A/N; hello, once again! This is the story that Tasara (from my story Going All The Way!) was originally from. Please read and review! I want to know what you really think, but no flames please!

Lost Little Rich Boy

Chazz sat against the stone wall that was the side of a building. He looked at his watch and it was getting late. He thought his brothers, Slade and Jagger, would have come back from him after their little argument, but he was wrong. They didn't want to come and get him until they thought they should. All this over a argument because he didn't want to duel with the cards his brothers bought.

Chazz got up and stretched his arms. The sun was going down and he had nowhere to go. He sighed, put his hands in his pockets, and walked out onto the sidewalk. He looked up at the sky and saw the sun start to go down even more. He looked down both ways on the sidewalk and decided to go right. After a while of walking it was dark and the street lights had come on. Now he was starting to get a little worried, but kept his cool. He was then pushed to the side.

"Oh, sorry 'bout that," said a boy with long red hair that was pulled back into a pony tail. "Didn't mean ta run into ya." He wore extremely baggy pants and a gray jacket that was unzipped with no shirt under it. The guy next to him had short red hair and the two looked the same. He wore long, jean shorts and a black t-shirt, but the sleeves looked as though they were ripped off.

"C'mon, Darren," said the short haired boy. "We promised Greg we'd help 'im get everything set up, remember?"

"Okay, okay, Lee," the guy now known as Darren said. "Hey, were you on your way to 'the spot', dude? Oh, what's your name?"

"My name is Chazz Princeton and what is 'the spot'?" Chazz asked. The two boys looked at each other and then back at Chazz.

"You're not from 'round here are ya?" asked Lee.

"Does it look like I am?" Chazz asked a bit annoyed.

"No," the two boys said. "You wanna come with us?"

"Uh, let me think, no," Chazz said.

"Oh, okay, where were you heading then?" Darren asked. Chazz sighed.

"I was trying to find somewhere to stay," Chazz said.

"You better come with us then," Lee stated. "It's not safe wondering around here after dark, Chazz."

"I said no," Chazz said, now being more than annoyed.

"You are one stubborn guy," Darren said. Lee and Darren grabbed Chazz's arms and started to drag him down the street. Even though they knew he did want to go with them, it was for the best. Chazz mumbled threats and insults until he was then dropped onto the floor. He got up and gave the two boys death glares.

"Welcome to 'The Spot'!" Darren said with a smile. Chazz looked up and saw a wooden gate with writing all over it.

"The spot is a dud," Chazz hissed.

"We're just at the gate, Chazz. We're not in there yet," Lee said with a grin. Darren knocked on the door four times and someone opened the door a little, just to see who was there.

"You're late," said the guy behind the gate.

"We know," Lee said. "Sorry 'bout that, but we picked up a wanderer."

"Is he a guest or something?"

"Mm-hmm," Darren said, nodding his head. "Can he come in?"

"I guess so," said the guy. "Come on in and enjoy the party guys."

"Thanks, Jason," Lee said. Jason opened the gate the whole way and let the three into 'The Spot'. Chazz looked at Jason, but then averted his eyes to look at the area they were in. There were so many teenagers there. The music was loud and people were dancing on a small stage. The stage was actually just boards of wood that had been nailed into the floor.

"This is it?" Chazz asked.

"Nope," Lee stated. "This is just the dance off area. In that small building to our left is where we have soda, food, and the restrooms. There is also a large CD library in there."

"Why am I here?" Chazz thought as Lee pulled him further into the area.

"Lee, Darren!" shouted a males voice. It was deep and cold as well. Lee and Darren turned and then started to back away a little.

"Oh, hi, Kevin," Darren said. "What's up?"

"Who the hell is this?" the guy known as Kevin said. He pushed Chazz who only took a few steps back. "He doesn't look like a member."

"He's our guest," Lee said.

"Hey, did you get my permission to let him in? I'll answer that for ya, no! You know the rules."

"Can you let it slide this once?" Darren asked. "He has nowhere to go, Kevin!"

"I don't care, now get his ass outta here!" Kevin said. Jason walked over to Chazz and grabbed his arm, but Chazz, being the way he is, punched Jason, knocking the boy to the floor.

"Why do you people keep grabbing my arms and pull me places! You are all disgusting! No one, I repeat, no one touches me!" Chazz shouted in anger. Jason rubbed his cheek and got back up.

"Chazz, are you trying to get yourself beaten?" Lee asked.

"Well, I'm not asking for an escort," Chazz snapped.

"Why you little-"

"Kevin!" shouted a girl. The small fuming, group turned to their left and saw a girl with long, ocean blue hair that reached her waist and grey eyes. She wore a black tank top, a white vest over it, but the vest only came down to her mid stomach and remained to be unzipped. On the back of the vest was a gold fleur de lis. She also wore low-rise jeans that were pretty baggy. Her shoes were white, black, and blue. "Stop being such an asshole and let that guy stay here."

"Tasara, I should have known you'd stand for all this," Kevin hissed.

"Well, they don't need your permission to do anything," Tasara said. "Sorry about Kevin's behavior. I'm Tasara Karasumi and welcome to 'The Spot', stranger."

"That name is Chazz Princeton. Got it memorized?" Chazz said to Tasara.

"What's a member of one of the richest families doing all the way out here?"

"That is none of your business," Chazz said.

"Tch, whatever," Tasara said, walking away. Lee, Darren, and Chazz walked away from Kevin and Jason. Kevin just glared at them as they walked further into the area. Chazz walked into the small building while Darren and Lee decided to go dance for a while.

A/N; That is that for right now. I hope you liked the introduction chapter and please review! I would like to know what you thought of it!