Authors Note: Hey there and welcome back to my sequal to 'Kim Magician Valkyrie Possible' I would like to thank my friend and fellow ff member 'Dark Magician Girl' for asking for the sequal and giving me some great ideas for it so to really thank her I have made her a Character in this fic called 'Mana Chetna' so keep an eye out for her.

Disclaimer:I DO NOT own Kim Possible or Yu-Gi-Oh, if did I would've of made this a feature length special on Nick toons or Disney instead of writing a fanfic lol.

Black Flame Inferno

Chapter 1

Great duel, but let's keep it a secret.

"OH NO This can't be!" Shouted the low tone spiky haired young man as he watched is blonde haired opponent as he smiled confidently back at him.

"I'm afraid so Yugi, this duel is over!" The blonde replied as he aimed his fist directly at the king of games, "Now my monster attack his life points directly with Mystic Scepter Blast!"

All Yami Yugi could do now was watch as the red haired magician swung her staff around and fired the larger green orb of light hitting Yugi straight in the chest, he dropped to one knee as he watched his life point meter reach 0, Yugi had lost.

Now normally at this point Yugi would be on his knees in shock as near enough everytime he dueled it was to save his soul from the shadow realm, however this time a smile rose on his face and the Pharoah began to chuckle then soon broke out into a jolly laughter as he rose to his feet and stared over towards his opponent. "That was an excellent duel, I never saw that coming you really earned that victory Ron."

Ron Stoppable stood there rubbing the back of his neck flattered at being complemented by the best duelist on the planet, who he just beat. It was strange just a few hours ago Yugi and Ron were teaming up to save their friends from the shadow realm by dueling Bakura and Drakken which they won of course but Ron only felt it was because Yugi gave him the mighty 'Selenvia the divine Dragon of unity' the card Yugi felt was the symbol of the bond Ron shared with Kim. Ron tried to return the card but Yugi said that Ron had more use of that card then he did, however as Yugi and friends had set off Ron decided to challenger Yugi so that he may earn the card and sure enough he did.

"It was a great duel Yugi…." Ron began as his duel disk set back into its standby mode while the holograms dissappeared "…but lets keep it a secret, okay?"

Yugi raised an eyebrow at this request and walked over towards Ron asking "But Ron you beat me, why don't you want anyone else to know?"

Ron looked over to the approaching Kim Possible, his best friend and his soul mate who had watch the whole thing from behind Ron as he replied "Because it is tough enough dating Kim when with the super hero buisness to tend to, I don't need the pressure of being the guy who beat Yugi motou, I would have guys challenging me left right and centre.

Yugi nodded in agreement at Ron's request and held out his hand which Ron excepted, the two stood there and shook hands in silence as a new respect for eachother as duelist and people grew.

A few moments later this silence was broken by Joey Wheeler who along with Tea and Tristen had been watching form Yugi's side of the duel. "Errr guys I hate to brake uo dis touching moment but errr we pretty much missed our plane"

Ron and Yugi gasped as they began to suvey all around them, their duel started as the sun was setting and now it was pitch black. "Well it's 12:07 to be exact" Kim mention as she wrapped one arm around Ron's waist and kissed his cheek as a prize for winning the duel.

The two simply began laughing warmly at the situation as the rest of them joined in and shared a heart felt laugh for a good few minutes.

When all was said and done Joey decided to bring them all out of silence once again "So guys what are we gonna do? I'll bet now we can't get a flight out now till tomorrow"

The gang thought to themselves for a while, they didn't have money for a hotel so that plan was out until Kim came up with a great idea. "I know how bout you all stay at mine for the night, I mean after the new construction work that was done we have more then enough room.

"Are you sure Kim?" Tea asked as this offer was way to generous for people they had only met that day.

"Sure…" Kim replied "…I mean sure we only met today but after everything we have been through together, and I mean just look at Ron and Yugi their like really close friends now." Kim finished looking over at Ron and Yugi who had already engaged in another conversation about dueling and looking through eachothers decks but looked up with a vacant look in their eyes when Kim mentioned their names.

"Did you say something?" The two replied in unison causing the rest of them to burst out laughing.

"Alrigth then it's settled…"Joey declared "We bunking out at Kim's place"

Tea's crossed her arms nervously "Oh ok Kim if you're sure"

"Absolutly" Kim said putting her arm around Tea to ease up her nervous state "I mean with my twin brothers at a sleep over tonight we have more then enough room come on" and with that Kim and Ron went hand in hand and lead Yugi, Joey, Tea and Tristen to the Possible home.

At the Possible home Kim's parents were more then happy to provided Kim's new friends with a place to stay for the night. Mr Dr Possible was ready to tear Kim a new one for coming home late but after everything was explianed he calmed down and was also cool with the four friends and even Ron to stay over the night.

Mrs Dr Possible was gracious enough to make them a nice supper, as the whole gang sat around the kitchen table Yugi (Now back in his young form giving the Pharoah time to rest) turned to Kim's mum "Thankyou again Mrs Possible for letting us stay here the night I promise we won't be a burden"

"Yeah…" Joey added as he had already began munching on the ham and tomato sandwhiches that had been made "…I mean letting us stay here is one thing but making these sandwhichs, which are awsome by the way is way cool of ya"

"At least we know where Kim gets her generocity from" Tea also said before she took a gulp of milk that had been given to her.

"Well you are friends of Kim's and you can't exactly go to a hotel so it is the least we do especially for you Yugi helping Ron save our Kim and all I think you deserve this" Yugi blushed with embarrassment as he took a bit out of his sandwhich "Well I'm off to bed, you kids have fun and don't stay up too late.

"We won't" they all chanted together as Mrs Possible left and went upstairs leaving the group to enjoy a nice supper.

It was coming to 2 'o' clock in the moring, everyone else had gone to bed except for Ron and Yugi who were still on the couch in the living room discussing their decks. "So Ron you think you'll ever change you're deck you know try something new?" Yugi asked as he searched through his own deck stopping at the 'Dark Magician'

"Funny you should mention that Yugi as I have been planning a new deck" Ron said as he pulled out a small box and open the lid reveling it's contents to Yugi who's eyes couldn't help but shoot open in ore.

"WOAH I don't believe it you have them all, My Grandpa told me about them but he said they were lost, how did you come in possesion of theses really rare cards?" Yugi said watching as Ron closed the card size deck bok and slipped it back into his cargo pant trousers.

"Well that's just it you see a had this weird dream a few months back where I was falling into nothing but shadow, I was screaming and all I could see was darkness."

"Woah sounds spooky" Little Yugi said grabbing a pillow and hiding behind it "So what happened then?"

"Well just when I thought I had lost my mind and would be falling down this pit for eternity a strange light appeared below me and the next thing I new I was flying on the back of this monster it flew me high into the light and a woke up"

"Woah, that sounds real cool and all Ron but you still haven't explained how you got the card" Yugi pointed out peaking out from around the pillow.

"Well Yugi, when I woke up this box was just lying on my chest right there in my bed. I asked my parents if they did it and they had no idea about what had gone on, so I decided not to question it and to just enjoy my luck."

Yugi scratched his chin for a while and then looked back at Ron "Maybe it wasn't luck Ron…" He stopped to notice Ron's surprised look as he continued "…Maybe you were meant to use this card I mean how else can you explian it Ron you dream about this card and you wake up with it in your lap, I think destiny played a little role in this one and I think the Pharoah would agree with me"

"Maybe you're right Yugi, but what should I do with the other deck? I mean these monsters helped me out a lot especially yesterday"

"Why don't you give the deck to Kim, I mean ever since we got back from our duel till she went to bed Kim showed a lot of interest in duel monsters, maybe you should teach her how to play and because of the bond you share using your old deck would still represent your feelings for one another"

Ron's eyes lit up the idea of Kim and him dueling side by side he had to admit he loved dueling and he loved Kim so having the two together would be like infinate Hanukah and birthdays for him. "That's a great idea Yugi I think I…..YAWN…will, I think we need to get some sleep, don't you have to catch a plane in a few hours?"

Yugi joined him in another yawn as he spoke rubbing his eyes "Yeah I guess we did get a little carried away talking about duel monsters"

"You know where the guest room is?" Ron asked as he put all the pillows back on the couch in the right places while Yugi made his way towards the downstairs guest room where Joey and Tristen were already sleeping peacsfully, Tea was in the twins room seeig as how they were at a sleepother so she slept in one bed leaving one spare.

"Yeah but Ron where are you gonna sleep? I mean you can't really walk home" Yugi asked with slight concern not wanting his friend to go out alone in the night.

"It's ok Yugi I'm bunking with Tea up in the twins room" Ron replied as he made his way to the stairs "Goodnight Yugi" Ron waved as he continued up the stairs out of site.

"Night" Yugi waved back before continuing to the spare room for a good nights sleep.

Ron sneaked upstairs and tiptoed past Kim's parents room until he came to Kim's room, he knew that Kim was a very light sleeper, a ninja couldn't make it passed her room fortunatly though Ron has been to a ninja school maybe now could be the time it pays off all he had to do was sneak passed Kim's room and then into the tweebs room and quitly get into bed but then he had Tea to worry about he didn't know how heavy she could sleep but he would be extra quiet just in case. He creeped slowly along the floor boards luckely he had taken his shoes off and left them down stairs making his steps even quiter. However Ron could feel the floor move around at his feet causing it to creek slightly. Ron then stopped outside Kim's room as a creek sounded like a bomb under Ron's foot. For a few moments Ron stood there praying he didn't wake Kim up, after the minutes passed Ron breathed a sigh of relief however just then the doors swung open and grabbed Ron pulling him in. Before Ron could say a word he felt lips press up against his in a deep kiss, he could tell it was Kim by the way she felt so he let himself relax and enjoy it. When it was over Ron looked down at Kim who was wearing her pajamas with the grey baggy pants and black crop top with the pink heart in the centre. "What was that for" Ron asked as he lay his hands on Kims hips as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Well don't forget Ron, you saved my life today and as a new rule whenever you save me I give you a treat like this" Kim said playfully pulling him back towards her bed "Ron Stoppable, you're bunking with ME tonight"

Ron began to stutter "Bu, bu but what about your parents?" Ron stated with in a loud whisper not wanting to wake anyone up. Kim simply placed her finger on his lips and then crawled into her bed leaving space for Ron next to her.

"Don't worry Ron I got the clear from my mom and she couldn't think of a better way to thank you for saving me then with a night of warm snuggerling, now shut up and get in before you miss you chance" Kim teased as Ron took his shirt and climbed in bed with Kim who quickly wrapped her arms around his bare chest and nuzzled her head in his shoulder, "Good night Ron, Love you"

"I love you too" Ron replied as he threw the cover over the two of them and he nodded off to a nice relaxing sleep.

The next day the gang were walking down to the airport and even though they were together the were like three sepreate groups, one consisted of Joey and Tristen who were stragling behind playing with Rufus while further ahead Kim and Tea were having 'girl talk' Tea was very upset that she finally got a female friend and now she had to go back to Japan so she spent every second talking with Kim exchanging E-mails and phone numbers (not that they would be calling eachother often seeing how much it would cost. Then ahead of all off them walked Ron and Yugi who were talking about, Duel Monsters is what everyone thought until Yugi shouted out "WHAT! You slept together the whole night!"

Everyone looked over at the two in confusion only to find Ron had caught Yugi in a headlock to try and shut him up. Tea, Tristen, Joey and Rufus were all very confused while Kim turned a deep shade of crimson as she knew exactly what they were talking about.

A few hours later and Yugi and friends were flying out they had said their goodbyes to their new friends and were off back to Domino town. Kim and Ron were leaving the airport, Kim lay her head on Ron's shoulder as they walked together back home. Part way Kim decided to tell Ron something that was on her mind. "Ron I have decided…"

"Decided what?" He asked as he brought himself out of the clouds to her statement.

"Well…" She began for some reason not being able to look him in the eye "…after talking to Yugi and the others about everything that has happened with them, about the Millenium Puzzle and the 5000 year old Pharoah that lives within it and the fact that he has already saved the world once at that battle city tournement from that evil spirit, it seems to me that duel monster is more then just card game but something much more…."

"Go on" Ron encouraged knowing exactly where Kim was going with this.

"…Maybe one day we will need to save the world along with Yugi, I mean it's what we do and maybe I should learn how to play Duel Monsters…" She finally manage to look at Ron only to notice his eyes beaming in excitement, finally Kim was going to join him in playing his favorite game, but what Kim said next was the icing on the cake "…Ron do you think you could teach me how to duel, I mean you are already the best duelist in Middleton AND you beat Yugi Motou so I guess that makes you the best duelist in the world or at least one of them. We can head to the mall right now and get a duel disk and I got some money spare to buy some packs and you can help me make a deck what do you think" Kim finally finished sounding like an excited child who had just drawn a picture to show to her parents.

Ron couldn't help but smile with joy as he took in Kim's request "Sure Kim I'll teach you, we'll go get you a duel disk right now, but as far as a deck goes…" Ron said while pulling out his own deck from his back pocket "…I think you're set"

Kim dench at first took the deck thinking it was just some random set of cards he happened to have lying in his pocket but a quick scan of the top card (that card being Selvenia) she knew it was Ron's deck.

"Bu…But Ron this is you're deck" Kim said still shocked that Ron was giving her his own deck. "I couldn't use this I mean you worked really hard on it"

Ron chuckled as he wrapped his arm around Kim "Kim don't you get it? You were the insperation of this deck I couldn't have made this deck without you, plus Selvenia is the card that represents our bond, enficess on the 'OUR' part you have as much right to use this deck as me."

"Oh Ron…" Kim began to feel so special as she gave him a light kiss on the nose "…but what are you going to use?"

Ron then pulled out his special bpx which contained his strange new monster he showed Yugi the night before, "Oh I have a new deck I'm working on. Now let's go get you a duel disk, by the time I'm done with you you'll be a duel monsters champ in no time."

"Booyah!" Kim yelled as they headed for the mall to get Kim started on her training. Little did they know however that in the darkness of the Shadow Realm and old Spirit was preparing it's comeback!