Sonic X - (Fanmade) Season

Story 1: Welcome Back, Sonic

DISCLAIMER: Characters, places, and objects are trademarks of Sega, Sonic Team, and/or Sonic Project.

Author's Note:
This is a fanmade season of "Sonic X", how I believe it should be. Keep in mind that this fanfic is part of my take on what the next season of "Sonic X" should be like. That said, I'm linking this to season three (series two in Japan if it ever airs there) with Christopher Thorndyke explaining how his arrival on his home world turned out. Yes, I made Chris an adult again when he gets back to his world and you can be sure his friends and family are there to greet him with open arms. This is just the prologue, the real plot will be explained in the first chapter. But for now, let's start the brand new season of "Sonic X"! Fanmade season, that is.


It had been six years since Sonic and his friends were sent back to their world. Inside the Thorndyke Science and Technology building at sunset, Helen is beside the computer feeling disappointed, surrounded by her friends, Danny and Francis, and the Thorndyke family, business mongul Nelson Thorndyke, movie actress Lindsey Fair, and Nelson's father, Chuck Thorndyke.

"I'm sorry, everyone. We've tried everything," Helen told the others in dismay. "We just couldn't get Chris back."

Chuck agreed with a heavy heart, "I'm afraid he's on his own now."

Everyone looks down in worry. Suddenly, there is a sound of a rocket engine approaching outside. They all hear the sound in wonderment and go over to look out the window to see where the sound is coming from.

Danny points at the sky, crying out, "Look! Up there!"

Everyone notices a mini rocket ship approaching the building from high in the sky. This is the same mini rocket built by Dr. Eggman that Christopher Thorndyke took to get to his world from Sonic's world after the Metarex had been defeated. But Chris' family and friends don't know this.

"What's that?" asked Francis.

"It appears to be some sort of rocket ship," Chuck replied.

Lindsey responed, "Oh, my."

"But why is it coming here?" asked Nelson.

"I don't know," was all Chuck could manage to say.

The rocket slows down and starts to land ouside the building.

"Come on!" Chuck told everyone.

Everyone rushes outside and watch the rocket as it's about to land. Expectation is on their faces.

Talk about a cliffhanger. But I think you can already tell what's gonna happen here. However, there's more to the story. I'm just tying up some loose ends left over from the season three finale. In the meantime, read and review.