Disobeying Orders – Sometimes it's Necessary – Non Death Version.

Just to be safe: PG-13 due to some language.

Disclaimer: Numb3rs not my property, don't own the characters, just playing with them for a bit. I promise to give them back slightly used.

A/N: I asked Miz Em to write a FTO for me and that got me thinking about Colby. This is the story that came out of that idea. I guess you can say Miz Em was the muse. Anyway if she reads this, I hope she likes it. Trying to see if I can capture Colby's personality and of course, including a Don Whumping story.

Tinkoo requested a happy ending, so I'm giving it a shot. So if you couldn't deal with the Major Character Death story, this one does have Don live. Although he is alive…I must say that the injuries are… well terrible. Some moments are harder to fix but hopefully it is still believable.

Summary: An earthquake creates destruction and puts two agents lives in danger. How will Don and Colby cope being stuck together? This is a non death version. I hope you will enjoy it. I will say, reviews inspire me to write more. Can't promise how often I'll update. This is a WIP.

Disobeying Orders – Sometimes it's Necessary.

Chapter One

Colby straighten his shirt, while he looked in the mirror one last time. His hand stretched to touch the bed for support as he slowly sat on the edge. Looking at the clock on the wall, he waited. His foot tapped impatiently, ready for action.

"Your chariot awaits." David sighed as he figured out the lame joke fell flat. "Tough crowd. Look, you want out of here, to visit Don, then you're putting your butt into this chair."

"David, can't you understand…I have to walk on my own two feet, just long enough to convince him I'm fine. I'll use a cane. I'll take it slow. I need him to believe that I'm okay…that it isn't…" His eyes pleaded for understanding.

David hung his head and for a few moments refused to look his partner in the eyes. Sorry Colby, but it's for your own good. As a nurse entered the room, he avoided the rest of the argument. Sara was efficient and bossy and for once David was glad for her support.

Sara grabbed the cane with her left hand and stood directly in front of Colby. "In case I wasn't clear before, you're allowed to visit the patient for a couple of hours… those are the ground rules. If you disobey the rules, you'll regret it. You'll undo all the healing and physical therapy by doing too much too soon. You're only supposed to walk with a cane for a few minutes at a time. So I will remove the said temptation and when you're back…safely tucked in your bed, I'll return the object. This way, I know that you'll be in the wheelchair like you promised and that you'll follow instructions even though your stubborn pride is sometimes to stupid to listen."

Colby turned slightly red and sputtered an objection but hadn't counted on two strong-willed individuals to overcome.

"I have a son, you know…so I can figure out your desire to cheat the system. I can even guess some of the tricks you would try to pull, however, I'm pretending you're my son and making sure you can't hurt yourself." Without saying another word, she left with the cane safely in her possession.

Colby blinked back the tears and clenched his fists. "That woman! David, this is important, you..."

"I get it, you're my thick headed partner, but you can't think straight so I have to do what's best for you. I need my partner back and if that means forcing you to slow down a bit…well, I will. I promise you it will work out in the end. Trust me. You can do that, can't you?" Hopeful eyes searched his partner's face.

"I trust you…It's just that it's so important. I feel it in my gut, today matters. I can't explain why it matters, not yet." He looked down at his feet. "I won't beg you, but if you ever trusted me, you'll help me. It's not a macho thing. It's not even about me. It's about…a promise. Can't, you understand?" Pleading eyes pierced his partner's heart.

David swallowed and felt the tightness in his throat unable to speak. Gruffly, "Let's get going. Sorry man, but the wheelchair is your only ticket out of here. I've got your back, but there isn't a way to get around this. I won't risk your health. You can't ask that of me. You came too close to ending your career…to being paralyzed. I understand how important today is for you. But I will not interfere with your recovery! Now are you getting in the chair…or do I leave your butt here. Just one more thing, if I leave without you… I'll disconnect the phone. Just try me!"

"Alright already…help me in the damn chair. I can't walk that far without my cane and you made sure that is gone…so…lets get going before they change their minds."

David smiled sheepishly and rolled the chair closer. Helping Colby to get comfortable in the wheelchair and without another word, he pushed the chair out the door. Neither said anything on the way out of the room. It was difficult enough, without adding useless chatter. However, when he got to the elevator, he faltered for a moment – unable to go on. He knelt in front of Colby effectively blocking his partner in the chair. "Are you sure, you're ready for this? It's bad. He looks awful. We can wait till you're better and no one will think poorly of you."

Colby swallowed the lump in his throat, part of him wants to back out and the braver part of him has to see Don now. "I have to see him. I thought he died. Can you understand that. I have to see him."

David squeezed Colby's right arm. "Then you'll see him. But I have to warn you again…it's bad. He's in a coma…on a ventilator. He may never walk again, hell he could still die." David looked Colby in the eye unable to go on.

"It should have been me. If fate hadn't intervened, Don would be here in this damn chair and I would be in ICU fighting to live or not. I wish…"

"You can't trade places. You can't undo what's happened. But you can talk to me about it, I'm a pretty good listener. Might even sneak in a six-pack," smiling at Colby and hoping it would lighten the mood just a bit. Of course, our luck Sara would show up after your first beer and I imagine she would confiscate the rest of them before either of us could articulate a word."

"David, can't we compromise just a little. I'll be good…but I need to walk on my own two feet when I go into Don's room. I won't fight you…when you say back in the chair, I'll do it…but I've got to do this part my way…I'm asking you…as my partner," Colby searched David's face for any sign of weakness, hoping against hope he could convinced his partner to agree to his terms. He wasn't expecting David's question.

"Why is it so important for you to do this…to risk your health? Don's in a coma…he won't know. Just visiting him is enough."

"No," hissed Colby. "I…I can't explain it…but I have to do this. I wanted to do this several days ago, but everyone vetoed the idea and kept me stuck in bed. Don't you get…how hard that was? I need your support…even if you can't understand why…It's a feeling…a feeling in my gut that he needs this. Hell, I need this. I have to live with whatever happens and if I don't do everything I can to support him…I don't think I can take it. It should have been me. He was fine till he helped me. Maybe had some cuts and bruises I didn't know about…but he was fine. Then he helps me…" tears rolled down his face and he made no move to wipe them away. Staring at his feet, he muttered his request and struggled to maintain some semblance of dignity. "Please, man…don't make me beg?"

"On one condition…You sit as much as possible and when I say it's time. No arguments." Colby nodded his head in agreement. He offered his friend a handkerchief and with a short stride, he punched the elevator button. Standing behind Colby, he carefully maneuvered the wheelchair on the elevator. "Don't fight me on this, but when we get to waiting area, I'll have to leave you for a few moments before you can go visit Don. Alan and Charlie will be there to watch over you. They've been updated on your condition, so you don't have to do any heroics to impress them. I'll have to scope out the situation, to see how I can best aid you in your plan…I do understand Partner. I just hope that when we get you back in your bed…you'll finally tell someone what really happened. You're overdue and it's not helping you to keep it all inside." Squeezing his friend's shoulder, attempting to comfort Colby in his difficult time.

"Megan, I didn't think you were here yet. Need your help keeping an eye on our wayward boy. Don't let him get up." Without saying another word, he left Colby in Megan's capable hands.

"I see that you're following your doctor's orders…" she bent down and faced him "Not." Once she was eye level, she whispered, "if something happens to you and you wind up paralyzed, you do realize David will blame himself…don't you? If the guilt trips cost you everything… will you be able to live with that…Is seeing Don really worth that?" Concern radiated from her as she wished she could just make everything better for everyone. For the umpteenth time, she hoped that things had gone differently. But her time for reflection and talking with Colby slipped away as David touched her arm letting her know that he had returned.

"Look, we get 5 minutes. No more. I've got it set up. My arm will have to substitute as your cane. No arguments." Without saying another word, he acknowledged Megan, and proceeded to push Colby to his destination. Carefully he locked the chair in place and held out his arm. Colby grabbed it and gingerly stood. Slowly he walked into the cubicle and frowned when he spotted the chair. Positioned close enough to Don and didn't require more than a few steps for Colby to reach it.

"I'm not made of china." He whispered to David. Once he's settled in the chair, David left allowing the two some privacy. "God, Don…you had to play the hero." Deep down, he knew that he didn't expect anything different. Hero best described his boss. Someone he gladly respected and his best boss ever.

"Don, you listen to me…you've got to get better. We need you too much. Everyone's waiting for their orders…can't solve this case without you. Look, I know you're scared of never walking again…of being less than a man…No way will anyone think less of you if you're paralyzed. You might have to change some things, but your our leader, the boss. You're the best boss, I've ever had the pleasure to work for…the team needs you…Alan and Charlie need you. Who knows you might even get lucky like me. Wasn't able to walk, but I can now…thanks to you. Get well." He stands and places his hand on Don's shoulder. Then turns when he feels a hand supporting his back. He wanted to stay, but everyone had compromised and he still remembered Megan words. Seeing the concern radiating from David was too much, so he meekly sank into the wheelchair. "I guess I forgot to state, I wanted to walk out…didn't I."

"Well, you are a little under the weather…give it some time and you'll be back to normal in no time. My sarcastic, pain in the ass…Partner." He winked, "I wouldn't have it any other way." He started to roll Colby out of the room when he stopped and addressed the still Don. "You just concentrate on waking up and I'll take care of this wayward FBI agent. Colby is right about something…we do need you." He quickly pushed Colby back out into the waiting area. He could see his friend's shoulders tighten as he saw Alan and Charlie blocking the path to the elevator. "We won't stay long, I promise. You need your beauty sleep." He smiled when he heard Colby's chuckle. Alan approached and everyone turned a little somber again.

"Son, I want you to take good care of yourself." He squeezed Colby's arm and then addressed David. " Thank you for helping him to see my son, but I expect it's time to get him back in bed…so he can rest."

"Has his condition changed…at all?" Colby asked.

"I wish I could say something to relieve the guilt. I know you did everything possible to help my son. He is alive…right now that is all we have to hang on to…better than the alternative. He's in a coma. His body needs to recover from all the injuries…massive injuries. The doctor believes this is nature's way of allowing him to heal. Donny will fight his way back to us. I need you to go rest…heal… can you try to do that…for Donny?" His eyes expressed nothing but warmth and concern.

Colby only nodded and realized that he has a job to do. Get well, so that this kind father wouldn't be worrying about him as well. He could do that. "I'll rest and be a model patient…but I need something from you as well. Keep me updated, please."

Alan patted his arm. "Not a problem, as long as you are following doctor orders. Now get him out of here. He's exhausted and needs to rest."

"Won't get any arguments from me." David pushed the wheelchair to the elevator and pushed the up button. Colby dozed on the way back to room. In comparison, he couldn't believe how short the trip back to his room versus the ride down to see Don in ICU. With support, he got undressed, took care of business and found himself being tucked back in bed. Sara briskly came with his medicine and he peacefully fell asleep without needing any encouragement. David stepped out and talked with Sara for a bit.

Colby opened his eyes and stretched. Alone. Strange feeling waking up alone after so many times of being either surrounded with a nurse doing her rounds or David visiting. Finally regaining some of his strength and not sleeping most of the day away. Hopefully David had driven home. He worried his partner wasn't getting enough sleep since he looked exhausted. He threw the covers back when a voice stopped him.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." She quickly tucked the covers around him and smoothed out the wrinkles. Nurse Sara then proceeded to put his tray in front of him and raised the head of his bed so he could eat his unappetizing lunch. That's when he noticed the IV, back in his arm. Then another all to familiar sensation and he groaned in defeat as he realized something major had changed between this morning and now.

Sara understood his confusion, so she quickly updated her patient on his condition. "You overdid it. When the doctor examined you, he didn't like the swelling, so you've been ordered to bed rest for a few more days. If you are good, you might be allowed to get up to go to the bathroom, in a day or two. But under no circumstance will you be allowed another excursion like you had this morning."

"I only walked a few steps. David watched me like a hawk. How could…"

"Simple you ignored our instructions, walked instead of using the wheelchair and pushed yourself too hard during your pt exercises, creating a minor a set back. Luckily for you, your doctor understood your drive to get back in shape, but I've been ordered to give you a few sleeping pills. Now eat. I'll be coming back for the tray in thirty minutes. Then it will be time for your meds."

"But I just woke up. I…where's David?" He asked and slurped some of the soup down. God, what a terrible setback. Part of him didn't mind, since he had accomplished his goal to visit Don. If it required a few sacrifices, well it so be it.

I sent him home. By the way, you're a better patient groggy than awake, easier to manage. You were out of it, when the doctor examined you. Figured you wouldn't remember any of it."

Colby hated waiting. Evidently, waiting was the doctor's payback for disobeying a few orders. The catheter, still hadn't come out. His limited menu options were a painful reminder. No one had come by to visit and he was bored. Sara wouldn't give him the remote to the TV so he had nothing but silence. Life felt awful just passing the time by staring at the ceiling. Sara came in with a few orderlies. Really big muscle types. Then he saw what they were carrying in their hands. Before he could protest, a collar and a back board had him strapped down. He couldn't help it. He started screaming.

"NO!" Colby quickly sat up straight in bed with his heart racing and sweating up a storm. He felt frozen unable to move. It did nothing to calm him down. Then, David was by his side.

"Hey, must have been a doozy. Maybe if you talk about it, it will help you have sweet dreams instead of these nasty nightmare," concern radiated from David.

Colby rubbed his forehead and tried to speculate what had happened to his IV. Am I going insane? Did it happen? It had certainly felt real. "David, this is gonna sound weird…but did they put an IV back in after we came back from seeing Don? We did see him, didn't we?"

David could see that his friend was serious, so he just answered the questions. "No and yes, we did see Don. Then you took a short nap. First I had a quick conversation with Sara and then I read a magazine. You started screaming "No"…so I woke you up. I think we need to talk, your dreams…well they seem to have a life of their own." David pulled his chair closer and grasped his friend's hand.

For a moment neither spoke. "I don't know how much I can share. I wish I could…" his voice faltered for a moment, then he regained his equilibrium and started to tell the story. A very painful story which could still have a terrible ending. Taking a deep breath, he started at the beginning…

A/N: This was one of my first attempts of storytelling and I soon found myself out of my comfort zone and stopped. My medical knowledge comes from my own surgeries and what I have seen and read. So if the medical knowledge is lacking that is why. Right now this is WIP and I don't know when I will get it finished...or if. Reviews will let me know you want more, still after all this time.

A/N - 2016: Started cleaning this one up a bit. Felt Colby sounded too girlish, so hopefully he's a little more in character. I found two more chapters on my computer, which I thought I had posted, so trying to get them out soon.

Figured the best way to make it flow correctly was to reread what I've done and correct any errors I found. Hope it's still worth your while to read. I'm trying to find my voice in writing again, as it's been awhile.