A/N: Hope you enjoy it! I don't know much about the judicial system so excuse me if there are errors in that area.

~~* Previously *~~

"Doctor Greene, doctor Kovac?" both doctors looked up, it was the police officer. "We found a guy that fits the exact description. We are going to bring him up for him to be identified, but he's identical to the description Mr. Malucci gave us."

"That means you found..." Luka trailed off, stunned.

"That's right, we found Mr. Malucci's father."

~~* Back to the story *~~

Chapter 6: Hurting Dave

"We are going to bring the man up right now." The detective continued. Doctor Greene and Kovac stood up as they saw two police officers bringing up a very strong looking guy. He looked scared, confused as why he was there. They had him handcuffed and the man's arms were behind his back. They went into Dave's room, Luka and Mark were going to follow but the detective stopped them.

"It might be better if you stayed here." The detective went into the room. They were quiet for a while.

"Dr. Greene, I was thinking, should we get a psych consult on Dave?"

"What for? Looks like his story checks out." Mark pointed to the room.

"I know but, he seemed distant. It's not like Dave to be like that."

"Listen Luka, it looks like Dave's been having a hard time, maybe he's stressed about something."

"I don't know, what about the bathroom?"

"Well-" He was interrupted by a yell and a loud crash in the room. They both stood up and ran into the room. They saw the two policemen with the man near the door. The detective was the only one in the room walking away from them. Dave was out of his bed and had the chair over his head. He looked at everyone in the room crazily.

"Sir calm down."

"What happened?"

"I don't know. We were almost done asking him the questions when he started yelling at us to leave. Then got out of his bed and threatened us with the chair." One of the police officers told them.

"Dr. Kovac go get some restraints and nurses in here. Get 10cc of Haldol." Luka looked at him questioningly. "Just in case." Dr. Greene added. Luka left and Dr. Greene got closer to Dave.

"Malucci, it's Dr. Greene. I need you to put the chair down, these men just want to ask you a few questions about the man that attacked you." Dave seemed to be responding. He lowered the chair a bit. The detective got closer and Dave raised the chair again. The detective stepped back, and looked at Dr. Greene. He stepped forward, slowly.

"Come on Dave, put down the chair." He told him softly. He got closer with his arms stretched out to grab the chair when he could.

"Dr. Greene!" Dr. Greene looked back, he saw Luka and the nurses were running forward.

"Wait!" Dr. Greene yelled at them but Dave swung the chair at Dr. Greene's side, and Dr. Greene went crashing down. All the wind knocked out of him. Luka lunged forward and tackled him down. He grabbed Dave's arms against the floor. The nurses went to inject him. Dave was struggling but Luka was using all his strength and was sitting on top of Dave. He grabbed the syringe and told the nurses to hold his arm. Luka successfully inserted the Haldol into him and stepped of Dave.

Dave was furious but everyone had backed away from him, including Dr. Greene with the help of the nurses. After a few minutes the Haldol began to take its effect on Dave. He was swaying back and forth. Dr. Greene went toward him, even though he was in pain, and when Dave fell he caught him.

"Don't just stand there, help me!" The nurses, Luka and the detective went to him and helped put Dave on the bed. They immediately put the restraints on him.

"I think I will order that psych consult." Mark told Luka. "I'm so sorry detective."

"It's fine. Release him boys."

"What are you doing?"

"Well Mr. Malucci had told us that this wasn't the guy."

"You are still going to use his eye testimony after all this?"

"Well, he was perfectly fine when we interrogated him and no claims to have seen him come in the room so there's no reason for us to hold this guy. Sorry sir for the inconvenience." The policemen took the handcuffs off and escorted the man out of the room. "Sorry doc but I can't do anything else."

"Yeah, thanks." Luka told him. The detective left. Dr. Greene slammed the wall with his fist. He groaned and grabbed his side where Dave had hit him.

"We better go get you checked out," Luka told Mark.

"Keep an eye on Malucci, will you?"

"I'll get a nurse." He led Mark downstairs to the ER.


"You have no broken ribs, so that's good. It will just be sore for a couple a days."

"Luka I'm a doctor."

"Sorry Doctor Greene." He just smiled at Luka.

"All of this because I had to go to the bathroom at the wrong time." Luka chuckled.

"If it wasn't for you who knows what have might have happened."

"To you?"

"No, to Dave. Who knows how long he's been like this? I'm just glad we caught it in time."

"Me too. Yes, that reminds me I have to get that psych consult."

"I'll do it." After a few minutes Luka hung up the phone. "Dr. Legaspi was the only one available and should be up there in a few minutes."

"What could have caused Dave to snap like that? I can't figure any of this out at all."

"His father."

"What about Dave's father?"

"He's the cause of all of this."

"How is that possible?"

"That's all Dave was the only thing he was afraid to talk about. There's something hurting Dave but I'm afraid it might kill his spirit first." Mark remembered the troubled young man almost attacking Luka and hurting him. All he could do was nod in agreement with Luka's last statement.

Sorry it's not much of a cliffhanger but I'm finishing it up late at night, well not that late, but my mom is telling me to go to bed. So had to finish it before I get in trouble. Please review so I can know if I'm doing a good or bad job. Thanks. ;-)