
Author's Note: I decided to take a small break from stories that were serious, and somewhat made sense to bring you this terrible fanfic about all those loveable fanfic clichés. For example a new Animorph, who happens to have the same name as the author joins. Or one of the most favorite everybody dies. This story is not Just the way I like them, so enjoy.........


"The Cliché"


My name is Steve-0, I could tell you my last name if I so as well choose, because I don't fear the Yeerks. You see I am more powerful than the Ellimist and the Crayak put together, so why the hell should I be afraid of a bunch of slugs. I belong to an ancient alien race known as Fanfic Writers. We have the power to shape reality, change time lines, and of course kill things. This is my story.

Chapter 1

Jake, Cassie, Marco, Ax, and Rachel were all gathered in their usually meeting place to discuss there next attack against the Yeerks.

"Where's Tobias?" Rachel asked.

He's out hunting for breakfast. Ax informed.

"At five o'clock in the afternoon?" Rachel asked.

What do you humans say about the early bird getting the worm? Ax asked.

"That is what we say, Ax, but Hawks eat mice not worms." Cassie said, taking a yak's temperature with a rectal thermometer.

"So what the plan, fearless leader." Marco said.

"Well I figure we'd work on destroying the Kandrona, by going to a Sharing Meeting, and invading a yeerk pool." Jake said matter-of-factly.

Won't that be incredibly dangerous, Prince Jake? Ax asked.

"Yes, but if we pull it off we can destroy the Yeerks for good." Jake said.

"Let's do it." Rachel said.

"Did you even hear what Jake said?" Marco asked her.

"No, but I'm sure it was dangerous and life-threatening." Rachel said. Marco rolled his eyes.

"So how do you plan on us pulling this off, Jake?" Marco asked. Jake didn't answer. Instead he just looked at the small lab rat that strolled in.

Hey gang, remember me? A familiar thought-spoken voice asked.

"David!" Everyone exclaimed at the same time.

"How did you get off the island?" Cassie asked.

Oh the big animal expert, wants to know how I got here. David said mockingly. Rat's can swim, moron. Not very well, but at least we don't sink. It took me this long to swim back here, and now that I am I'm going to alert the first Controller I see about your little secret. David threatened, as he scurried out the barn door. Before he got more than a yard away, a large shadow of a bird loomed over him.

Aaaaaaughhh! He screamed, as the talons of a hawk ripped him in half. The bird then devoured him quickly.

Hello everyone, what did I miss? Tobias asked, as he preened the last bits of David from his feathers. The others gaped at him with horror.

What? You've seen me eat before." Tobias noted.

"You just ate David." Rachel explained.

Oh. Tobias shrugged, the best way a hawk could shrug, that is. Hey Ax, there's a spaceship outside. I was flying around, looking for food when suddenly I crashed into this big spaceship outside. That's why I was so late. Tobias explained. He then flew over to Jake, and gave him a small piece of paper.

I brought a note. Tobias said.

"Tobias, this is just a blank sheet of paper." Jake noted.

Yeah, apparently hawks can't write. Tobias said somewhat embarrassed.

Chapter 2


I heard voices outside my spacecraft, which I had ingeniously parked in a barren field. I held my ear to the door to hear better.

"Okey people, Ax said that this doesn't look like an Andalite Spacecraft, so we should do battle-morphs." I heard someone say. That didn't sound good. I ran to the intercom part of the ship.

"Uh..I come in peace." I said.

That's a really stupid sounding alien. Marco noted.

I opened the door. Instead of humans, I saw a bear, a gorilla, a tiger, a horse, a rattlesnake, and a wolf. "This is odd." I said as I scratched my head.

Ax, that thing looks human. Cassie said.

It's probably a trick. Everyone be wary. Jake commanded.

"Yikes! Talking animals!" I cried jumping back into my ship.

Oh brother, who is this guy? Rachel asked.

"I'm Steve-0, I've come to deliver a message from the Andalites." I tried to explain.

Steve-0? That's not an Andalite name. Ax said.

"Okey I'm only a quarter-Andalite." I explained.

I think he's a quarter thin of a full load. Marco replied.

So what's this message? Are they coming or not? Cassie asked.

"Who?" I asked.

THE ANDALITES!! Everyone cried in unison.

"Oh yeah, Let me read you their message:

'Dear Aximilli, and Human Companions,

We regret to tell you that Z-space travel has been backed up by intergalactic travel due to the 13 o'clock Rush. We should be arriving the Milky Way Galaxy in a day or so. To compensate for our inconvenience we have sent you our experimental prototype Steve-0. Steve-0 was genetically created in our labs to resemble a human being, but have the mind of an Andalite. Unfortunately the human body does not react well to Andalite intelligence, and we had to mark our project a huge as a embarrassing failure. Please take him off hands until we return to Earth.

Our deepest apologies,

The Andalites.'" Everyone demorphed as I folded up the message, and began to eat it so it wouldn't fall into the Yeerks hands. As I chewed on the last piece, I remembered the Yeerks didn't have hands. So I tried my best to regurgitate it. The others watched me strangely, probably wondering how I came up with the brilliant plan to bring the note back.

"Wait a minute, the Andalites are late, and so to make it better they send us a genetic mishap to get us into more trouble?" Rachel asked Ax impatiently.

I guess so, maybe the Andalites think that since you all are human, you would know how to handle him.

"That would be logical, if this guy was a human. But he's a moron!" Marco yelled. At that time I had my hand almost all the way down my throat. Cassie rolled her eyes.

I'm not familiar with that species. Ax noted. Just then a huge shadow loomed over the field.

"It's the Blade Ship!" Jake cried.

Don't worry I'll stop it! Tobias volunteered bravely. He flew towards the windshield of the massive ship, and began pecking the glass with all his might. Before anyone could warn him a huge mechanical flyswatter reached out from the center of the ship, and crushed Tobias's bird body in a mass of blood and feathers.

"Tobias!" Rachel screamed. I could tell by the foam coming from her mouth that she had snapped. She was soon jumping wildly at The Blade Ship and swatting her hands. This to me seemed like a good idea at the time, so I joined her.

A voice boomed from the ship.

So, the Andalite Bandits are really humans. Visser 3 called mockingly. I caught the little Andalite ship on my radar, and decided to check it out. Now I'm afraid there is no escape, all of you will die, and there's nothing you can do about it. The Visser laughed, as the bottom of the ship opened, exposing a Dracon beam the size of Cassie's barn.

I'M AFRAID I CAN'T LET YOU DO THAT. A voice from the sky said. Two clouds parted exposing a large red eye.

Crayak! What are you doing here? Visser 3 cried.


You can't do that! You and the Ellimist aren't allowed to interfere like that, and besides I have a 60 book contract with K.A.Applegate, damnit! Visser 3 argued.


I'll sue, you bastards! I swear I'll sue! Visser 3 cursed, but it was all in vain. With a blink of an eye, both the Crayak and the Blade Ship were gone.

"That was pretty weird." Jake said.

"I guess we won." Cassie noted.

"Not quite." I said pulling out a Dracon beam.

"Steve-0?" Marco asked confused.

"Wrong, I'm Steve-0's evil twin brother, Steve-1. You see I lied about who I really was to gain your trust, so I could enjoy killing you better. My brother and I are not what you think we are." I explained.

You're not an Andalite experiment? Ax asked.

"I'm afraid not. We are for more advanced than any race you've ever dreamed of. We are known as Fanfic Writer's. We seek out ordinary species like yourselves, and twist their world's apart. Now enough with the chit-chat, it's time to do what all our species like to do." I said as I shot fried each and everyone of them.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" I laughed evilly at the sky over the charred bodies of the Animorphs.


"The real Steve-0."

I awoke, with the sheets drenched in sweat. Visions of that terrible story still flashed vaguely in my head.

"Whew it was only a dream." I said to myself, as I walked sleepily towards the kitchen to pour myself some cereal. As I was half-way through breakfast I noticed the computer was still on. I walked cautiously towards my desk. There on the screen was a titled WordPerfect document. It read:


"The Cliché"

I screamed in terror, and dashed towards the tool closet. I pulled out a hammer, and smashed in the screen. It was the only way to ensure a story like that is safe from the public.



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