Just to be safe: PG-13 due to some language.

Disclaimer: Numb3rs not my property, don't own the characters, just playing with them for a bit. I promise to give them back slightly used.

A/N: I asked Miz Em to write a FTO for me and that got me thinking about Colby. This is the story that came out of that idea. I guess you can say Miz Em was the muse. Anyway if she reads this, I hope she likes it. It does seem to be a Colby centered fic.

Summary: An earthquake creates destruction for the FBI team.

Warning! This is not a happy ending. If you hate sad endings turn back now! Major Character Death story. I guess every writer has to do at least one. Got in my head and I had to write it. Should have been grading papers…oops. This fic hasn't been edited. I hope you will enjoy it. Feedback is appreciated.


Disobeying Orders – Sometimes it's Necessary.

Colby straighten his tie, while he looked in the mirror one last time. His hand reached out for the bed and slowly he sat on the edge. Looking at the clock on the wall, he waited. His foot tapped impatiently, ready for action.

"Your chariot awaits." David sighed as he figured out the lame joke fell flat. "Tuff crowd. Look, hospital rules. Only way I could spring you from this joint."

"David, you got to understand…I have to be able to walk on my own two feet. A cane is bad enough, but I draw a line at the wheelchair. Take it back, I'll go slow." His eyes plead for understanding.

David hanged his head and for a few moments refused to look his partner in the eyes. Sorry Colby, but it's for your own good. He was spared having to respond as a nurse entered the room. Sara was efficient and bossy and for once David was glad for her support.

Sara grabbed the cane with her left hand and stood directly in front of Colby. "You won't be needing this. You're being discharged for a couple of hours only… on the grounds that you follow a few ground rules. If you disobey the rules, you will regret it. You will undo all the healing and physical therapy by doing too much too soon. You're only supposed to be up walking with a cane for a few minutes at a time. So I will remove the said temptation and when you're back…safely tucked in you're bed, I will return the object. This way, I know that you will be in the wheelchair like you promised and that you will walk only if you are assisted. I have a son, you know…so I know a few of the tricks you would try to pull if I didn't remove your desire to cheat the system." Without saying another word, she left with the cane safely in her possession.

Colby blinked back the tears and clinched his fists. "That woman!"

"Now, would I let you down? Look, follow my lead and I promise you it will work out in the end. Trust me. You can do that, can't you?" Hopeful eyes searched his partner's face.

I trust you…It's just that it's so important. I can't look weak today of all days. Please, I'm begging you. It's not a macho thing. It's not even about me. It's about…I just can't let them see me…not well. Tell me, you can understand?" Pleading eyes pierced his partner's heart.

David swallows and for a moment he is unable to speak. Gruffly, "Let's get going. Sorry man, but the wheelchair is your only ticket out of here. I got it covered, but there isn't a way to get around this. I won't risk your health. You can't ask that of me. You came too close to ending your career…to being paralyzed. I understand how important today is…for you…for all of us. But I will not be part of undermining your recovery! Now are you getting in the chair…or do I leave your butt here. Just one thing, If I leave without you…the phone will be disconnected as far as your concerned. Just try me!"

"Alright already…help me in the damn chair. I can't walk that far without my cane and you made sure that is gone…so…lets get going before we're late.

David smiles sheepishly and rolled the chair closer. Helping Colby to get comfortable in the wheelchair and without another word, he pushed the chair out the door. Neither said anything on the way out of the hospital. It was difficult enough, without adding useless chatter. Locking the chair in place, David held out his arm. Colby grabbed it and gingerly stands. Megan opens the back door of the SUV.

"No, way…,"sputtered Colby slamming his right fist against his leg. Hating his weakness, and not really capable of resisting the two strong arms that assisted him in standing. Wanting to fight them, but allowing his suit coat to be removed and before he can protest again, he is horizontal in the back seat. Watching as his friends worked quickly and efficiently in getting him settled in the back seat.

Finally, David voiced his opinion. "Took us a bit to figure out how to make sure that you would be safe and secure for the ride." A loud click – demonstrated how helpless and dependent on his friends to do the simplest of things. "There, all done. Just one more thing and we can get on the road."

Weakly, he protested, "Please…I don't want to be fuzzy."

Megan took on the role of bad guy this time – after all sometimes it had to be shared. "Either you take your medicine like a good boy, or we all go back inside. If you can't go, then we won't either. But I would really like to be there, so how about just helping us out one more time?"

"You know how much I hate that stuff and how it makes me feel." Seeing that his pleas are falling on deaf ears, he took his medicine and quickly swallowed the pills in one gulp.

"Thank you. Now lay back and rest. It will take a bit to get there with traffic and all. Even with all your resisting, we should be able to get there early." He disappeared and Colby heard a sound like a door closing, but before he can say anything else, the drugs did their job and he slipped into a peaceful slumber.

"Much easier than I thought it would be. I'm a little surprised he's drifted off so quickly." Megan replies.

"Not really. I had the nurse give it too him an hour ago. She offered a choice either he would take the vitamin or he would be going no where. He was still out of it and didn't even notice it was his nighttime pain pills. We both figured after he showered and go dressed, the pain pills would do the rest. Glad we were right. This is going to be harder than I thought." David rubbed his temple with his left hand while keeping the right on the steering wheel.

"Then what did you make him take just now? Colby will kill you when he gets better if he missed today's service." Megan glanced at the sleeping Colby and once again looked at David waiting for an explanation. "Too much of any drugs could be…"

"Don't worry. Sugar pills. Sara gave them to me. She thought Colby would be suspicious, if we didn't give him something before we left. Knowing that rest would be the best medicine…to get him through today - I agreed. Thanks for getting a spare cane. I suspected Sara would attempt to keep Colby off his feet as much as possible." David checked on his partner using the rear view mirror. "Megan…today's going to be awful for all of us, especially for Colby…I mean, what if it's too soon. I'm still in denial, but after today…that's gone."

"Life and death…we face it every day. Then something like this happens and we have to face the ugliest part of our job." Her voice cracks. "Don't think a price wasn't paid. A high price and we are paying our respects…helping each other through this. I think he would be proud of us for uniting together and facing this together." Both got lost in their thoughts – neither saying anything else till they finally arrived at their destination."

Gently Megan and David set about preparing Colby to get out of the SUV. Once everything was ready, including the wheelchair, David started the task of waking up Colby from his slumber.

"What…oh. Damn it, David…I said NO Wheelchair!" Tears gathered in his eyes. "You promised…you said you understood."

"Colby…listen to me. Everything has gone like clockwork. We got here ahead of schedule. Now, you will allow us to get you in this chair and then I have a surprise for you…one you will like. Trust me. Have I let you down?" asked David.

"I told you I hated those pills. I can barely see straight and everything is so damn fuzzy." Grumbled Colby as he was helped into the wheelchair. A blanket was placed over his lap and he watched Megan grab his suit coat.

David knelt in front of Colby. "The chapel has a back entrance. From the side door, it is a short walk to the chairs. I understand you're pride is very important…but Colby, I need my partner back. So sue me for making sure you don't hurt yourself any worse. We have about forty-five minutes before the service begins. You came close to never walking again. Now excuse me, if I am being a little bit overzealous. It's my job to watch over my partner, even if it means I have to protect you from yourself." He smiled and placed his hand on Colby's shoulder. Relieved to see a smile returned.

"Guess, I'm just a pain in the…"

"Colby, there are ladies present."


"Keep it up smart mouth and I'll give you a kick in the behind." Megan smiled.

David pushed Colby and slowly they made their way to the back entrance. Once inside, Colby spotted a cane leaning by the wall. Helping Colby stand while Megan assisted with putting on his jacket and fixed his tie. David grabbed the cane. Colby grimaced in pain, but managed to take his first step. He allowed for assistance till he got to the door. Then he hissed, "Now I'm on my own…Please guys."

David and Megan hung back and allowed Colby to make his entrance first unassisted. Alan was the first to recognize that Colby had entered the Chapel. In a few steps he was by Colby's side and David smiled when Alan got him to lean on him to get him to his seat.

"I can't believe they let you out of the hospital so soon. Don would have understood. You should be in bed resting. You have nothing to prove to me and I hope you know that?" rushed the words out of Alan's mouth. If the situation hadn't been so serious, everyone would have been laughing. Charlie, Larry and Amita finally wondered over to the group. Colby started to stand, but Alan placed a firm hand on his shoulder giving the command to remain seated.

"Oh, don't get up on my account. I'm just so glad you could make it." For a moment his voice falters, but then it gets stronger again. "Don, would want you to take care of yourself. He would hate this. Everyone fussing over him. I don't think he ever got how special he was. Damn…I miss him. I know we are suppose to focus on the positive…but" Charlie muttered.

"Charlie, death isn't easy. Especially on those left behind." Megan squeezed his arm and gave him a slight kiss on the cheek.

"I wish I could say it will get better in time…It should have been me. Because Don Eppes risked his life, we lost the best boss I could ever have hoped to have the honor of serving under." Not a word was spoken as everyone looked at the life size picture of Don Eppes. Don had been buried with only a few friends and family members present. So this service was for everyone that wanted to honor – Don Eppes Special FBI agent. Colby hadn't been able to attend the first one, which is why he refused to miss this one.

Alan cleared his throat. "Colby. Don risked his life to save you. His nature was to give, to put other's first. Don't think for a second that I don't know about your sacrifice as well. I'm glad Don didn't suffer. I thank God, that he didn't hang on till near the end, only to have the rescue workers arrive too late. I don't think I could have dealt with that too well."

Colby didn't speak…he couldn't look Alan in the eye. God, don't let me spill my guts now. Five minutes. If they had just gotten to us five minutes sooner…Don would be alive. God, help me take this secret to the grave. In a shaky voice, "I'll never forget our last time together. I'm sorry, I couldn't get help in time."

"Colby, you didn't cause the earthquake. Nature struck, terrible timing. But lets remember the good times…it's what my brother would want." Whispered Charlie.

Colby really tried to stay awake, he did. However, the combination of drugs, his health, and stress had created major havoc with his system. No one appeared to get upset when he slipped quietly into dreamland…
