Pretty, Pretty Puzzle



"… And do you remember that time we managed to slip a bit of rat's dung into Snivellus's cauldron and it blew up? The greasy git was covered in pink slime," Sirius said, as he and James reminisced. Lily simply rolled her eyes as her husband and his best friend remembered their past pranks.

"Ah… those were the good Marauder days…" James sighed, tucking Lily's hands into his own. Sirius smiled. Even in death, James loved Lily.

"Sirius, I'm so glad we could see you again," Lily said, smiling sadly. Sirius laughed nervously. Why did he get the feeling that something was going to happen?

"Why do I get the feeling that something's going to happen?" he asked out loud.

Lily and James glanced at each other. James looked a bit sad.

"Sirius…The thing is, is that you're… You're not dead," James said.

"What? What do you mean? I'm here; you and Lily are here…What do you mean I'm not dead? I fell through the veil!" Sirius asked, puzzled.

"Yes, you fell through the veil. But you aren't dead, not yet. If you stay here any longer than you'll no longer be able to go back to the world of the living. Haven't you noticed that you don't look as… transparent as we do?" Lily said.

Sirius glanced at himself and then back at the Potters. Lily was right. He did look more solid than the couple.

"But what if I don't want to go back to the living world? What if I want to stay here with you guys?" Sirius asked, panicking. How could James not want to be with him? They were the best of best friends! It was James and his parents who took him in when his own mother disowned him for being a traitor or so Mrs. Black said.

James sighed unhappily. He hated this. "I wish you could stay here too –"

"Then why can't I!"

"Because you can still return to the world of the living. Lily and I can't."

"Then —"

"Have you forgotten about Harry? Your godson? Or what about Remus? I bet Remus is heartbroken about you. And I know Harry is blaming himself for your death," Lily reminded him. She looked like she wanted to cry. How she missed her Harry! She wanted to be able to hug him, to hold him and comfort him and to wipe away his tears. Though she was dead, the feelings to mother him had not gone away.

Sirius's face paled considerably and his eyes widened in shock. "Remus…" How could he have forgotten? He had been too obsessed with being able to see James again that it had completely slipped his mind. Feelings of guilt flooded him.

James smiled grimly. "You can't stay here yet. You have to go. I wish I could go too. It would be great to be able to see my son…I wish I could go to one of his Quidditch matches…And I wish I could talk to Remus again, but that isn't possible for us. We're dead. But you aren't. And I want you to look after Harry for us, since we can't," the man said, sadly.

"But…" Sirius protested weakly.

"Please, Sirius. Please look after Harry for me," Lily pleaded. Sirius couldn't find the heart to refuse Lily's sad, pleading eyes. Sighing dejectedly, he nodded.

"I'm sorry Sirius. I wish I could spend more time with you, but too much time has already passed. Already you're becoming transparent like we are. And once you reach our state, you'll never be able to go back to the world of the living. You have to go," James said, pained.

"But how do I get out of here?"

"Don't worry. We'll show you the way. Come," Lily said, walking on an unseen path.

"Do you even know where we're going? I mean, all there is here is white, white and more white," Sirius asked, puzzled.

James laughed. "Well, it's good that you see that. But for us dead, it's different. At least we know for sure that your time isn't up yet. It's why nobody has been able to leave this place once they fall through the veil. It's because to them, everything is the same, and no one can see back to the doorway."

"But you have us to guide you out, so you'll be fine," Lily said. After a few moments, the couple stopped and Sirius stopped with them.

"We're here," James said. Sirius felt like the world was slipping from under him. Did he truly have to leave them? He didn't want to. But at the same time, his heart was calling out for Remus and to Harry.

"I don't see anything." But as soon as the words left his mouth, a door-less frame appeared. "Cliché," he muttered. "Let me guess, I just step through that and then I'll find myself back in the world of the living?"

James laughed and nodded. Then the seriousness of the moment came back and his smile disappeared. It was difficult for him to tell his friend to go, but he had to.

"I'm sorry… I couldn't help you. I should've never thought to change the secret keeper…" Sirius apologized, feeling years and years of guilt.

Lily smiled sadly. "It's alright Sirius. It's not your fault. We don't blame you at all. Just… look after Harry for me? Please?"

"Couldn't refuse you for the world," Sirius said, giving her a charming smile.

"Yeah, and say hello to Remus for us and say that we miss him lots. And tell him to hang in there strong."

"And Sirius…" Lily hesitated a moment, "…Tell Harry that no matter who he falls in love with, no matter who he ends up with, we'll support him no matter what. And tell him that we'll love him no matter what his decisions are."

James and Sirius looked at her quizzically. "Do you know something I don't?" James asked, puzzled. Lily looked at him with an impish smile.

"Since when do I don't know something you don't?" she said.

"Hey!" James protested and Sirius laughed. "You know who Harry's going to end up with, don't you! You and your Seeing powers!" Lily nodded.

"Who is it?" James asked. Lily whispered into his ear. James's eyes widened in surprise.

"Him? Are you sure?" Lily glared at her husband. She had Seen it and what she Saw was never wrong. "Well alright… But still. Him! Of all the people… It just has to be him." Lily glared at James once more. "Well alright, if that's who Harry loves, then I'll support him, no matter what," he said wincing. "But it will take time getting used to."

Lily sighed. Well, better than nothing. "So you will tell him, Sirius?"

Sirius nodded. "But come on Lily, tell me, who is it? It's a guy, right?"

Lily nodded. Sirius shrugged. He had no problems with homosexuals. After all, if he did, he'd have a pretty big case of hypocrisy.

"Come on Lily, spill. Who is it?"

Lily shook her head. "No, I'll have to let you find out for yourself. I'm sure you'll find out soon enough, anyway. It'll probably come as a big surprise too. But, Sirius, will you promise me that you'll try your best to support Harry too?"

Sirius pouted like a kid. "Yeah I will," he said at last.

"Thanks Sirius."

"I guess is the part where we hug and cry and kiss and I step through that door frame like some Muggle movie, right?" Sirius said, smiling weakly. He was trying not to cry.

James laughed sadly and nodded. He pulled his best friend into a hug, knowing it would be a long time before they would be able to meet again.

"We'll see each other again. I promise," James said, letting his friend go so he could hug Lily.

"Yeah, and I'll try to do force Remus into coming with me and Harry to do Marauder things," Sirius said, trying to lighten the mood.

James laughed. Lily tried to frown with disapproval, but she couldn't help the smile.

"It's time," she said after a short while. "You have to leave; otherwise you'll be trapped here forever."

Sirius nodded. With a final look of farewell to his best friends, he turned to face the large, imposing doorframe.

Taking a deep breath, Sirius stepped forward. Through the doorway… And back to life.


Disclaimer: Harry Potter and all of its characters don't belong to me. I've just simply borrowed them for this story.