Chapter 10 The Aftermath

Harry sighed as he went into the Huffelpuff common room. Dumbledore had requested that he clean up Cedric's room for Cedric's parents to come and take his stuff. He walked up the stairs and found Cedric's room. He took a deep sigh as he walked around the room. It seemed so quiet and desolate. He stopped as his eyes rested on a box on the dresser. He drew in a quick breath as he saw its contents. "His girlfriend should see this," He whispered. He pocketed the box and went outside. He spotted her leaning against a tree. Her eyes were glazed as she stared out into the lake. She'd been like that all week, like she was in a haze. "Crystal?" He asked. Crystal looked up and saw the famous Harry Potter. She'd never spoken to him before, she almost resented him for being the last one to see Cedric before his death.

"Yes, Harry?" She asked lazily. He rubbed the back of his neck.

"I thought you should see this," He took out the box and gave it to her. She opened it and gasped. Inside was a beautiful silver diamond ring. The also was a folded up piece of paper inside. She read it out loud. "At graduation, kneel down and take her hand," There were a series of scribbles here. "Will you marry me? Short and simple," Tears stained the paper as Crystal began to sob. "He was going to ask me to marry him," She whispered.

"I'm so sorry, Crystal," Harry said and put a hand on her shoulder. She wrapped her arms around her knees and gave a deep sigh. "Come on, Crystal, it's time for the feast," He helped her up and they walked to the Great Hall. Crystal sat in silence as everyone else enjoyed themselves. Dumbledore stood up and said. "Today should be a day to remember a wonderful person. Cedric Diggory was a smart, kind person. A wonderful son, boyfriend, friend and student to all. He never hurt anyone, ver. He should be honored with the utmost dignity," Crystal's breathing became in gasps as he talked about Cedric.

"I can't take this," She whispered and got up. Silence fell as all eyes rested on her. She rubbed her eyes of the tears as she left. She couldn't stand hearing about Cedric, not now. She went back to her room and sat down on her bed. The engagement ring sparkled in the sunlight. She glanced at it, tears welling in her eyes. "Why don't you hear me when I'm calling out to you? Why don't you listen when I try to make it through? Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, you never knew. Hold a little tighter," She sang. The song was 4:AM by the band, Lostprophets. (Awesome, awesome, song I might add. One of my faves! And lostprophets is one of my fave bands!). She felt the song described everything she was feeling. She gave a deep sigh, she just wish she had Cedric back. "I can't take this anymore," She said, hot tears streaming down her face. She climbed from her bed and left her room. She went up the stairs to the Astronomy Tower.

Harry fidgeted nervously in his seat. Cedric's last words were replaying over and over in his mind. 'Please take care of her'. He sighed and got up after Dumbledore finished speaking. He checked the Huffelpuff common room, no one there. He checked the lake, where the hell was she? He decided to check the Astronomy Tower, he'd gone there a few times. Crystal sat on the edge of the roof, the light breeze ruffling her hair. She looked down to the ground. What would happen if she jumped? No more worries, no more pain, she'd be reunited with Cedric. She contemplated the suicidal thoughts, wondering what would happen if she followed through. She stood up, her toes on the edge of the roof. Harry climbed the stairs to the Astronomy Tower. He climbed out the window and saw Crystal. He sighed in relief, but then realized how close to the edge she was.

"Crystal, maybe you should step back from the edge," He said, reaching for her arm. She leaned forward and Harry grabbed her waist. He pulled her back and she fell on top of him. "What were you doing?" Harry asked.

"I can't take it anymore. I just miss him so much," Harry sighed and said. "I know, I miss him too. But you can make it through this," Crystal shook her head and cried into his chest.

"Don't you see, Harry? If I die then it'd all work out. Everyone's lives would be better, including mine. And please, give this to Cho, and everyone it mentions," It was a letter that read: Cho, you were an amazing friend, thank you for all the great times. Jamie, I'm sorry another member of our family is dying, and that I'm leaving you all alone. Please don't be mad, you're an amazing sister, thank you. Fred and George, you guys are great. Too bad I didn't get you guys back for soaking me at the Yule Ball. To anyone else, goodbye, thank you for all the good times.

"Crystal, please hold on. I can't be responsible for another death,"

"Don't worry, Harry. You're freeing me from this life into a better one," He looked into her eyes and she got up. She stood on the edge of the roof, smiling as the breeze hit her face. She leaned forward and fell from the roof. She smiled as the rushing air pulled her hair back. She felt no pain upon her death, only the feeling of being free from the weight of the world.

A/N: There, all done! I really had only decided to kill her like last night as I was writing it. But, that prevents me from writing sequels, like I love to do. Unfortunately, I have no ideas for another story like I did when I finished Lips Of An Angel. But, never fear, I shall get one soon! Until then, goodbye!