of your father, Minharusha." Yoin bowed as she spoke. "My pack and I were sent to fech you, we were sent to get you, for your father-" Yoin looked down at the ground in silence. " Is dieing. He sent us to get you, so you could be prepared to be the new Lady of the South."

"WHAT!" Kagome yelled. Everyone woke to Kagome yelling. Kagome had many amotions running in her veins now. She was mostly angry.

"Whats going on?" Sango asked Josnha.

"Kagomes father is dieing, prepare to move." Josnha wisperd to her.

Kagome felt power surge through her. The wolves moved out of her way, they knew what was going on. Kagome was going to transform. Kagome ran then was instantly was a giant, well a giant wolf-cat. She was now light blue. Her markings still showed. She had her cat tail, wolf head, cat like legs, and the body of a wolf. She took off running, at unknown sped. She was like the wind itself. She was so fast she had gotten to her fathers castle within minutes, while it would take, the rest of tthe gang and wolf pack about a day to get there. Kagome stoped at the gate. She was know back to normal. The doors open, slowly. She pushed through the small opening. She fallowed her fathers sent. She ran again. She did not want to lose him. He was the last of her true family. Sure, she had family but they were not her realy family, she had no human brother,mother, or grampa. Only her demon father. He had to live. He was all she had left family wise. When Kagome enterd the room her father was in she was crying.

"Father!"Kagome yelled running to his side. "What happened to you!"

"My daughter, my beautiful little girl."Minharusha said grabbing her hand.

"Father..." Kagome cried. "Who did this to you!"

" The castle, was attacked by rebels. They wanted a new leader, saying that i'm to old to rule, and that i've grown soft." He breathed in deeply. "My daughter, we caught the leader the one who attaked me. We caught all of his fallowers." He gasped for air. "My daughter, I know of your healing power, do not heal me, I wish to die. Here take this it is the ring that will tell all you are the new ruler of the South. Rule well, my daughter. I love you. Always remember that." With his last words spoken, he died, With a big wolfish grin on his face. Kagome couldn't belive it. As soon as she meet her father, he leaves her. She cried. Not stoping, she respected his wishes but only wished that she could have been with him longer. She left his room after giving him a kiss on his roal mark, the heart of all the south. Kagome silently left his room and closed the door behind her.

"Oh father..." Kagome wispered.

"Milady? Has Lord-"Kagome silence the nurse with a hand.

"Yes, he has past on, he is know, in the after life." Kagome said. She walked off. She walked to the garden there she cried her heart out. She howled at the moon, in her transformed form. With that howl all the creatures in the south lands new what happended, the south lord had pasted on. Kagome sat howling at the moon for a long time. She changed back and sat on a fallen tree trunk. She gazed at the moon and felt like she was conected to he father by looking at it. Kagome looked at the stars intill the sun rose. She wacthed the sun rise, she felt warmth surrond her body. She looked around. There was no one. She looked ahead of her. There she say it, her father and mother. 'Thats what he wanted to go for, so he good be with mother again. They look so happy together. Father has a bigger grin than befor. I'm glad there happy.' Kagome thought. The wind blew, taking hee father and mothers spirts with them. And with the wind, Kagome heard the faint wisper of them saying, "We love you, always fallow your heart." Kagome smiled. She was ready to take on anything in her way that was a threat. Kagome walked to the gate to await her friends. All bowed to her with sarrow, they were all sad. Every last one of them. Kagome walked up the stairs so she watch the rode and wait for her friends.

Kagome waited for 4 hours for her friends to get to her fathers castle. Gards and sevents alike would come by and tell her how sorry they were for the loss of there lord. She sighed, ' How much longer? When will you be hear, my friends?' She closed her eyes. She looked for there arura. "HAY! KAGOME! ARE YOU GOING TO LET US COME IN OR WHAT?" Kagome new that voice, it was Inuyasha.

"JUST A MINUTE! " Kagome yelled waving to her friends. She ran down the steps and opened the two big doors herself, that normally would take two demons to open while she opend it with ease.

The next day, Kagome was named Lady of the South. Her father would have been proud. Then later that day they baried Minharusha. Surpriseingly her was around 2300 years old. Kagome cried as her father was layed to rest. She would miss him deeply. Know the lands had a new ruler. Kagome, the beautiful. She was the most beautiful of all the Lands. And her son, Shippo, was the heir to the thrown even if he was not her blood son.

Now, I end this story here. But this is not the end, no. Many more stories shall fallow, of Kagome the baeutiful. She will have adventures, and her legacy shall continue. And when she's old, her children shall be the new beginng.


So if you liked this story, look for the sequal. THE GREAT EVIL, AND THE LADY OF ALL THAT IS GOOD.