Disclaimer: I don't own either of these series. Yep.


Metroid: Halo

A/N: Been a LOOONG while since my last update, so I hope this gets me back in the writing mindset.


Chapter 4

Master Chief's POV

An explosion was felt from outside my new partner's ship. Knowing that the attack was supposed to kill us, I jumped onto the mini-elevator, which immediately started rising the moment it detected me jumping onto it.

As soon as I got out, I tried firing the shotgun I had earlier. Of course, I quickly realized that the two Grunts who threw the plasma grenade were all the way at the end of the dark alley we were situated in, and that they were only hit by 1 or 2 rounds, if I was lucky. Instead, I threw my last frag grenade in between them, the explosion killing them both. Samus rose out of her ship in a calmer manner than me, and didn't say anything because she is probably used to surprise attacks as much as I am.

Samus's POV

Seeing the dust clear at the end of the alley meant that Master Chief had killed the attackers. However, more Covenant troops, "Elites", as I have discovered, regrouped at the alley's end. There were 10 of them, all of which began firing their Plasma Rifles at Master Chief and I. A few of their bursts hit us, but their shoddy aim still left something to be desired. Master Chief jumped down from my ship, and pulled out his shotgun. The Elites were obviously more focused on him than me, since they all began aiming at him, so I decided to get their attention.

I decided to fight plasma with plasma. I switched to my plasma beam, charged it up, and released the shot. The long, red bolt of plasma instantly flew over Master Chief's head, and set 6 of the Elites on fire, which died shortly thereafter. Master Chief turned around, and I could tell that the face behind that orange visor of his was probably one of shock and awe, because I just nearly burned his head off, but instead quickly ridded myself of six enemies in one shot of a gun that has unlimited ammunition.

Taking the opportune moment (Their enemy was not facing them), the remaining Elites began firing again at Master Chief, briefly pausing earlier because my plasma bolt gave them a quick scare. Before Master Chief turned around to face his opponents again, I activated my seeker missiles, swept my targeting reticule over the four Elites, and shot off 4 missiles at the same time.

Master Chief's POV

As I turned around to face the Elites again, four missiles coming from Samus's arm cannon guided me. The moment I saw the Elites again, the missiles and their blue trails whizzed by, each missile claiming an Elite in a blue explosion. Clearly my message got to someone who is definitely going to help, because this fight took about 15 seconds to end. I was amazed. And grateful. The Covenant is probably going to need those fuel rod guns if they want to hurt us now. Not only is the environment I'm in perfect, because I constantly find new weapons scattered around, but I have a partner who can kill, and adapt to new technologies, as demonstrated earlier when she used the communicator.

I said, "Let's get moving again to that weapons factory. Your ship should have produced its own amount of supplies, right?" She nodded, and mentioned to come back inside the ship. I jumped back onto the ship, right onto the mini-elevator, and descended before my host did.

Samus's POV

I entered the ship proceeding Master Chief again, tapped a few controls on the control panel, and my ship rose again into the gloomy sky of this planet-like super weapon. I asked, "Do you know the coordinates of the factory we are going to attack?" He nodded, so I gestured to him the part of the control panel where you enter coordinated to anything. He pushed a few buttons, revealing coordinates onscreen, which I then confirmed with my ship as our next landing spot. I sat down again in my chair, and Master Chief did the same, only sitting on the floor. We collectively sighed, both knowing that this was good for the humans Master Chief is part of, but tiring for the both of us. However, as soldiers, we marched on, as my orange transport soared off in the direction of our enemy.

A/N: Sorry it's so short after this whole time, but I promise more updates in a MUCH shorter amount of time. Review please! I've tried to brush up more on my knowledge of the Halo universe, and I'll incorporate that more next time!