Fandom: Detective Conan

Title: For Warmth

Author/Artist: fd

Theme(s): #33, I feel peace at night

Pairing/Characters: Heiji Hattori/Kazuha Toyama

Rating: PG

Disclaimer: They are sadly not mine.

Summary: "Well, it looks like we're going to have to share it…"


It had been Heiji's idea. A camping trip with some friends. It would be nice, a chance to get away from the constant flow of dead bodies that seemed to somehow find their way to his doorstep. Kazuha couldn't complain about that aspect; there were only so many trips to the store, dinner, bowling, or wherever before she had had her fill of cadavers.

At the last minute, however, Shinichi and Ran had pulled out. Something about a case or a tournament or something. The Osakans weren't quite sure of the facts as their two friends' stories seemed to contradict each other. For once though, Heiji wasn't suspicious. Kazuha blamed it on his denseness; she knew exactly what Ran was doing.

So there they sat, the two of them, alone in the woods. It wasn't too awkward but it wasn't exactly smooth sailing either. The ride up had been relatively quiet, for them, and setting up camp hadn't gone too terribly wrong. Now that they'd gotten all the premliminary jobs done, however, an uneasy silence fell over them.

"So, what do you want to do?" Heiji murmured. Kazuha looked at him, halfway confused.

"I don't know, I've never been camping before. What do you do?" Heiji seemed to really ponder the question.

"Actually, I've never really thought about it. Usually we fish—"

"I don't like fishing," Kazuha turned up her nose.

"—Or, I don't know." He pulled out a pack of cards from his pocket. "Know any good card games?" Kazuha's face lit up as she took the deck from his hands.

The games went on much longer than either expected as both parties really had no idea what would happen once they ended. But pretty soon Heiji was out of a lot of money and fake money and favors and ice cream trips on the way home from school, so he decided to call time. Kazuha pouted, mainly because she had been winning.

It had gotten pretty late while Heiji had been losing his gambling credit and the pair decided to turn in for the night. It was then that they realized their mistake. It had been a rush to get everything packed. Such a rush that, it seemed, they only packed one sleeping bag.

The two looked at each other for a long time before Kazuha declared that, obviously, the bag should be hers.

"What? Why?"

"I'm a girl, aren't I? And thus, I need the sleeping bag."

"Ahou, you're a bed stealer is all you are. I think I should get the bag."

"And why would that be?"

"Because I want it."

"Well, that's a good reason," Kazuha shot back sarcastically. Heiji frowned at her.

"You want me to freeze? We're supposed to reach a new low tonight." Kazuha sighed.

"No, I don't want you to freeze. Look, we're getting nowhere fast. Are you sure there's not another sleeping bag in there?" Heiji nodded. "Well, it looks like we're going to have to share it." The color drained from Heiji's face.

"S-share it?"

"Yes, ahou, share it. Now come over here so we can figure out how we're going to fit two people in such a small space." Heiji's face, still ashen white, turned towards her.

"It is small, isn't it?"

"Yes. It is. Get over it." She reached for the sleeping bag and began laying it out. "Now, it would probably work better if you got in first. I mean, you're bigger than me so I'll have more room to squeeze my way in." Heiji was retaining the information only superficially.

"Bigger? Squeeze?"

"Yes," Kazuha continued, having rolled out the bag and now staring at it, as if sizing it up, "and I think it's just big enough that we won't be too terribly uncomfortable." It was at this point that she looked up at him. "Well, what are you waiting for? Come on."

With slow, deliberate steps, Heiji made his way into the tent, staring at the offending sleeping bag the entire time. A determined look on his face, he got into the sleeping bag and turned to face Kazuha.

"Your turn," he smirked.

Kazuha, seeming to finally grasp the tension of the situation, had the grace to blush before gingerly putting one foot inside the sleeping bag. Slowly but surely, she managed to wriggle her way into the smaller than it looked bag, a blush on her face matching her friend's.

"Your feet are cold," Heiji pouted.

"Get over it," Kazuha grunted.

Five minutes soon passed in awkward silence as neither party knew quite what to do. Sleep could never come soon enough. Kazuha tried to stretch out a little but stopped quickly when Heiji gave her a look. Five more minutes passed.

"You know, we'll never sleep at this rate," Kazuha mentioned drolly.

"Who's fault is that?" Heiji accused.

"Who packed the equipment?" Kazuha fired back. Heiji muttered something under his breath. "What was that?"

"Nothing," he replied.

Twenty minutes passed faster than either had known it could. Heiji was still wide awake but Kazuha was fighting a losing battle.

"Just try to get some sleep, okay?" He finally managed to tell her. Kazuha smiled sleepily at him.

"Mmkay," she sighed, resting her head against the pillow they had to share. Heiji blushed bright red as Kazuha, half asleep by this point, snuggled in against him. Mentally reminding himself that they did this simply because of the cold, he slowly put his arm around her, pulling her in closer. For warmth.

Heiji was asleep within minutes.

Author's Note: Well, the start of a grand adventure. I blame Candyland. She pushed me into this. xD Well, at any rate, this story is dedicated to her because, as was stated, she's the one that got me to begin writing these in the first place. Look forward to, oh, a few more. ;D