Down & Out

This is the last chapter, the previous chapter only got 3 reviews! Thank you for the reviews and motivation, I hope you enjoy the ending. Other than that, I'll have a new story up in the next few days/week. As always reviews are appreciated.

Part Twenty One: My Beautiful Rescue

Marissa had been driving for well over two hours before she finally found the bar. Pulling into one of the free parking spots, she looked around the lot hoping to see a yellow jeep. Her eyes scanned the cars, but never found a trace of yellow. A feeling of despair began to fill her up, as she realized Alex might not be there.

Slowly she got out of her red mustang, and closed her eyes; leaning against the car. She saw herself walking in through the doors, and seeing Alex manning the bar. She saw Alex's eyes double in size, and saw her walk out from behind the bar. She saw Alex walk towards her, and felt her take her hands in her own.

Marissa heard a whistle, and opened her eyes briefly to see two men standing at the corner eyeing her. She started to rub her arms to rid the chill, and made her way quickly towards the bar's entrance. She still felt their eyes on her even as she entered.

Her eyes went directly to the center of the bar, no Alex, then she scanned the rest of the bar, but there was still no sign of Alex. The feeling in the pit of her stomach became worse and she tried to push it aside as she made her way to the counter.

The dark haired bartender gave her a smile as she drew closer, "What can I get you?" He asked, clearly entranced by her beauty.
"Actually I'm looking for someone…"
"Oh and who might that be?" He asked setting down the glass in his hands. However before Marissa could answer, an older gentlemen placed his hand on the bartender's shoulder and told him to go clean the bathroom.

"Sorry about that." The older man said, while the younger one retreated towards the men's room.
"It's fine…"
"Now what can I do for you?"
"I'm looking for Alex, do you know where she is?"
"Let me guess, your Marissa?"
"Yeah how'd you know?"
"She's mentioned you a few times." Billy stated.
"Oh…Well I thought she was working tonight. I guess I was wrong."
"No she's here, she's watching that One Tree show."
"Wait Alex is watching One Tree Hill?" Marissa questioned her eyebrows quirked up.
"Yeah she says that no one can bother her for an hour when she watches it. She gets really angry. It's her one hour of happy time."
"So what're you doing here?"
"I'm…I'm here to get her back." Marissa said eyes cast downward.
"Well its about time." Billy laughed. Marissa looked up into his deep eyes and felt a smile creep onto her face.

Billy walked around the bar to the back room, with Marissa trailing behind him. He knocked on the door and opened it a little bit sticking his head in.
"Brooke and Lucas are so over." Marissa overhead a male's voice.
"Alex there's someone here to see you." Alex didn't even rip her eyes away from the screen to acknowledge Billy. "Later." She muttered.
"Decan is that damn show almost over?"
"In like five minutes." Billy closed the door and turned to Marissa.
"How do you want to go about this?"
"What do you mean?"
"Do you want to just go in there and interrupt her happy time? Or wait for it to be over?"
"Honestly? I want to interrupt her happy time." Marissa said with a grin.
"It's all yours, tell me how it goes, I'm going to go back to the bar." He patted her on the shoulder, and gave her a thumbs up before going back to manage the crowd that had formed around the bar.

Hesitantly Marissa knocked on the door, there was no response so she knocked louder. "Go away." Marissa heard Alex yell. Slowly Marissa turned the knob, and the door opened. "Come on please, the show's almost over." Alex whined not turning around.

"Fine if you really want me to leave." Marissa said playfully. Alex's head snapped towards Marissa's direction. Her mouth agape, her eyes doubled in size. "Oh man next week's episode looks so good." The boy sitting next to Alex said, he turned to look at Alex, and followed Alex's gaze and looked at Marissa as well, confusion written across both their features.
"Marissa? What are you doing here?"
"I wanted to see you." Marissa stated simply, "But if you want me to go." She added turning around. Alex literally jumped out of her seat, "No I was just. No." Alex said following behind Marissa.

When Marissa passed Billy she gave him a wink, and he watched Alex follow her out of the bar into the dark California night. She headed straight for her car, when they were near the car Marissa felt Alex grab her wrist. "Stop, can you tell me what your doing here?" Alex's voice emitted no firmness, she just wanted confirmation. Marissa spun her around and put her hands on Alex's hips pinning her to the car.

A playful smile adorned Marissa's face, "So you like One Tree Hill huh? Since when have you been a fan of teen drama?" "Marissa do you want to tell me what this is about?" Alex asked her voice tired. The smile soon faded as Marissa buried her face into Alex's shoulder.

"I'm so sorry." Marissa said, over and over again trying to push back her tears. Alex started rubbing circles on the taller girls' back, but after awhile she gently pushed her back.
"Do you want to go somewhere and talk?" Alex asked hesitantly. Marissa nodded mutely. "Do you want me to drive?" Alex questioned, pushing herself off the car. Marissa held out her keys to Alex quietly, before climbing into the passenger side. Alex took a deep breath before getting into the drivers seat.
"There's a beach not far from here, it's nothing like the beaches in Newport but it's still a beach."
"Okay." Marissa said picking up her ipod and scrolling through her play lists. Rachel Yamagata's voice filled the car, as the two sat quietly; both being engulfed by the memories.

Alex parked Marissa's car into one of the many open spots, and killed the engine, stopping the music as well. Slowly she turned her attention to Marissa who seemed to be lost in thought.
"You want to go for a walk?" Alex offered.
"I'd like that." Marissa said, turning her attention back to Alex.

They both exited the car, and began walking across the empty beach. The silence was almost unbearable, there was a calmness to it though; almost a feeling of common ground. Marissa surprised Alex by looping her arm around Alex's and pulling her to the ground. They sat side by side, arms still intertwined.

"Sorry about last night." Alex said after awhile, "I had something on my mind…I really did have a good time with you though if that means anything."
"I think this is yours." Marissa muttered digging her free hand into her front pocket, pulling out the crumpled letter, and offering it to Alex. Slowly Alex took the envelop out of Marissa's hand, "How long have you had this?" Alex questioned.
"I found it last night."

Alex remained quiet looking at her name written across the front of the envelope, while Marissa watched her quietly.
"I remember everything Alex." The words caught Alex off guard, everything that had happened had led up to this point. A few more moments of silence passed as Alex tried to figure out what to say.
"Marissa what do you want?" Her voice came out tired, almost as if she'd relived everything they'd been through in her head.
"I just want you, Alex. I don't know what else to say. You've done so much for me, even when I didn't deserve you. I don't think I ever deserved you."

Alex felt tears prick her eyes, but didn't dare let one fall. She knew she had to be strong, she didn't want to end up hurt like last time.
"How do I know you won't hurt me again? How do I know you won't go back to Ryan? I know he loves you, he told me so."
"He may love me, but I don't love him. I didn't mean to hurt you the first time…I just didn't know what I wanted, and I know that sounds bad but I was confused. I cared about you so much and it scared me. The fact that I knew I loved you scared me, I'd never felt that way about anyone before. When you left things got worse, even when I was with Ryan. He never meant as much to me as you do, no one's meant as much to me as you have." The tears Alex had been trying to stop from falling, began to fall freely. "You know if I could take back everything that's happened I don't know if I would, the accident brought us back together, and for that I'm grateful. I love you Alex, I've always loved you and I wish that I deserved your love."

Marissa had been looking down the entire time she'd made her declaration to Alex, when she finally lifted her gaze she saw that the blonde was crying. Using her free hand Marissa brushed the tears away. She removed their intertwined arms and took Alex's hand in her own. Slowly Marissa brought Alex's hand to her mouth and placed a simple kiss on her knuckles.

Marissa leaned her head on Alex's shoulder, and used her free hand to pull the postcard out of her back pocket. She handed Alex the card, not bothering to lift her head from the comfortable spot it had made on Alex's shoulder.

"I was going to send this into post secret, but I figured you'd want to know my secret." Alex looked down at the small decorated card in her hand, and read the words that had been written. 'The only thing I regret is letting her go.' Alex leaned her head on top of Marissa's and sighed aloud. Her thumb began to rub Marissa's knuckles the way she'd done in the hospital.
"There've been two nights in my life that have meant a lot to me. And both times they involve you and that shirt your wearing right now. You were wearing that shirt the night we saw Rachel play and I knew then and there when you took my hand that I was going to fall for you. And tonight when I saw you wearing that shirt I knew something big was going to happen. I…I wish I knew how to tell you what I've been through the past months. Despite everything that you've put me through, I can't explain why I'm still drawn to you. I've always been drawn to you."

"Alex do you think you could ever give me another shot?" Marissa whispered, turning so that she said it into Alex's neck. Alex lifted her head up, put the card on the sand next to her, and tilted Marissa's face up towards hers. "I love you, you know that?" Alex said, leaning forward and crashing their lips together. Alex felt Marissa nod and tried to suppress a giggle, "I love you too." Marissa mumbled into the kiss.

The End

once again thank you so much for the continued reviews, and for reading this story in general. it really does mean a lot to me. thank you, thank you, thank you. if i could send a message to each of you who've reviewed i would. in fact i think i just might for this chapter. this has been one of my longest stories i've ever written on fanfiction, and its kind of sad to see it be over. but something new will be up soon. i promise.