Hey, everyone. I'm back after three months. It's been so long. You would think that after three months that I would have a whole story ready for you guys, but sadly I don't. I've been so busy with traveling that I haven't had much time to do much. However, I do have the first chapter of the Of Love and War ready for you. I hope you guys are ready. Yes, I know the title is a little corny, but it's the only thing I could think of. You'll see why.

Trials of Love

Summary: Katara and Zuko make it back to a rebuilding Southern Water Tribe. Everything seems to be going fine until the Fire Nation shows up. Things turn for the worst when Katara's own village turns against her, and now her best friend Aang is after Zuko as well. With the whole world against them and no where to hide, it will be almost impossible for Katara and Zuko to survive, let alone their love.

Disclaimer: Of course, I don't own Avatar! Why can't anyone see that? I really don't want to get sued, so I better say it again. I…DO…NOT…OWN…AVATAR! But I wish I did.

I hope this is good enough for you guys. Hope you enjoy it.



No Turning Back

Katara slowly stirred from her sleep. She was having a fascinating dream when the ship suddenly jerked. She yawned as she slowly got out of bed. As she made her way to the mirror, she stared to undress herself. She then unwrapped the bandage that covered her left arm. She moaned at the burns. She could barely move it, even though it had been almost two weeks since she had escaped from Zhao. She never wanted to relive those days again. All that time without food and water had made her body weak, and all that torture had seriously damaged her body.

She shook off the bad memories and tried to stream some water. She dropped it about five inches above the bowl. She decided to put her arm in the water to heal it that way, but nothing happened. She sighed as she started to rewrap her wound. She was still too weak to heal even herself. She turned around to stare at her back. It was completely covered in scourge marks. Her body used to be so beautiful. Now her smooth, tan skin was completely scarred.

As she put her clothes on, she started to cheer up. "Don't worry, Katara," she thought to herself. "You'll be home soon. You can heal your wounds then. Besides, you have someone important to take care of." She smiled as she started to limp out of her room. Her legs still hurt from the torture, but that didn't stop her. She needed to get some fresh air. She slowly walked up to the deck looking the one person she wanted to see the most, but she found a man with a buzz cut in uniform staring at the ocean.

"Excuse me, sir, but have you seen…" Katara gasped when the man turned around. "Zuko?" Katara couldn't believe her eyes. He looked cute with the new haircut, but she had always loved his ponytail. Now it was gone.

"Katara, you should be resting right now," Zuko said as he hugged her gently, careful not to cause her more pain. "Please go inside."

"I need fresh air, Zuko. I need to see my element to survive. You know that." Her eyes saddened when she looked at her prince. "What did you do to your hair?" Zuko's smile stayed, but his eyes were filled with grief.

"I…cut it. You know what this means, don't you?" Katara looked at the ground. She knew full well what it meant. Zuko had given up on the Fire Nation. He could never return to his home.

"Why would you give up like that?" Katara asked. Zuko turned back to her with a smile.

"I haven't given up on life, just the Fire Nation. I want to start a new life with you. I love you, Katara. I would give up anything for you. There is nothing tying me to my father now. Nothing will hold me back." Katara embraced her prince as silent tears fell from her eyes.

"There's no turning back now. You do know that." Zuko nodded at her words.

"I won't turn my back on you, my love. I will always be with you." He finally pressed his lips against hers. She tasted so good. He never wanted to let go of Katara, and she never wanted to let go of Zuko. They wanted this moment to last forever, but Zuko finally pulled away for air. "I have something to show you. Close your eyes."

"Don't play games, Zuko. You know how much I hate being toyed with." Zuko laughed as he grabbed her hand.

"Do you trust me?" Katara nodded. "Then close your eyes and take my hand. I won't let you down." Katara did as she was told. She could feel him leading her towards the front of the ship. Suddenly, she felt the wind grow colder. The air started to smell familiar. "Alright, open your eyes."

She opened her eyes and gasped. She tried to say something, but the words wouldn't come out. In front of her was the South Pole.

"Zuko, but how?" she asked in awe.

"We caught a sudden current. It took us right here. You'll be home tomorrow." Katara started to cry again. "What's wrong? Why are you crying?"

"Because I'm so happy," Katara said while clinging to Zuko. For the first time in almost a year, she would see her grandmother. She would finally be home. And the best part of it was that she would be welcoming her love to her home. "I'm home."


That took a while. I don't know how great it is. This is more of an introduction. The action will start soon. I don't know how soon it will be before I update. It will either be before or after Labor Day weekend. My birthday is on the 4th, so I'll be taking some time off. Please review to see what you think. Cya.