Doug's first Pitched Tent

It was just another day in the Town of Bluffington. The sun rose above Doug's house, and he woke up because of his alarm clock. The alarm clock released the sound of the backstreet boys singing.

After he turned it off, he yawned and streched and like uh, oh yeah. He said "What hte fuck did I do last night lol?

Porkchop: Arrrewr

Doug: Thats the last time I buy shit from you porkshit. That shit tasted like shit.

Just a moment, skeeter walked outside Doug's house and yelled "HONK HONK!"

Doug: That honking noise is gay

Skeeter: Oh man, dont be trippin, I got an idea that will be cool to do

Doug: K

Doug and Skeeter walk to school

Doug: What the hell are we doing in school on a saturday?

Skeeter: Well man, look, Mr Boner said hed meet us here to give us a golden shower

Doug: Oh cool, I'd love one of those. My showers all rusty and shit.

They enter the school

Mr. Boner: Oh there you two are, come into my office

They go inside his office.

Mr. Boner: I got a big fucking boner like I do all the time which is why my name is Mr. Boner and I need to spill my man juice out of my balls or else tehy will explode and floor the entire city with smut!

Doug: Sounds like a deal, how about a Blowjob?

Mr. Boner: Sure, I'm going to yodel while you suck my cockk!

Skeeter: Can I stick my blue/greenish cock up your ass while you get a blowjob from the kid with a microscopic dick?

Mr. Boner: You know it. Remember, No Funnie buisness Doug Funnie. Now get on your knees faggot!

Doug: Hey how did you know I was a gay ass faggot anyways that liked cocks in his mouth?

Mr. Boner: I read your journal

-Doug gets 100 percent naked-

Doug: Ok good enough, let us start in a few minutes, I need to run to the store to buy some lube and some condoms becaus eI like blowing them up like a balloon!

Doug Runs out and goes to the store still naked with his small cock flying around, just then, near the store theres Roger and his friends Boomer, Willy, and that stupid kid with gay hair and a big eye.

Roger: What you runnin around for faggot?

Doug: I'm buying lube so I can fuck Mr. Boner in the ass easier!

Roger: Oh, can we come!

Doug: Only if you spread peanut butter all over my testicles.

Roger: Sweet! Everyone, lets go to school and get fucked by Mr. Boner!

Doug goes in the store and meets Chuckie whos doing a 3 some with Patti and Bee Bee in the corner of the bathroom.

Doug: Hey chuckie, wanna get fucked by mr boner, me, Skeeter, and Roger and his faggot followers?

Chuckie: Sure!

Bee Bee: can we come

Doug: No way, Eww, Girls have cooties.

Doug walks up to the cash register with the lube and money

Doug: Nice, White lube for me and Mr. Boner and everyone else, come on Chuckie

They go back to Bluffington Elementry

Mr. Boner: What took you so long

Doug: I dont know, lets just fuck. Let me suck your cock while I put lube on Skeeters Dick when he puts it up your ass.

Doug smears "Lube" All over Skeeters Cock, and he sticks it in Mr. Boner's Ass

Chuckie, Roger and his goons have a hot sweaty five some. and Doug starts sucking Mr. Boner's Boner while he yodels

Mr. Boner: Yode la he! Yo de la he hooo... Yo de... eehhh.. la... hee... Yo de lay... heeeeeeeeeee. hooooooooooooo

Mr. Boner squirts milk all over Dougs face and it drips off his nose.

Skeeter: Yo doug, I can't get my cock out of Mr.Boner's Ass

Roger: You fucking faggot funnie. This isnt Lube, its Super Glue!

Whah whah whah oh no Funnie Fucked up! LOL