Little did Massie know that when she was gone, there had been a rising clique that declared themselves on the top of the food chain, calling themselves Beauty Elite. Here are their members:

Rue Hera: Tired of her group being B-list, when The Pretty Committee left (and her twin brother became the hottest thing since Coach bags) she moved them forward successfully. She now thinks about only three things: the latest spring fashions, Massie's wrath, and who her brother really likes.

Ana DuPont: Due to both of her parents being a couple of the most famous agents for celebrities in California, she has the hottest connections to real celebrities and free comps. But she worries: does her alpha have what it takes to lead the school?

Shannon Merrill: A strawberry-blond rebel with a cause, she decided early on that she wanted one boy, and only one: Rue's brother. But now it seems that everyone wants him! Looks like the only way to get him is to play dirty…

Michelle Thompson: Is convinced that her clique is on a downward spiral. Wants to break off her group before they break up completely. All this and the fact that the boy she wants most is the already sought-after Josh Hotz.

Taylor Kensington: She uses her acting skills constantly to fool others into thinking that she's sugar-sweet. But she also is having trouble convincing others that she has what it takes to make it big without Ana's help.