Disclaimer: All Star Trek people, places, things, and ideas belong to Paramount Studios. This story is based on the episode Ship in a Bottle containing spoilers. Dr. Evangeline Muller and the Gireezians are mine.

Chapter 9: Permanence

Evangeline was examining data from a newly discovered star system and its inhabitants, downloaded from Federation Headquarters, when the call came. "Crusher to Muller, there's been a medical emergency involving Moriarty."

"I am on my way, Doctor," the other woman responded, dropping everything and heading toward sickbay.

She stopped as the doors to sickbay hissed open and gasped, seeing Moriarty on a biobed surrounded by the medical team. After the initial shock, she recovered her speed and raced over to Dr. Crusher. "What has happened?" she asked the doctor.

Crusher held a tricorder over Moriarty and sighed in frustration. "I don't know why I didn't notice this before. His immune system, because of how his body was created, is far weaker than a normal human immune system, much like yours actually."

Evangeline crept over to an open space by Moriarty's head. "Oh James, I'm so sorry. Had I thought enough to-"

He interrupted her. "My dear, it was not your fault. Our planning could be much improved upon," he paused and turned toward the doctor. "Dr. Crusher, what is my status?"

"Poor at the moment. The truth is that I'm not sure we can save this body," she admitted.

"But you helped me!" Evangeline protested.

Crusher looked over at the woman sympathetically. "You had a few past immunities to work with, and you were not just assembled. His body needs more time to adjust to itself and we shouldn't have beamed him down to Earth so quickly."

A thought occurred to Evangeline. "Doctor, since his higher brain functions are on the data crystal, could we put him back in the holodeck until his body is restored?"

"I don't know if this can be restored, and I don't know if we could transfer him back after being in a body," she mentioned.

"I would rather live as a hologram than leave Evangeline," Moriarty rasped. Seeing as his condition was still deteriorating, Crusher gave him a hypospray, sending him into unconsciousness.

"I will do the best I can," Crusher promised.

"Then I intend to help," Evangeline asserted.

They worked for a while, attempting similar treatments to the ones that had been administered to Evangeline, but they were not working as well as either woman had hoped. "Why are we not getting anywhere?" Evangeline complained.

Crusher sighed in frustration. "Because his physiology is different from yours and I'm missing something!"

Evangeline let a tear slip through as she stared down at the resting face of her beloved. "Forgive me James, we've tried," she whispered, closing her eyes for a moment. Then she realized it and jerked her head back up. "What happens when children are born in an environment without germs like this one?" she questioned.

"The have the mother's immunities of course, but we always-" she stopped, realizing Evangeline's train of thought. "It might work."

"What would work?" Evangeline inquired.

"For children born on starships, we replicate more of the mother's immunities and amplify them. I could even try it for you because you used to have immunities. For him, I'll need a few donors, but it's worth a try," Crusher explained.

After skimming her patients' data files, Crusher arrived at the most likely donor for immunities. However, she figured that it might take some convincing, as the donor would be reluctant to help out his former adversary any more than he already had.

Picard was on the bridge as they were scanning a new mauve gaseous anomaly when he was called. "Crusher to Picard, could you come down to sickbay for a moment?"

"Of course, Doctor," he answered automatically as he stood.

When he arrived, he notice a very distraught Evangeline wiping her eyes as she stood in front of the biobed, though he could not immediately see who was on it. "Dr. Muller? Beverly, what's this all about?" he questioned.

"Moriarty. His immune system is underdeveloped and he needs a donor for some basic immunities. I've checked the ship's medical records and you're his closest match," she explained.

"This is preposterous! Why couldn't he have just stayed a hologram?" Picard complained.

Evangeline walked over to him. "I am truly sorry about all the inconveniences that both James and myself have caused you. Please, this is our last resort," she implored.

"Dr. Muller, do you understand what you are asking? Have you ever read a book called Frankenstein?" Picard challenged.

Speechless, Evangeline looked away and turned back to Moriarty. Crusher marched over to Picard and grabbed his arm. "Jean-Luc, I'd like a word with you," she said crisply.

She led him into her office and glared at him. "Those two have pestered me in worse ways than Deanna's mother," the captain complained.

His chief medical officer crossed her arms. "You are being pig-headed about this. For as much trouble as those two have been, can't you see that she loves him? And really, Jean-Luc, Frankenstein's monster? Moriarty may have been assembled, but for the most part, that woman in there has done a darn good job of assembling him. Except for the flaw in his immune system, he is a fully functioning human being," she argued.

"Beverly, I- this has turned into a fiasco!" Picard sputtered.

Crusher was not about to back down. "Jean-Luc, she loves him. Just because you can't stand him, you have no right to make her suffer for it."

He stared at Crusher and held her gaze for a long minute, and then he sighed and glanced back at Evangeline and Moriarty. "I suppose you're right," he grumbled.

She quickly drew a sample of his white blood cells and after a few adjustment injected the sample into Moriarty, using amplification techniques. Six hours later they had their answers. Moriarty blinked his eyes and smiled warmly at Evangeline. "My dear, what has happened? Am I really still alive?" he asked.

Evangeline grinned and reached for one of his hands. "Yes, James, you are very much alive. It was a success and you will be fine. Actually because of the procedure that Dr. Crusher used, you should soon have the immune system of a normal human," she remarked.

"What about you? Could we not try the procedure on you as well?" he suggested.

Before Evangeline could reply Crusher walked over to examine her patient's vital signs. "I was actually going to suggest that. We would have to see if we could find you a match first, but I believe that this procedure might fix your problem as well."

Evangeline agreed to the procedure and a donor was found, a young ensign. The ensign agreed, finding the science of it to be interesting. Hours later, Moriarty was well enough to wander around sickbay and Evangeline was waking from a slumber as her body adjusted to the procedure. Crusher studied the other woman's vitals and faced her with a grin.

"Dr. Muller, as far as I can tell, it worked. I can't believe we didn't think of it sooner. I can discharge both of you from sickbay today," Crusher relayed.

"That would be wonderful," Evangeline relayed as she sat up. Then she faced Moriarty as he took both of her hands in his. "James, now we can live wherever we want. We do not have to trouble Captain Picard any longer," she mentioned with a smile.

He stroked the backs of her hands with his thumb. "There is one more matter that I would like to trouble him with," he paused and dropped down on one knee. "Evangeline, you have given me a life that I could only dream of. You proved to me that I did not need a woman whom I was programmed to love, nor did I need to exploit this ship. You have given me true happiness. I only ask that you permit me to attempt to do the same for you. I love you. Evangeline, will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?" he propositioned.

For a moment her eyes were wide with shock. Then a bright smile lit up her face. "Yes James, I love you very much. I would like very much to be your wife."

The two hugged and Crusher grinned at the two, imagining what would happen when Evangeline would ask Picard if he conduct their marriage ceremony. To her surprise, Picard agreed without much of a fuss. Then she learned that he did not mind marrying the two because after their honeymoon, they were transferring to the science vessel Magellan when she spoke with the captain after the ceremony.

Crusher raised an eyebrow. "But Jean-Luc, where are they having their honeymoon? We aren't stopping by a planet again for a while," she inquired.

Picard smiled wryly as he told her, "They'll spend the next three days on the holodeck, something about being back in London, I believe."

Moriarty and Evangeline entered the holodeck to their usual view of Victorian London. He smiled at her as their arms were linked. "I have missed this place. Modern London did not feel comfortable as this has," the former hologram mentioned.

Evangeline smiled kindly. "Did you miss the fog then?"

He leaned closely and gave her a peck on the cheek. "I missed you, my dear. It could never be home without you," he whispered.

"I quite agree," she said simply as they strolled down the street, waving occasionally at passersby. Then she realized that there was one person whom she had not seen. "James, what happened to Sherlock Holmes?" she inquired.

"I have left him in Mr. Data's program, my dear. This program is ours and therefore his presence was not needed," he replied with a grin.


(I had fun writing this, and I am soooo sorry that I had such a long gap between updates. I hope this story has been enjoyable. Thank you for reviewing :D)