.:Tenerme ama:.

By Shadow willow

Chapter One

The house was a dark dusty cell as far as he was concerned. His whisky swirled softly in his glass as he looked down sullenly at it. His bare chest rose and fell softly as his head slumped forward. He hummed softly and tilted the glass to his lips, his dark midnight eyes turning to the Grandfather clock in the corner of the room. The tick tock seemed to sneer at him.

"Damn slow bastard you are, father time." His deep raspy voice spoke as he closed his eyes and down the rest of the drink, then let the glass slip to the carpeted floor. All this solitude was driving him slowly insane. Sure he had the Order members, but lately they only came around two days out of the week. Hardly enough social activity for Sirius, who had had spent an unholy amount of time in Azkaban and still had his old spirit about him. A spirit unused to being left in the dark by those he cared for. A soft sigh escaped his lips. If not for the letters from Harry, Hermione, and Ron; Sirius was sure he would have died from boredom a long time ago. The latest letters read that they were coming to spend the summer holiday with him. He couldn't wait to say the least. His head started to nod, and he stretched out on the couch as his mind slowly slipped into a trance.

"I wonder when Harry will arrive. Hell I even miss that prat Ron. And Hermione, what is she up to I wonder? Most likely reading. His normally grim mouth twitched into a smile as his mind drifted over Hermione, the little bushy haired girl.


Hermione noted the worried look on her fathers face as he looked around the dumpy houses.

"Are you sure darling I should leave you here? I mean it doesn't look safe at all." He bit his lower lip, an act he often did when he was nervous, ¦much like she herself did. She smiled at him and pecked him on the cheek.

"Don't worry daddy, I'm going straight into the house, plus, the adults will be there." She hated referring to herself as a child in front of him, I mean after all she was 16 this summer, almost seventeen! But she knew if she mentioned adult wizard it would set his mind to ease which it did. Hermione set her bags down at the front entrance as she quickly closed the door behind her.

"Hello! Any one here?" She wondered why it was so quite! Perhaps the boys hadn't arrived yet.

A scent wafted in to him as he lay on the couch. His eyes moved under their lids as he inhaled it. Carmel, he muttered. The voice was familiar too, but soft and silky almost, all be it a little high pitched. The footsteps came into the room he was sleeping in and he picked his head up and looked over to the female staring at him. His vision blurry from sleep he blinked and grinned. Hermione had arrived.

"Sirius, I'm so happy to see you!"

She walked forward a little with a smile on her lips and Sirius jumped up from the couch, his sweat pants hanging from his hips. Not caring about formalities he scooped her into a bear hug.

"Oh my God an angel of mercy just walked in!" He felt her breath on his chest as she chuckled. He smiled slyly.

" Seriously Hermione, I was about to go insane unless some one came soon!" She pulled away and he was surprised to find he hadn't wanted her too.

Eh, chalk it up to being alone for so long, you want contact from any one about now.

He shrugged it off.

He led Hermione into the kitchen and put a pot of tea on the stove. She noted how he seemed full of talk and felt her heart sink realizing how lonely he must have been these past few months. She wasn't sure she herself could handle that kind of solitude.

"So when is Harry coming up? I thought he would be here by now.: She said over the counter as she looked up at Sirius. He hoped to God she would stop leaning like that, her button up blouse was open at the top, and he felt his eyes drink up the sight of her milky white skin he was presented with. It was a stark contrast to the stained old counter. He swallowed and turned his attention to the tea leaves instead.

Stop it now old man!

What? You check out all the females Sirius, that's what you do.

Yes but not Harry's underage friends!

Not underage for long though is she?

Yes well didn't hurt any thing did it? And when did Hermione get that pretty skin of hers? And her lips fill out like that?

She noticed he seemed to be in deep thought and took the moment to look closer at him. His shaggy black hair was clean now, but was still the same as always. His eyes seemed to be so solemn. And his face was a bit better now that he was in the safety of the home, he had filled out and his lean muscles flexed as he bustled around the kitchen. She blushed as she looked over his chest, can't deny he is a good looking man, key word there man not boy. She sighed inwardly, she was 16, and he was in his late 30's. She shook herself slightly, why are you even thinking these things? She had never been one for boys, the only three men she had ever had a crush on where Lockhart, Cedric, and of course, Victor. But though she had shared her first kiss with Victor, it had never been more then that. Thank God Hermione was not one of those girls who figured she would die if she stayed a virgin for to long. Hermione knew one day she would find the guy she wanted to be with, and she was in no hurry. No use speeding up to the future, when you get there you'll wish you had the past back.

"Well he and Ron where coming up today, but I just got an owl telling me they wont be here till Tuesday, so one more week." Sirius said sounding sullen. She nodded as she pushed a run away strand of hair from her face.

"Why are they gonna be late?" Hermione asked as she grinned and took the cup of tea from Sirius' hand.

"Well something about Molly wanting to spend the week with them seeing as for some reason she won't be there before they leave." He shrugged his shoulders and took a seat just away from Hermione. They sat like that for a little bit, each taking turns to look at the other or at the wall across the room. She could feel the slight blush creeping into her cheeks as he caught her eye and gave her that oh so sweet smile of his.

"So…" Hermione said, but he cut her off.

"Just you and me for a week, well and some of the members, but they are busy right now. Wont see much of them, the Order has a lot to do." He trailed off. She noticed some color coming to his pale cheeks and wondered if he was blushing?

" I'm glad to have the company Hermione. I really am." He smiled so sweetly to her that she couldn't help but smile back.

"Yeah me too Sirius, we've never really spent any time together before. It will be nice to get to know you better." She set the cup down on the counter giving him an earnest smile.

" Besides, I've always thought we should get to know each other better." She stuttered slightly at those words as he gave her a curious look, one between intrigue and agreement.

" Yeah me too Mione'." She blushed.

" Well I mean…for the sake of….Harry you know, and plus, your nice…and…" He laughed at her blush and rubbed her shoulder in a friendly manner.

" Don't worry Mione' I get it, I've been meaning to get to know you better to." They talked of their first meeting and a few other things.

She stood up and his heart sank a little, he had hoped maybe she would sit and talk longer. She stood at the entrance and beckoned to him.

"Now Sirius I must admit, I've always found you to be an immature prat, so be useful for once and take my bags put to my room." She winked at him and laughed as he made a mock hurt look.

"Well if you really think that." He stood up and grinned wickedly as he made to tickle her stomach and she jumped away.

Yes Sirius was glad for the company, but he couldn't shake the feeling he had every time she giggled or laughed at him.

Stop it now old man!


Thanx to my Beta

The jersey girl next door!

And all the reviewers -smile-