A/N Surprise! I updated! Shocked right? Yeah me to. So I realize it's been a few...years.lol jk But I've been working on this chapter for a LONG time and I finally got around to finishing it! I hope you like it.

Anywho. So it's summer so I should be writing more on this story. I've all the sudden got a burst of inspiration for this story cuz I've just recently seen 'The History Boys' and a very dear teacher on there, Irwin. Reminded me of Z! Excluding the awkwardness, gayness, and just about everything else. lol. But seriously he does remind me of Z! So you must go see that movie now just cause I said so:) Anywho. Back to the story. I hope you like this chapter!! D

Later that night Josie crept down the stairs quietly. Every few seconds she would stop and look around. Praying that no one would be up at this hour.

To an ordinary person at Black Hole High the sight of Josie in her pajamas with pink froggies would have been very peculiar.

But to Josie it was the most ordinary thing ever. Besides she was on a mission. It was a very important mission she felt she must accomplish very soon since she had just reached her 18th birthday. After all she did have a right to do it.

Now if only she -

Josie stopped suddenly at the bottom of the stairs. Her breathe caught in her throat. She quickly looked around. Praying she didn't hear what she just though she'd heard.

She once again heard the noise.

Footsteps on the floorboard.

Josie closed her eyes and turned on her heel to run back to her room.

She was just about to make a run for it when something stopped her.

"Josie. What are you doing?"

Josie gasped slightly at the sound of the voice. She immediately knew who it was as soon as the first word came out.

She quickly turned around blushing slightly. Coming face to face with Z who was holding a cup of hot, steaming coffee and had a look of surprise on his face.

He slowly brought the cup down from his face, because he was in the process of cooling it down with his breath and looked at Josie with bewilderment.

After a few minutes of looking her over Z finally spoke. "Josie, what are you doing up at this hour?"

Josie bit on her lip a few seconds while thinking. "Um... the real question is, what are you doing up at this hour? After all you do have a class to teach in the morning." she smirked.

Sarcasm. Good route to go. She felt confident in her decision of the comeback. It always worked with her other teachers.

But this wasn't just any ordinary teacher. It was Professor Z and he wasn't the kind of person that would go for that kind of answer.

Z raised an eyebrow at her. "Josie. What are you doing up this late?" he asked again but this time a little firmer.

Josie smirked at him. "Oh you know…just…regular teenage stuff. Sneaking out and everything."

Inside her head Josie was beating herself up. 'Crap. What's wrong with me? I could've come up with something better than that. Z made me go all jellyoid. Wait…jellyoid? What the crap?'

Z was nodding his head. "I see…a typical teenage thing is to sneak out…in your pajamas?" he cocked his head slightly. "Wow. Things have really changed since when I was in school. We used to sneak out in our street clothes."

Josie blushed a little at Z's analysis. Okay, so he was right. But she had no other option then to say that!

She finally rolled he eyes and sat down on the stairs. "Okay. Fine so whatever."

Z chuckled and took a sip from his coffee cup and sat down beside her.

Both had never realized but the staircase was kind of a tight spot, so the seating was kind of snug.

Josie smiled at the warmth that was radiating off of Z's body and the fact that the sweater he wearing was touching her and it was fuzzy. She also noticed that the aroma of the coffee was mixing with the blueberry pie, and soap smell from Z and it was oh so soothing to her. She could have dozed off right then and there.

And as she just though that, she felt her eyelids slowly closing. But Z woke her up because he decided to ruin the moment and say something.

"So Josie. Now that I know you've turned into a terrible liar, would you mind again telling me what you were doing roaming about this late? In your . . . Froggie pajamas?" he grinned and took another sip from his coffee.

Josie playfully shoved Z's shoulder. "Don't hate one the frogs. You know you want them."

"God, is it that obvious?" he smirked "They're just so gosh darn irresistible."

Josie saw a perfect opportunity. "Yeah. I know I am." she turned to Z and gave him a knowing look.

There was a few moments of awkward silence as they looked at each other before Z moved his gaze downward.

He shifted uncomfortably and tugged at his sweater sleeve.

Josie praised herself in her head. Because she knew that she had made him uncomfortable. She had recently begun to notice that Z had a habit of tugging at his sleeve when he didn't feel too comfortable in a situation.

"Uh…s-so Josie." Z said a bit timidly breaking the silence. "You never did tell me why you're out and about this late. Really."

She sighed and began fidgeting with her fingers. "Well . . . Because I just turned 18. There's something that I've been wanting for a long time. I've just figured that I needed to get it really soon . I mean I figure 18 is old enough to know what I want."

Z nodded and slightly smiled. "You are quite ambitious aren't you Josie?"

She smiled at the older man. "I know what I want. And I'm going to get it." and with that Josie gave him a piercing look and stood up. "Well. I better get to bed. Seems pretty late and you look completely pooped. Don't wanna be the reason that you can't stay awake in class tomorrow." She started walking up the stairs.

Z looked up at her. "Good night Josie." He smiled warmly and waved her off to bed.

Josie took one last look at him and turned around walking back up to her room.

When she got to her room she touched the doorknob and paused, she thought of Z and shuddered with excitement at the thought of the smile he'd given her before she departed.

'I'm going to get what I want. I'll make sure of it.'

Crap. I am very unhappy with that ending. Ugh. But I hope you liked the chapter anyway. Anywho PLEASE REVIEW and tell me what you think. Cause if you review then I'll update sooner! Promise. :)