Disclaimer: I don't own Digimon Frontier or any other Digimon seasons that's cameo in this story as a crossover.

Rated T for mild languages, fighting scenes, mild sensuality, bloody-violence, and some fantasy violence sequences.

Author's note: I apologize but I can no longer continue this story the way I wanted to. I started writing this fanfiction when I was still in high school back in 2006 and now that I've graduated from university, I'm more busy with life, work, and other responsibilities than ever. So as time goes by, the motivation to continue this story has died so I've decided to end it for good. However, I feel bad leaving you guys with a cliffhanger so I've decided to end this story with a synopsis, detailing what's going to happen next and how the story ends.

Bloody Nightmares Chapter 39: A Kind Heart

Upset at what she had heard from Koji, Kimi ran for home, crossing the same park where she was attacked, unaware that Ken/Dusk was waiting for her. During the attack, memories from the earlier assault and the earthquake rushed back into her mind, causing Kimi to panic as Ken/Dusk tried to rip the Galis Star from her heart. However, the bracelet that Izumi gave Kimi protected her from Dusk. Unable to touch her, Ken/Dusk resorted to using his elemental powers which he stole from the deceased Legendary Warriors. However, Kaze's magic in the bracelet still prevented him from using his new elemental magic to rip the Galis Star from Kimi. At this moment, Taichi, Daisuke, and the other Adventure kids arrived and confronted Ken/Dusk. Taking her chance, Kimi ran away, unsure of what she has seen.

The "Chosen Children" from Digimon Adventure and Zero Two tried to bring Ken back to their side, but when Dusk's hold is too strong, they resorted to use their Crests and Tags against him. With Daisuke's help, Ken realized that there was still kindness in his heart and awoken the power of the Crest of Kindness. Doing so, Dusk is banished from Ken's body and the kids rushed him towards the hospital.

Bloody Nightmares Chapter 40: Fiery Love

Angered by what happened, Dusk's spirit arrived in the kitchen of the Orimoto's family restaurant, setting off small explosions to set the building on fire. Panicked, everyone tried to evacuate, including Izumi's parents. To their horror, they realized that Izumi isn't with them during the confusion because she attempted to switch places with her cousin Rosalina before the fire attacks. Izumi tried to get out but her room is mysteriously locked (by Dusk who hoped the destroy the remaining two bracelets...which he did).

Takuya jumped in, trying to save her and the two of them are almost overwhelmed by the fire until the mysterious man in the red coat named Aguni shows up to save them. He uses his magic to snuff out the flames and thanks to him, Dusk's fire only destroyed parts of the restaurant and the rest of the building. Renovation would be quick and swift.

Seeing that Takuya has risked his life to save their daughter, Izumi's parents changed their minds about him and his friends and apologized on good terms. While their restaurant is being fixed, Takuya's dad offered the Orimoto family a place to stay at their house for the time being. Izumi confessed to Takuya that she has lost two of Kaze's magical bracelet and only has one left.

Unbeknownst to them, Dusk has found a new host in the crowd of people who came to watch the firefighters put out the flaming building: a mad scientist named Akihiro Kurata from Digimon Saver.

Bloody Nightmares Chapter 41: A Saver to Our City

The evil and twisted Kurata from Digimon Savers tried to convince the government to invest in his "Demon Lord" project but they deemed it too dangerous. When the board members discovered that Kurata went behind their backs to complete it, they fired him. Now under Dusk's control, Kurata managed to kill several of these board members and blackmailed the rest into giving him the resources he'll need for his "Demon Lord" Project. Under the pretense that it would "help humanity" the government ordered a secret organization called DATS to help Kurata with his project. Unbeknownst to them and Kurata, Dusk is planning to use the power of the Demon Lord project to blacken the sky in an eternal night. The project would also induce the power of sleep or "Sloth", one of the Seven Deadly Sins from a special machine and put the entire city asleep. This would enable Dusk plenty of opportunities for easy meal.

However, Tohma H. Norstein and his Digimon Savers friends discovered what Kurata was doing and plotted to stop him. They realized that Kurata has been "infected" with a foreign entity (Dusk) and decided to seek help from Commander-General Yushima, Commander Satsuma, Marcus's father, and Meruki (Merukimon) of the secretive Olympus Twelve organization. They told the Savers gang how to use a special device with a powerful defense mechanism called Burst Mode to eradicate this foreign entity from Kurata. Since Kurata is a man who could not be saved from his twisted ideals, they'll have to resort to the power of the mysterious devices. Like the Adventures kids, Masaru and his friends are unaware that his father, and Meruki, and the others received these Burst Mode devices from Aguni the Fire Wizard in order to banish Dusk.

They confronted Kurata/Dusk at the top of Tokyo Tower when he tried to turn on his Demon Lord machine to blacken the sky and put the entire city to sleep. Unfortuantely, Masaru and his friends must battle against Kurata's three henchmen: Nanami, Ivan, and Kouki. Thanks to Dusk's help, these three henchmen are more powerful than normal humans and gave Masaru, Yoshino, and Tohma a hard time. Luckily, Aguni's devices also infused them with "fiery" determination and willpower in order to defeat them. While they're battling Kurata's henchmen, Kurata/Dusk managed to turn on the machine and it began to darken the sky.

Bloody Nightmares Chapter 42: A New Bandana

A few days earlier, Kouji continues to look for information about his childhood friend. Concerned, Takuya and the others bombarded Kouichi and pressed him for information. Worried about his brother, Kouichi only tells them half of the truth about his twin breaking Kimi's heart. Furious, Takuya and Izumi confronted Kouji they broke into a huge argument. They threatened Kouji that they don't want him joining them on their group's summer camping trip in a few days if he doesn't apologize and get Kimi to come back.

Kouji doesn't want to at first but Lobo convinced his master to at least try to apologize to Kimi. When Takuya, Izumi, Kouji and Lobo arrived at Kyochi's house to explain, they were not welcomed by the boy genius. Furious at what Kouji did to his sister, Kyochi asked them to leave. But when Takuya tried to force his way in so that he can get Kimi down to listen to them, Kyochi resorted to using his medical chi blocking skill and managed to throw them out. At this point, the remaining bracelet that Kaze gave Izumi began to shine and Izumi immediately knew that Kyochi is the second bearer of the Galis Star.

Unbeknownst to Kyochi, Lobo managed to sneak through the house. Although Kimi refused to speak to Kouji, she gave Lobo the small present she was going to give to Kouji earlier before she ran off. The present revealed to be a new bandana to replace the one Kouji used on Kimi's bleeding wrist the day Ken/Dusk attacked her. Kouji is now torn between his feelings for Kimi and the mysterious "Kimchi". After much debate, he finally decides to go to the graveyard and meet his long lost childhood friend and see if she still remembers him.

Bloody Nightmares Chapter 45: The Demonic Sky

Kouji and Lobo went to the graveyard alone while Karuta/Dusk is launching the "Demon" machine. As the sky began to darkens, storm clouds began to take fold over the skies, but Kouji is undeterred by this and continues to wait for Kimchi to show up at her father's grave. During the wait, no one shows up except for Kimi. Seeing her, Kouji had to confess the truth about his feelings for someone else and why being around Kimi is starting to confused him. (He doesn't tell Kimi the details about Kimchi-chan yet.) Kimi is angry at first because Kouji did not trust her enough to understand. However, Karuta's machine powered up the storm clouds above their heads that causes a few unexpected lightning bolts. One stray lightning struck a tree branch, causing it to fall. Kouji managed to save Kimi by pushing her out of the way, but the two of them sustain minor injuries.

Grateful that Kouji saved her again, Kimi tells Kouji that his long lost childhood friend would be very lucky to have him as a friend because despite being a jerk, Kouji was willing to put himself in danger to protect those he cares about. Seeing that Kimi has sprained her wrist, Kouji decided to take her home knowing the fact that if he leaves now, he'll miss meeting up with Kimchi. But Kouji's conscious and honor wouldn't allow him to leave Kimi to herself in the cold, even with a minor injury.

Back at Kyochi's house, Kimi's twin patched up their wounds and apologized to Kouji for what happened earlier. Wanting to make sure Kimi was alright, Kouji and Lobo went up to Kimi's room. Inside, Kouji found a little girl's frilly dress on her bed. Kouji recognized it as the same one from the photo of him and Kimchi. Kimi came in and told him that it was her dress when she was little.

Bloody Nightmares Chapter 44: Together at Last

Kouji realized that Kimi was the only one who came to the graveyard and asked her why. Unaware that Kouji is making the connection, Kimi casually tells him that she only went there to give flowers to her deceased biological father, Kohaku Watsuki, and never expected to see Kouji and Lobo there to begin with. Not realizing who she really is to Kouji, Kimi tells him that when she was younger, her adopted royal parents had taken her to Japan and they had stayed with her adopted grandparents: the Kishimoto. Kouji realized that the old man from before, Kyosuke Kishimoto, is Kimi's adopted grandfather from her adopted mother's side and he was the one who had been teaching Kimi how to fight alongside her cousin, Kimie. "Kimichi-chan" was the nickname he gave to his granddaughter, Kimi, because the princess used to love eating the Korean dish when the royal family stayed with him and his wife.

Kimi tells Kouji a story that he knew too well: how she one day met a boy who protected her from a bunch of bullies and became friends. Kimi tells Kouji that soon she and her family had to moved back to Lusteria and so she never got the chance to say good-bye to her friend. Over the years, Kimi also forgotten about him and his name but she could still recall a few things they did together.

Kouji realized that his childhood friend and his first love was Kimi Watsuki/Princess Kimberly Anne Rowena Jane Clairebourne all along and he showed her the photo of them together as children. Shocked, Kimi is unsure how to respond. Kouji convinced her that he is the boy in the photo and that they were friends by telling her little bits of information she hadn't told him yet: about the little sparrow they tried to save from those bullies and what common snacks he got for her when they were in the park.

The two of them shared a teary embrace as Gali watches happily from a distance as the clouds broke with a sunny afternoon sky. At the same time, Masaru and the Savers managed to use the Burst Mode from their devices to banish Dusk from Kurata's body. Although they managed to disable his machine and lighten the sky, Kurata fell to his death when Dusk pulled him over the tower, intending on getting rid of loose ends.

Dusk managed to find a new host in a little girl named Juri Katou from Digimon Tamers. Although he was unable to blacken the sky with Kurata, he was able to get Juri to kill a few people for him to feast on their blood like usual. The more blood he spills, the more powerful he became. This time, he's amassing enough strength to control the D-Reapers.

Bloody Nightmares Chapter 45: The Princess Ball

Now that Kouji and Kimi have found each other again, they began to hang out more, much to the disappointment of Takashi and the surprises of Takuya and the others. Takuya continued to tease Kouji about having a girlfriend at last as if it was the same as seeing pigs fly. Needless to say, Takuya and Izumi are starting to hang out more like them as well, but to Junpei's disappointment. Seeing how happy his sister is, Kyochi forgave Kouji and occasionally hangs out with nine of them as well. (Takuya and Izumi gave Kyochi the magical bracelet from Kaze without telling him exactly what it is.)

With Koji starting to see Kimi more, their fathers are delighted as it also helps to strengthen their business investments. During another dinner party between the Clairebourne and the Minamoto families, the Duke announced that he was holding a Princess Ball for his daughter and decided to invite them. Knowing how boring it might be, Kouji suggested that Kimi invites Takuya and the others which she did. During the sophisticated (but very dull) party, the Norstein family from Austria also arrived, one of them being Tohma from Digimon Savers himself. His father and grandmother are there and they both pressured Tohma into asking Kimi's hand in marriage for political purposes.

Kimi's great-uncle, the current King of Lusteria, arrived unexpectedly for a visit and announced that despite being adopted, Kimi would be a legitimate Crown Princess of Lusteria. Because the King does not have any direct heirs of his own and with his brother dead, the Crown would pass on to the Duke and later to Kimi. Hearing this, Tohma realized that his father and grandmother only wanted him to marry Kimi because it would elevated his family into a royal line, making the Norstein noble family even more powerful. Tohma is reluctant but he proposed to Kimi anyway. This did not sit well with Kouji who almost broke into a fist fight with Tohma.

Pressured by both the King's announcement and Tohma's marriage proposal, Kimi tried to sneak away. Takuya and Izumi convinced Kimi to stay and let them handled the party by making it livelier with a few "accidents" such as a cake fight. The fiasco puts Kimi in a very good mood and she kindly refused Tohma's marriage proposal, stating that she's already in love with someone else. When Tohma asked Kimi who's the lucky boy (he already knows that it's Kouji Minamoto), her answer reminded him of his late mother, who was considered a commoner unlike his paternal side of the family. With Kimi's encouragement, Tohma happily accepted Kimi's rejection and promised her that next time, he'll propose to someone he's deeply in love with instead of basing it on her royal or common background.

Bloody Nightmares Chapter 46: Crystal Voice

Meanwhile, Dusk/Juri is hunting for more victims and is slowly gaining enough dark power to summon and control the D-Reapers. Sensing this, the Four Sovereigns met up with Gali and Kaze to warn them of the impending danger and the continuing bloody nightmare.

Izumi finally decided to use her winning ticket from the Obon Festival and invited Takuya to dinner at the fancy French restaurant. Now that her Cousin Rosalina has gone back to Italy to become a model, Izumi felt as though she only had Takuya to talk to. During their date, Izumi expressed her concerns over her family business. Since the murder and the fire incidents, her parents are getting less and less clienteles.

To their surprised, Kimi and Kouji showed up at the restaurant. It's revealed that the restaurant belongs to Kimi's uncle, the same man who attended the dinner party and Kouji's father is helping to finance as a favor to the Duke. Takuya asked the two of them if they have any ideas how to help save Izumi's family's restaurant to which they don't have the answers at first.

During dinner, they noticed a woman singing beautifully to a piano and realized that it's Gali the Water Oracle. After the show, Gali came to their table and Kimi immediately felt something mystical about her. Gali warned them to be careful on their trip in the mountains, especially at night.

Takuya suddenly came up with an idea and asked Kouji to play his band at Izumi's restaurant in order to attract more clients. Izumi asked Kimi to sing, but the princess is reluctant at first. However, she later agrees so long as everyone only knows her as a Watsuki rather than a Clairebourne. The entire group got together to organized it and once the renovation was done, they put on a small show. The plan worked as it attracts new clients to the newly designed Italian restaurant. In the crowds are the Chosen Children from all the other seasons from Digimon Adventures to Xros Wars.

Bloody Nightmares Chapter 47: Darkest Hour

Happy that things are working out, Kouji invited Kimi to come with them on their camping trip, much to Kouichi's disappointment. Although Kouichi is happy that his twin has reunited with his childhood first love, he couldn't help but feel neglected. Kouji seemed to want to spend more time with Kimi than with him lately to the point that Kouji forgot to attend Kouichi's violin recital.

Meanwhile, Takato and his friends from Digimon Tamers are worried about Juri. The four mysterious men called the Sovereigns appeared and gave them advice on how to help her break away from Dusk's control. Before they could, she ran off into the dark mountains where Takuya and his friends are camping. There, the nine of the ten Frontier kids along with Tomoki's older brother are spending their summer vacation by a lake. Kouichi hopes to spend some time with his brother, but Kouji's been seeing Kimi more and with his other friends busy playing with one another, the older twin feels left out, alone, and embittered. Dusk/Juri saw this and approached Kouichi one evening while he was alone on a trail. Löwe managed to protect Kouichi, but they realized that Dusk is getting more and more powerful as he summoned a storm of D-Reapers to attack the cabins his friends are in.

The D-Reapers, disguised as ravens and crows, began to peck and smashed their way into the cabins. Everyone is forced to board up the place. They realized that these were not normal crows as being pecked in the back of the neck by one causes severe case of dizziness, shortness of breath, high fever, and hallucination. Several of the D-Reaper crows made their way in and attacked Takuya, Kouichi, Kimi, Tomoki, and Masaki.

Aguni arrived with Kaze and used his fire magic to repel the D-Reapers while Kaze used her healing wind to cure some of the kids. Dusk/Juri was about to launch another attack when she was stopped by Takato and the other Tamers who were able to defeat the D-Reapers. Takato tapped deep into Juri's heart and made her remember that she still has love in her heart strong enough to banish Dusk from her.

Kouichi wakes up from his ordeal and went to find his brother. He accidentally stumbled on their private conversation about being together. When they shared a light kiss, Kouichi felt betrayed, realizing that Kouji rather spends more time with her than with him and angrily stormed off without the two of them noticing. Löwe pleaded with Kouichi but the boy would not listen as he went deeper into the woods.

He came across Dusk again who convinced him that his brother has been blinded by love like everyone else and has abandoned him for Kimi. Dusk tapped into the darkness in Kouichi's heart and convinced him to let the vampire take control of his body once again. Dusk promised Kouichi that he'll help him make Kimi and everyone who ignored him suffer in exchange for helping Dusk track down the Galis Stars and find his real body. Kouichi agreed and is once against corrupted by Dusk, this time on a higher level.

Bloody Nightmares Chapter 48: A Corrupted Soul

After the group returned to Tokyo, Kouichi began to distance himself more and more as he went to look for the other two bearers of the Galis Star. He managed to extract the first one from Taiki Kudo from Digimon Xros Wars. The Galis Star gave him the ability to be naturally good at almost anything such as sports. The extraction puts Taiki in a coma in the same hospital where Kyochi is trying to treat Ami.

Aguni and Kaze warned Takuya and Izumi what's going on as they rushed to find the fourth bearer of the Galis Star: Hikari Kamiya, Taichi's sister from Digimon Zero Two. They rushed to Odaiba but were too late. Kouichi/Dusk was able to corner Hikari and despite her best attempt to tap into her sixth sense, the Galis Star was painfully extracted from her body and she lost her clairvoyance power. However, Takuya and Izumi are shocked to see that Dusk is inside Kouichi's body before he fled the crime scene. They attempted to reason with him, but Kouichi made it clear that he's following Dusk and the path of Darkness out of his own free will.

Takuya and Izumi barely escaped with a comatose Hikari. At the hospital, they tried to warn Kyochi but he doesn't believed them or their story about Kouichi being a vampire.

Meanwhile at the Minamoto's home during a blackout, Kouichi attacked his father by hitting him on the back of the head from behind. Kouji found him and demanded to know what was wrong with his twin. To his horror, Kouichi is displaying dark powers in his attacks and realized that his brother is under the Vampire's influence again. Lobo and Löwe tried to stop Kouichi but they were quickly swatted away like flies. With Kouji trapped, Dusk/Kouichi tells him the origin story of their past lives as Lusterian Princes James and Jason and how history is repeating itself: like Prince Jason, Kouji has fallen for Kimi who's the reincarnation of Princess Maria. Being in love, Jason has all but forgotten his brother and like Prince James, Kouichi sided with Dusk and will extract his vengeance.

Before Dusk could strike at Kouji, Takuya and Izumi shows up and tried to stop Dusk. Tauntingly, Dusk admitted that it was he who nearly killed Ami and all of their families' acquaintances, set the fire, caused the earthquake, unleashed the D-Reaper crows on them and everything. To their horror, they realized that tonight's the night of the special lunar eclipse and that with it, Dusk would be able to retrieve his real body and achieve unlimited power.

Unfortunately, Dusk escaped and flew for the hospital where Kyochi's working the late night shift. Lobo and Löwe revealed that they can talk and told Takuya and Izumi to warn Kyochi. Their message came too late when Kouichi pretended to approach the prodigy for a visit before luring him into a trap. Dusk tricked Kyochi into removing his bracelet and ripped the Galis Star right out of him. Before blacking out, Kyochi tried to call Kimi and warn her but lost consciousness.

Bloody Nightmares Chapter 49: Death of the Oracle

With three out of four parts of the Galis Star in his possession, Dusk now knew where Gali hid his real body and flew towards her home to confront her. Knowing that he's coming for her, Gali attempted to us her magic and lock the full moon with a watery rope so that the lunar eclipse doesn't occur. Dusk attacked her from behind and demanded that she hand over his body. Gali refused and severed the connection to stop his plan. Unfortunately, Dusk realized that the lunar eclipse is special every one hundred years because it opened a gate to another dimension: the same dimension where Gali hid his real body. Opening the gate, Dusk arrived on one of the three moons of the Digital World and managed to retrieve his real body.

With his real body back, Dusk used his dark magic and impaled Gali before taking her water magic. Dusk flew towards the Clairebourne Manor for Kimi who has the last piece of the Galis Star.

The group split up with Lobo and Kouji running to save Kouichi and Kimi from Dusk's evil plan and Takuya, Izumi, and Löwe to Gali's house. Takuya and Izumi arrived too late to save Gali as she's dying from her wound. Before passing on, Gali expressed her apologies to Löwe for not being able to help them centuries ago. To make amends for it, Gali allowed Löwe and Lobo the ability to shift forms for the upcoming battle and gave Löwe a special dagger: the same dagger that Prince James used to kill himself that started the curse. If they can impale Dusk through the heart with it this time, the curse will break, if not Dusk will win and they won't have Gali to help them. Gali dies as Kaze and Aguni arrived too late to save her.

At Clairebourne Manor, the servants and body guards are knocked unconscious when Dusk used his abilities. He approached Kimi and tricked her into inviting him into her home and taking off her bracelet. Kimi realized too late that Kouichi is being manipulated by the same dark entity that appeared in her window many nights before as well as the same one who tried to attacked her in the park. He ripped the Galis Star out from her and managed to complete the four pieces into one sword.

Kouji and Lobo arrived too late to stop him as he disappeared with the princess unconscious in his arms.

Bloody Nightmares Chapter 50: Bloody Nightmares

They arrived in the graveyard where Kouji and Kimi met a few days ago. No longer needing Kouichi, Dusk separated himself from the boy and returned to his original body, achieving some parts of his immortality. Once he has drink the blood of the princess during the lunar eclipse, he'll be truly immortal and with all four pieces of the Galis Star, he'll be unstoppable to slowly conquer the entire world and plunge it into his own personal Kingdom of Darkness.

Kouji arrived in time to save Kimi but Dusk proved himself too powerful. Lobo and Löwe managed to transform into a full sized wolf and a lion to protect them. Kouichi wakes up and realized his mistake and blames himself for causing all of this trouble. The fight turns badly as Dusk was able to use the Galis Star and the elemental powers he stole from the fallen Legendary Warriors. He revealed another part of his plan: with the Galis Star, he can resurrect the dead Warriors and bring them back as his minions: Grumble, Arbor, Mercury, and Rana (who's a dead and evil version of Gali).

Outnumbered, Lobo and Löwe fell back and watched in horror as Dusk took hold of Kimi and was about to kill her for her blood. Luckily, Kouji used his kendo skill to knocked him out of the way and get to Kimi. Miraculously she woke up from her coma in response to his embrace and Kouichi realized that Dusk's weakness is true love.

Kouichi took it upon himself to trick Dusk by pretending to still want the honor of killing Kimi for stealing his brother away from him. Thinking that he's still angry with them, Kouji and Kimi were fooled as well but when Kouichi got closer to Dusk with his back against him, Kouichi grabbed the Galis Star from him and impaled them both. Kouichi declared that he's willing to sacrifice himself to atone for his sins and to ensure Dusk's death for good even if it means that he'll never be with twin again.

With Dusk defeated by Kouichi's act of selflessness, all the powers he stole projected heavenwards and the Galis Star returned to the sea. Even without the Galis Star, the other three previous bearers managed to wake up from their coma.

With Kouichi dying in Kouji's arm, Kouji, Kimi, and the Guardian Knights looked on helplessly. To their surprise, Gali's spirit appeared before them along with the spirits of the other fallen Legendary Warriors. They congratulate them for successfully defeating Dusk and granted Kouichi another chance at life. To their surprise, Lobo and Löwe transformed back into their human forms. Now that Dusk is dead and the curse is broken, Lobo and Löwe are free to live normal lives as men.

The lunar eclipse ended and they returned home, exchanging stories. But after what happened, Kouji and Kimi decided to break up, despite still in love with each other.

A few weeks later, Kimi revealed that she's going back to Lusteria in order to be groomed properly into a Crown Princess and eventually a Queen. Her brother, Kyochi, has been accepted into Lusteria's royal medical school and she decided to spend some time with him as Kouji decided to make up for lost time with his twin brother. Lobo and Löwe decided to come with Kimi and serve under her as they always had under past Lusterian rulers. The kids tearfully parted ways at the airport, with Kimi and Kouji sharing one last kiss. The promised to see each other again before Kimi, Kyochi, and their new Guardian Knights departed. As they left, the twins' mother, Tomoko Kimura, returned from her trip in Osaka and the family happily united.

Later that day, Kyochi's mother called and informed Izumi that her friend Ami has made a full recovery and is the only survivor from Dusk's attack. Rejoiced, Takuya and Izumi decided to stay together as an official couple, which made Ami very happy. Ami doesn't recall what happened to her, but when Kouichi came to apologize for what happened anyway, Ami began to notice Kouichi's sweet nature and found him attractive and the two began to get along. From a distance, Aguni and Kaze decided to follow their example and stayed together as the last two remaining Legendary Warriors in order to honor their friends' death.

Bloody Nightmares: Epilogue Love Me Harder After All These Years

Three years has passed and the Frontier kids are in high schools and are planning to attend college soon. Takuya and Izumi are still together and working side by side in her family's new restaurant, despite a few arguments; Kouichi and Ami just started going out, Junpei landed a part-time job as an assistant to a family of magicians while Tomoki became the new captain of his soccer team. Takashi decided to follow in his mother's footstep and is starting to become a genius in fashion designing while Masaki landed himself a scholarship at a tech university.

They note that their futures might take them to different places, but they promised to stay in touch and be friends forever. They suddenly remembered their Lusterian friends and wondered if they'll ever see them again. After school, Kouichi and Kouji came by the hospital to visit their mother at her work. To their surprise, Tomoko tells them that Kotone's son, Kyochi has returned to Japan for a quick visit as a fully licensed doctor.

Seeing that Kyochi's back, Kouji rushed outside to see a limo waiting for him. Thinking that it'll take him to the empty Clairebourne Manor, Kouji got it. However, the limo stopped at a park and the driver revealed himself to be his old friend Lobo. Instead of taking him to the mansion, Lobo drove Kouji to the park where he and Kimi first met as children. There, he's reunited with Kimi who's even more beautiful than she was two years ago, looking like a real elegant princess. She's accompanied by Löwe.

Both Lobo and Löwe informed Kouji that in the last two years, a lot has happened in Lusteria: the King abdicated his throne and Kimi's father became the new ruler, making her the Crown Princess of Lusteria. Kimi asked Kouji if he still loves her now that she's different. Kouji shook his head and replied that he had always loved her long before he knew she was royalty and would continue to have feelings for her with or without the crown. Happy with his answer, Kimi asked him if he wanted to see Lusteria, the kingdom that he used to live in when he was still Prince Jason hundreds of years ago. Naturally, Kouji agreed so long as his brother and friends can come, too. The story ends with them getting back together and all ten kids getting together to go to Lusteria for a new adventure.

The End

So long guys. It's been a great ride while it lasted.