Chloe sat in the Torch, staring at the "Wall of Weird." She looked at the pictures of Clark she had put there. Finding the Kawatche Caves, the strange symbol that had been burned into the Kent's barn, and all the meteor freaks that Clark had managed to defeat and send to Belle Reve. She shook her head in wonder. She thought to herself, All of this time, all Clark's disappearances, and his pathetic excuses, all of it. She inhales deeply.

Chloe jumps a bit when Lois walks into the office.

Lois tells, "I'm headed back to school. I have an eight o'clock class tomorrow."

Slightly startled, Chloe stands up and starts putting papers in her bag.

She asks, "Looking for clues about Tim's ability? Things we should've seen before blaming Alicia?"

Chloe answers, "I think maybe I've seen too much already. I've spent the last four years ferreting out meteor freaks, trying to expose them. I never should've started this wall."

"Chloe, you're a reporter. You investigate and expose. That's who you are."

"Yeah, well, then I guess sometimes it sucks being me." She pauses. "Lois, if you found out something, something someone didn't want you to know about them, would you tell them?"

"That depends. Is that person someone you care about?"


"And does keeping the secret hurt anyone?"

Chloe thinks about it.

She shakes her head, "No."

"Then my answer is no. If I really cared about that person, I wouldn't tell them that I knew. But I would go out of my way to be supportive of them so that hopefully, one day, they would be comfortable enough to tell me themselves."

"No offense, Lois, but that's the last thing I expected to hear from you."

"I've learned the hard way that people keep secrets for a reason, even from the people they're closest to." Chloe looks thoughtful and sad. "Chloe, is there something you want to tell me? Are you the one with the secret?"

"No. No, it's not me."

"Okay. I'll see you in a couple of weeks or so."


"I'm sure whoever it is that you're talking about will tell you when they're ready."

Chloe nods. "Thanks."

They hug.


"Bye. Have a safe drive home."


Lois leaves the Torch. Chloe turns back to the Wall of Weird and focuses on a section that has several articles featuring Clark.

Chloe asks out loud,"Clark. Why didn't you just tell me?" She thinks for a moment. Deciding, she grabbed her keys and her backpack. She walked out to her car and headed for the Kent farm.

Xavier sat in the middle of the fake Cerebro. A little girl stood a few feet behind him.

The girl spoke, "Come on, Professor. Find them all, find all the mutants"

Xavier listened to her. He focused his power and began to search for all the mutants.

"Find them. Concentrate harder. Find them, and kill them."

Chloe pulled up to the farm. She stepped out of the car. She saw the light on in the barn. She hesitates for a moment, and then she determinedly walks into the loft. She looks around, and sees Clark sitting up on the couch. She inhales and bravely walks up the stairs. Clark doesn't look back but says over his shoulder, "Mom, Dad, I'm sorry, but I just want to be alone right now."

Chloe swallowed and spoke, "Clark, its Chloe."

Clark turned around quickly. "Chloe. I'm sorry. I didn't know it was you. I not trying to be rude, but I don't want company right now."

Chloe nodded, "I can understand that. I know how secrets can push people away. I know it doesn't change anything, but I think maybe I could have trusted your judgment about Alicia sooner. Maybe things would have out differently." She mentally prepared herself. "Clark, we need to talk."

Clark looked at her concerned, "Talk about what?" he asked.

Chloe looked Clark in the eye. "We need to talk about you."

Clark looked at her for a moment. Fearing what she meant, he tried to evade her, saying, "I… I don't know what you mean. It's late, maybe you should get home."

Chloe rolled her eyes. "Clark, I know you're scared, but you can trust me. I have some secrets too. I told you one of mine, how come you don't have enough bravery to tell me that you are a meteor mutant."

Clark reflexively laughed out loud, taking Chloe by surprise. He answered, "Chloe, I'm not a meteor freak." Chloe said, "You don't need to pretend about it anymore. I don't care about it. I know that you are super strong and super fast."

Clark gulped and denied it again. Sighing, she blurts out, "Clark, I saw you catch Alicia's car with your bare hands last night." Clark just stares back at her for a moment. Chloe continues, "Clark, I swear I will never, never tell anyone about this."

Suddenly, Chloe started looking around the loft. Clark looked to her and asked, "Chloe, is something wrong?"

Chloe turned to him and asked him, "Clark, is it me or did it just get really cold in here?"

Clark opened his mouth to answer when Chloe's body suddenly stiffened and she screamed out loud.

Clark forgot about their conversation and speeds over to her spasming body, and lowered her to the floor. Chloe's face and arms had gone completely pale as if her body was not getting any oxygen. As he watches, her hair starts growing longer. Confused, he x-rays her. He sees her skeleton and her muscles start growing thicker, while her blood is circulating way too fast to be normal. Not wanting to harm her, he gently picked her up and slowly started walking toward the house.

Jonathon and Martha came running in the barn. They looked up and saw Clark carrying a trembling Chloe down the loft stairs. Worried, Martha asked, "Clark, what happened to her?"

Clark shook his head as he set her down on the floor again, "I don't know what happened; we were talking and she just started seizing for no reason."

Chloe's body stiffened abruptly and then went limp. Clark quickly x-rayed her, and was relieved when he saw that she was still breathing. "She's ok, guys."

They were all surprised at what happened next. Chloe's eyes shot open. Instead of her normal hazel color, they were a dull orange and now looked like the eyes of a cat. She screams in shock, and everyone is shocked as it gradually turns to a low growl. Then her arm shots up, connecting with Clark's jaw. Martha and Jonathon's eyes both widened in shock and surprise when Clark is knocked back a few feet, falling over the stair railing. They looked down at Chloe questionly. She just looked at her hand and seemed to be just as shocked as they were.

Clark slowly stood up, getting his bearings. He felt his jaw and winced at the pain he felt. He looked at Chloe and he sarcastically asked, "Are you feeling better?"

Jonathon gave Clark a warning look, and said, "Clark, not now."

Chloe looked at Clark for a minute. She then commented, "I don't know how, but I can feel the amount of power that you have. It is almost overwhelming."

Jonathon and Martha looked at Chloe, both scared. They ask, "What powers?" Chloe turned to them and said, "Please, you don't need to be so scared. Clark is my friend, and you are both like family to me."

The Kent's all stared at her, confused. Chloe looked to Jonathon and Martha and suddenly looks horrified. She looked at Clark and yelled, "Clark, it's happening to them too!"

Martha asked, "What's happening to us?" She suddenly felt a pounding headache and extreme nausea. She falls to her knees and she absently wonders if this is how Clark feels around Kryptonite.

Clark and Chloe are both scared, not knowing what to do or who to get so they can help. They run over to hold them still. After a minute, they relax when the Kent's stop shaking and slowly get to their feet. Clark helps them up and checks to see if they are all right.

Chloe stands back until she notices something unusual. She looks between Clark and his parents. She blurts out, "Clark isn't human, is he?"

They all stop and turn to her. Jonathon looks at her, upset. He asks her, "How do know that?"

Chloe stutters, "I, I don't know. He just smells different from you two do."

Clark steps forward in front of his parents. "Chloe, how do you know about that and about my powers?"

Jonathon yells, "She knows about your powers!"

Unconsciously, Chloe steps up to them, growling. "Last night, I saw Cark catch Alicia's car like a basketball. I then saw him run away faster than anyone could see. I do not like being yelled at for being lied to about my best friend for all this time." Jonathon steps backs, somewhat scared of her statement.

Clark reaches for her shoulder to calm her down. Lightning fast, she brings her arm up and twists his arm behind his back. Clark is shocked at her speed and that he can't get out of her grip. He asks her, "Did you know you as strong as I am?"

Chloe realizes what she did, and quickly lets go. "Clark, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that. And another thing, how am I as strong as you?" She put her hands on her head and ran her fingers through her newly long hair. She felt it and asked, "Why is my hair so long now?"

She ran to a nearby mirror and looked at herself. She saw her hair and eyes. She just stood there for a minute. Everyone flinched when she suddenly drove her fist though the glass. Clark ran up to help her. He stopped when she slowly turned to him. She looked like she was totally terrified. She slowly brought her fist up so they everyone could see it. Clark saw her look and asked, "Chloe, what's wrong?"

She looked at him. She managed to say, "Clark, I don't feel it."

He answered her, "Well, you are probably in shock."

"No! I may be in shock, but I should still feel some pain. But I feel nothing, not now, or when I hit the mirror."

They looked at her hand. Their surprise grew when they saw the shards of glass slowly getting pushed up out of her skin. They stood there in awe as the cuts in her hand slowly seal themselves and totally disappear.

Chloe looks at the broken mirror. She whispers, "I think I'm a meteor freak."