Chibi Trouble

Disclaimer: Death Note does not belong to me.


Thud. A slim hand covered by a white sleeve fell on the empty side of the bed. Dark brown eyes suddenly shot wide open, and a head covered by messy hair turned to where his hand fell. Surprise crossed L's face as he realized a small lump of warmth was on his chest. A look of contemplation dropped onto his face. Shall I look? Do I want to look?

A pale hand lifted the covers before dropping it back down. Again the covers were lifted and wide eyes took in the sight. Light brown hair, almost blonde fell down on a chubby face. A serene look was on that face that rested on L's chest and a small hand clutched at the white shirt of the detective, while the other hand was encircled with a metal band, attached to it was a chain leading to the genius'. A huge shirt covered the boy's tiny body and as L stretched a finger to poke at the small cheek, the Raito look a like scrunched up his tiny nose and rubbed his face against the chest he was laying on.

"Yagami-kun?" L said out loud into the huge room. "Yagami-kun," he repeated again, poking the child a bit harder. Brown eyes slowly opened and the child's mouth let loose a loud yawn.

"You're not my daddy!" exclaimed the little boy, fingers curled into a tiny fist, trying to rub away sleep from his eyes. "What are you doing on my bed?"

"Are you Yagami-kun?" L questioned sighing in relief at the no that came out of the boy's mouth. The possibility of Yagami-kun being Kira has increased to 40. After all, it was very suspicious to escape and to place a child to take your place. Not very smart at all.

"That's my daddy! I'm Raito and I want my daddy!" with a shout. Tears gathered in Raito's eyes and a loud sniff was made before the crying started. Loud wails pierced the detective's ears, amazing L with how deafening a sound a child can make. Quickly, the genius raised his hands and slapped them upon his ears but to no avail, the thunderous sound penetrated the flimsy shield made to protect his hearing. Plans ran through L's head, trying to find a way to shut the kid up.

Bawling his head off and shrieking, Raito was surprised at the sudden hand that was slapped on to his face, covering his mouth. Head turned to the owner of said hand, eyes wide. The detective gave a small sigh of relief that was given to his ear drums. A small mewling noise caught his attention to see the child's tiny fingers wrapped around his hand, trying to pry it off his mouth.

"If I take my hand away, will you stop screaming?"

Raito gave a quick nod. As the hand released his mouth, Raito yelled. "Ahhhhhhhhhhh-"

The hand was back on the mouth.

"Didn't you agree to stop screaming?"


"When I remove my hand, will you not scream Yagami-kun?




"I want my daddy!" said Raito with a pout.


A/N: This is my first fanfiction, so please review and tell me how you like it.