Chapter 5: Strange New Worlds

Chibi Nova

Disclaimer:I don't own Kingdom Hearts or the characters,nor do I own Sailor Moon...I only own the idea...anyway,please don't with the chapter...starting with our dear friend who had only a little time in the last chapter...hehe...


'Where am I?' a red haired girl thought to herself as she looked around her surroundings.Everything was pitch black.Feeling lost and afraid,she stumbled as she tried to feel her way through the dark abyss.After a while,she sat down,discouraged.It felt like she had been walking around for hours,but she wasn't sure exactly how long it had been.Letting out a heavy sigh,as she rested her chin in her hands,trying to think.

'I'll never get anywhere if I just sit here.I may be trapped here forever,'she thought,as a tear rolled down her cheek.She knew that she wasn't getting anywhere,but something in the back of her mind told her to stay where she was.She had been sitting for a few moments,when she heard a soft whisper in her ear.

"You seek a way out of the darkness,don't you,child,"the voice was silky with a seductive tone that sent chills down the girl's spine,"I can guide you towards the light,if you'll trust me,"the voice continued.

"W..who are you?" she asked the voice,getting to her feet to search for the voice's owner.She scoured the darkness around her,but she was alone.'I must be going crazy,'she thought to herself,as the voice spoke again.

"I'm just someone interested in helping you...Kairi,"the eerie voice responded.Kairi gasped,feeling goosebumps on her arms,as she hugged herself tightly from fear.A glowing green sphere appeared in the distance,lighting up a path.

"How do you know my name?"she demanded,but it seemed that the voice had vanished.Not sure of what she should do,Kairi stood there for a few moments,weighing her options.'Should I follow the voice?It might be dangerous.But if I stay here,I may be stuck here forever,'she thought,staring blankly at the sphere.Finally,coming to her decision,she began to walk towards the glowing sphere,hoping it was the right choice.

As she reached the sphere,a blinding light flashed,and when she opened her eyes to look around,she was surprised.Standing before her was a tall woman in black robes,with a slender face.On her head were two horns,that made her look devilish.In one hand,she carried a staff.Perched on top,was a green crystal,similar to the sphere that had appeared in the dark realm.

"A..Are you the one who helped me?"Kairi asked,and a gentle smile spread on the woman's lips.

"Yes,she replied,smiling still,"and now,I'd like to ask you to help me in return,"she continued.Kairi raised an eyebrow.'So this was her game,'she thought to herself,as the woman extended a hand to her.Hesitating for a moment,Kairi accepted the woman's hand.

"You may call me Maleficent,"the woman said,releasing Kairi's hand,"I require your assistance in obtaining the seven princesses of heart.They are seven princesses of the purest heart,that will open the door,"she explained,as Kairi listened intently.

------Meanwhile,in Traverse Town------

"So you're saying that me and Riku have to go with Donald and Goofy to other worlds?"Sora asked Leon,for the millionth time.They had now been in Traverse Town for three days.Aerith,Yuffie and Leon invited them to live with them in a small house in the Third District,along with the two called Donald and Goofy.

"Yes,Sora,"the brunette haired man answered,exasperated,rubbing his temples with his fingers.Riku entered the room,smirking.

"See what I've went through since we were little?"he asked Leon,who smirked,as Sora whacked the platinum blonde in the back of the head.

"Thanks a lot,Riku,"he said,laughing,his blue eyes sparkling in the light.Aerith came in,followed by Goofy and Donald.

"Are you guys ready?"Goofy asked,as he exchanged a glance with Donald.Sora and Riku nodded.There was a knock on the door,and Cid entered the room.He looked at the gathering,and smiled.

"Y'all better come back and visit,alright?"he said,as he gave them a thumbs up.The other's all nodded,as Leon cleared his throat and stepped forward,holding a small pouch.

"This is from all of us,"he said,handing Sora the pouch,which contained 100 munny,"Use it as you see fit,"he added,before going back to stand beside Aerith.The group waved as their friends disappeared through the door to the First District.As they reached the edge of town,Donald stopped them.

"We need to prepare before we leave,"he said,pointing a feathery finger at a sign that read: Item Shop.As they entered the shop,Donald let out a loud quack,startling the group.

"What's the matter?"Riku asked,and Donald pointed at three little ducks that were sitting behind the counter.One was wearing a red baseball cap,another wearing a blue cap,and the last wearing green.

"I see,these are Donald's nephews,a-hyuck,"he said,as the three ran to their uncle.They introduced themselves as Huey,Duey and Louie.

"What can I do for you,Uncle Donald?"Huey asked,as he began to pull items out from under the counter.After buying some camping sets and hi-potions,they left the store,and headed towards Goofy and Donald's ship.

"Alright,so we've got camping sets,and hi-potions.What's a hi-potion?"Sora asked,as they were preparing to board the ship.Donald sighed.

"It's an energy drink,that will give you stamina when you're tired,"he explained,and a smile lit up his face,"I forgot,I also wanted to give you and Riku something,"he said,as Sora and Riku felt something warm inside,"Now you guys can use magic.I've given you the ability to use fire.Go ahead,try it out,"he said,excitedly.The boys concentrated on the spell,and sure enough,they were able to perform magic.Smiling at each other,they entered the ship,their eyes almost popping out of their heads.The ship was small,and there was just enough room for them all,but there was a lot of buttons beeping and glowing that were just waiting to be pressed.

Before they knew it,they had taken off.As they soared through space,Sora and Riku stared out of the window in awe.The stars were burning brightly as they passed.An hour had passed,when finally,Donald looked at the boys.

"Okay,we're in the first world.Remember what Aerith said.We have to find the keyhole,and seal it up,so the heartless can't make the worlds disappear.Oh,and one more thing,fella's.While we're in other worlds,we can't tell anyone where we're from,okay?It would ruin the world order,since other worlds are supposed to be a secret,"he said,Sora and Riku nodding,"Prepare to land,"he added,as the gummy ship came to a halt.


"I am Sailor Moon! In the name of the moon,I will punish you,"a blonde haired girl yelled,as the group walked through the town.They had never seen anything like it.They were surrounded by tall buildings,and weren't surprised at how easily they could get lost.

As they walked through the labyrinth of buildings,they came upon a fight.There was a girl,with long blonde hair in two pony tails,wearing a female sailor outfit of red and blue.Her red boots gave of a faint shine in the sunlight,and they noticed that she was wearing a golden tiara.They turned to see the girls opponent.What they saw made them all take a step back.

The man that the girl was fighting was wearing a tuxedo and top hat,with a mask covering his face.In his hand was a black rose.The girl in the sailor suit was trembling.

"Please,Tuxedo Kamen,don't fight us.Remember the times that you fought along side of us,"she said,her voice shaking with desperation.The man laughed.

"Sailor Moon...Prepare to die,"he said,as he took out a cane,and prepared to fight.

"Shabon Spray,"a voice called,as the entire area became covered in a cold mist.Looking up,they saw four female figures standing on the roof of a tall building.They were all wearing outfits identical to the blonde girl,but with different colors.The girls jumped down to the street,and landed around her.

"Mercury,Mars,Jupiter,Venus,"she said,looking around at her friends.The girls turned to face the man.

"Come to your senses,"a girl with short blue hair and a blue outfit called,"I thought that we were allies." The man sneered,throwing a rose at the girl,who dodged.

"Please,Mamoru,remember us,"A girl with long black hair said.She wore a red uniform,with a purple bow.Sora could see the tears falling from her eyes as she spoke,"Remember the girl who loves you,"she said,placing her hands on Sailor Moon's shoulders.

"That's right,what's happened to you?"a taller girl,with brown hair in a ponytail yelled.She wore a green suit with a pink bow,and had a very angry expression.She growled under her breath,as Tuxedo Kamen just sniggered.

"Guys,he's been brainwashed by Queen Beryl.He doesn't remember,so don't waste your time,"a girl with long blone hair and a red bow shouted to her companions.Her sailor uniform was orange with a navy colored blue bow.Suddenly,the sky darkened,and a woman's face appeared in the sky.She had crimson eyes,and auburn hair.On her forehead was a purple tiara with an opal gemstone in the center.

"Endymion,retreat for now,"she said,and Tuxedo Mask bowed at the image.

"Yes,Queen Beryl,"he said,before turning to look at the girls in sailor costumes,"Looks like you may live a bit longer,"he smirked,before vanishing.Sora and his friends ran over to the girls.

"Are you alright?"he asked them.They all looked at Sora and his companions,before exchanging glances with each other.

"Who are you?"Sailor Moon asked,stepping forward,"Are you another enemy?"she added quickly,studying them.

"I'm Sora,"the brunette haired boy said,extending a hand,"This is Riku,Donald,and Goofy,"he said,as he pointed to each of them as he introduced them.

"I'm Sailor Moon,"the blonde haired girl said,taking his hand,"These are my friends,"she added as each of the girls smiled.

"I'm Sailor Mercury,"the blue haired girl said,with a short bow.The girl with dark brown hair approached Sora,and examined him closely.

"I'm Sailor Mars,"she said,finally.She extended her hand,as the girl in green came over,and looked closely at him.

"Sailor Jupiter is my name,"she said,winking at them.Riku raised an eyebrow as the last of the group came over,and stared at him,blushing.

"I'm the Sailor Senshi of Love,Sailor Venus,"she said,as she smiled at Riku,making Sora growl lightly under his breath as he grabbed the platinum haired boys arm possessively,as he glared at the orange clad girl.

"So,what are you doing here?"Sailor Moon asked.

"We're looking for a keyhole,"Riku said,and the girls raised an eyebrow,as two cats,one black,the other white,joined them.The only thing about them that was the same,was the crescent shapes on their foreheads.

"We've heard legends of the keyhole,from Queen Serenity on the moon,"the white cat spoke,making Sora and his friends jump back in surprise.

"Yes,I remember it as well.She said that the keyhole is the heart of the worlds,and that there is a key,the keyblade,that can seal the keyhole,and save the world,"the black cat said,sitting in front of the group.

"We have the keys,"Sora and Riku said together as they held out their hands and summoned their keyblades.The girls watched in amazement.

"So those are keyblades,"the black cat said,"I'm Luna,and this is Artemis.We are the guardians of the Sailor Senshi,who protect the princess.

"Princess..."Sora said out loud,thinking,"Could she be one of the princesses of heart?"he asked,remembering what Aerith had told them.

"Princess...of heart?"Sailor Moon asked,looking at Luna and Artemis,who nodded.

"Yes,she also spoke of the seven princesses of heart,"Luna said,"They are the princesses who possess the purest of hearts,that can open the door to the heart of all worlds...Kingdom Hearts.I don't know if Princess Serenity is a princess of heart,but if so,we must all protect her with all of our strength,"she added,looking at Sailor Moon,who blushed.

"We'll help too,"Riku said,looking at Sora.Just as they were about to discuss the best way to locate the keyhole,the sky grew dark,and the man in the mask appeared in the clouds.

"Sailor Moon,if you wish to live,surrender the Ginzuishou,"he said,his voice echoing throughout the city.Many people stopped to stare at the sight,but others ran to the safety of the buildings.

"Endymion..."Sailor Moon whispered,her lips trembling.Tears began to streak her milky cheeks as she stared at the man.

"Bring the Ginzuishou to D-Point in two days time,and I may spare you,"he said,and as suddenly as he had appeared,he was gone.Sailor Moon fell to her knees,punching the ground.

"Usagi,"Sailor Mars whispered,as she placed a hand on the girls shoulder as everyone stood in silence.The others looked as sad,but weren't crying.

"Girls,we need to help them find the keyhole,"Luna's voice rang through the eerie silence.Nodding,Sailor Moon stood up,and turned to face them.

"Alright then,everyone.Let's split up,"she said,and Luna's eyes lit up with excitement.

"You seem to be more aware of your duties,Sailor Moon.I'm so proud,"she said,as they figured out their groups.In the end,Sora had argued that he would only go in the group if Riku was there.Sailor Venus had insisted that they let her and Riku go off alone,and that made Sora's blood boil.So the groups were thus;Sailor Moon,Mercury,Luna,and Goofy in one,Sailor Mars,Jupiter and Donald in another,and the last group consisted of Sailor Venus,Artemis,Sora and Riku.

"Now,remember,if we find anything,use the watches to contact the other's with their location,got it?"Sailor Moon said,as her group headed to the right.The others nodded and set out in their own directions.

"Why did we get stuck with the love-struck airhead?"Sora mumbled angrily under his breath,watching as Sailor Venus gripped onto Riku's other arm,tightly.Riku on the other hand,was cringing at the blonde haired girl,who wouldn't let go of him.Finally,Sora snapped.

"Look,blondie,get off of my boyfriend,"he shouted,taking all three of the others by surprise.Riku blushed a bright crimson,smiling inwardly.Venus looked as though she were about to cry,and Artemis just sweatdropped.

"Y..your boyfriend?"she asked,horror written on her face,"I..I'm sorry...I didn't know,"she stammered,trying to hide her embarrassment.Sora blushed slightly,feeling better now that she knew the truth but a little guilty for yelling.

"I'm sorry I yelled,"he said,"I lost my temper,and I shouldn't have been so mean.You didn't know,"he said,looking at the ground.

"It's okay,I understand how you felt,"she said,placing a hand on his shoulder.Sora nodded,and Riku kissed his cheek.As the four of them continued to walk,they passed the Crown Game Center.Sailor Venus stopped and peered in the window.They were closed.As they stood there,Sora's keyblade appeared,tugging his arm in the direction of the arcade.

"What's wrong with this thing,"he asked aloud,and Riku had an idea.

"Maybe it will point us in the direction of the keyhole,"he suggested,as Sailor Venus's watch beeped.

"Sailor Venus...Sailor Moon and the other's have gone missing..their communication devices aren't responding,"Sailor Mars voice could be heard,"Hurry and meet us in the park." Sailor Venus looked at the others,and they sprinted off towards the park,with Venus leading the way.Once they reached the park,everyone was there.

"Sailor Moon and the others have disappeared.We think they were kidnapped by the Dark Kingdom,"Jupiter explained,as Sora and Riku looked at Donald,who was pacing back and forth with an extremely worried expression.

"Goofy.."he muttered,as he felt two pairs of arms embrace him.

"We'll save Goofy,"Sora promised,as the girls tried to come up with a plan.Finally,Sailor Mars thought of something.

"Maybe we can use a Sailor Teleport to find them,"she said,"We may only have three of us,but maybe they can still help,"she finished,looking now at Sora,Riku and Donald.

They stood in a circle,holding hands,and with the blink of an eye,they were engulfed in a bright light,and vanished.

"Where are we?"Riku asked,as he shivered.They had ended up in D-Point.Sora grabbed Riku and held him close,trying to stay warm.Turning around,they were taken aback by what they saw...

---------------------------------End of Chapter 5---------------------------------

Well,I'm sorry that I have to leave it at a cliffhanger...I don't know when I'll be able to update,because my 13 year old nephew is in the hospital,and has been since last week,and I don't know when he'll be getting out,so I'll be busy helping out my sister,and visiting him in the I'll be starting a job this week,but I'll try to update as soon as possible...sorry this update was soo late,too,but with my nephew getting in the hospital last week it was hard to find time to update...Chapter 6: The First Keyhole is Found...What will happen to Kairi?