Notes; Yeah okay. So I know this chapter took me aaages, but I really didn't have a clue. Anyway, this morning I suddenly had a stroke of genuis BANG and there was the chapter. Lol. Thanks for the reviews on the previous chapters. I may have forgotten to say, but yeah this is the last chapter for this story. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. XD

Disclaimer; You must know the drill by now and if you don't... well then you're dumb.

Song: I used the song 'Angels' by Robbie Williams for this chapter, because it's a great song so anyway yeah ciao.

12: Truth be told.

I sit and wait
Does an angel contemplate my faith
And do they know
The places where we go
When we're grey and old
'cause I've been told
That salvation lets their wings unfold
So when I'm lying in my bed
Thoughts running through my head
And I feel that love is dead
I'm loving angels instead

Paige was standing in front of her mirror in her bedroom, fiddling with her top nervously. She glanced at the clock, 8:05pm. Damn it, he's late. She ran her hands down her top and turned around. Five more minutes, if he doesn't show up I'll tell them myself. She thought to herself and suddenly felt two warm arms wrap themselves around her waist. There was no need to guess, she knew whose arms that were, ''You're late.'' She said. ''I know sorry. Had to dodge a couple of Bounty hunters.'' Cole's deep voice replied and he placed a soft kiss in her neck.

''Hmm. You're forgiven, what are you holding?'' Paige looked down at the damaged and few flowers which Cole was holding in his hand. They were so damaged that she couldn't even tell which flowers it were anymore. Cole looked at the flowers and bit his lower lip, ''Yeah, they're roses for you, I guess an energyball hit them.'' He explained a little disappointed. Paige chuckled and turned around, staying in Cole's arms. ''If it's any consulation, I think that it was a very sweet idea of you to bring me flowers.''

She pushed herself up onto tiptoes and tickled his cheek with a soft kiss. A smile spread across Cole's face and he tucked some of her red hair behind her ear. Paige smiled slightly and freed herself from his warm embrace.

She made her way over to the door when she felt Cole's large hand on her arm, preventing her from walking out of the room. ''Paige.. um.'' Paige turned around and looked up at Cole, who put his hands into his pockets nervously. She flashed him a smile and raised an eyebrow, ''What?''

Cole bit his lower lip, he wasn't sure if this was too soon to say. If it would freak her out or not. He had known some women that had hinted him to say it, but when he had said it they'd walk out on him, because it was all going too fast. Not that he was meant to say it, he was a demon after all. They didn't do this. ''I love you.''

Paige looked at him and Cole looked over her head at the door, ''I mean – well you know..'' ''I love you too.''

His eyes focused upon hers and he watched her face crack into a smile, which caused him to sigh inwardly. Good, she appreciated it. Even better, she loved him as well. He closed his eyes momentarily when Paige's lips touched his cheek in a soft kiss and a slight smile played on his lips.

''Anyway, lets go downstairs before a demon attacks or something and we postpone it. The sooner we tell them the better.'' Paige took his hand within hers and opened the door. Together they walked downstairs.

And through it all she offers me protection
A lot of love and affection
Wether I'm right or wrong
And down the waterfall
Wherever it may take me
I know that life won't break me
When I come to call she won't forsake me
I'm loving angels instead

Piper carefully closed the oven and wiped her hands. Now we'll just have to wait another 40 minutes. I think I could do the brownies now. She thought to herself and made her way over to the counter just as Leo orbed into the kitchen.

''Hey, I've got a soufle in the oven so please don't make any loud noises. You'll ruin it.'' She said without even bothering to look up. She knew it was Leo.

''Hi to you too, honey.'' Leo replied. He kissed her cheek softly and smiled at the sight of all nice things that Piper had baked. ''Is this all for some special reason?'' he inquired as he wrapped his arms around his wife's waist and pulled her closer to his body. Piper smiled, ''Yes actually. It's for your birthday.'' She looped her arms around his neck and watched as leo cocked an eyebrow, confused.

''My birthday? Honey you really don't have to –'' ''No, I don't need to hear it. I've already made this all. The party is tomorrow, it was supposed to be a surprise, but it's okay I won't stress about it.'' She interuppted him calmly. ''Right.'' Was all that Leo could say, because Phoebe let out a slight giggle. She was sitting at the dinner table on the other side of the kitchen, putting the finishing touches to her column.

''How come you're not gonna stress about it sis?'' she pushed her laptop aside and picked her, now cold, cup of coffee up. ''Well because stress isn't good for the baby, so I decided to slow down.''

''Hmm. Oh it's gone cold.'' Phoebe looked into her cup when Cole and Paige entered the kitchen, holding hands close. Piper was the first to notice them and raised an eyebrow and the close couple. ''What's going on?'' she asked, a little suspicious.

Leo and Phoebe both looked up and Piper folded her arms, not noticing that Leo quickly tried some of the whipped cream on his own birthday cake.

''We .. have an announcement to make.'' Paige said tentatively after giving Cole a quick glance. He squeezed her hand gently and looked away from Phoebe when she gave him a questioning look.

Piper and Phoebe exchanged looks and Phoebe let her teeth bite down on her bottom lip. ''You're back together?'' Leo asked, walking around the counter. ''Well..'' ''Yeah.'' Cole said, he let go of Paige's hand and folded his arms. The minute Cole let go of her hand, Paige felt more insecure and she looked at the floor, avoiding the paranoia in Leo's blue eyes. She loved her brother-in-law and he was really sweet, but sometimes he could be so intimidating.

When I'm feeling weak
And my pain walks down a one way street
I look above
And I know I'll always be blessed with love
And as the feeling grows
She breathes flesh to my bones
And when love is dead
I'm loving angels instead

''Cole and I have slept together.. and we haven't been careful enough apparently. I mean we tried to be, of course, but I think I forgot..'' Cole decided to step in for Paige before she made a complete fool of herself. ''We're pregnant.''

He had said 'we' on purpose, so it didn't look like it was only Paige's fault. Technically it was his fault, because he had forgotten the protection several times. It was silent in the kitchen for a while as Piper, Phoebe and Leo tried to take in the news. Piper was the first one to break the silence. ''Paige. I – you're pregnant from Cole?''

Cole moved his arm around Paige's shoulders in a protective way when she nodded her head and looked up at her oldest sister. Before Piper could ask any more things Leo stepped in. ''Paige you're a whitelighter. What if the Elders hear that you're pregnant with a half-demonic baby?'' Cole looked at Leo who stared down at Paige. ''I don't know yet. I've been thinking of having an abortion, but I decided not to do it. I think I can have this baby, Cole had promised to help me.'' She told her brother-in-law. Phoebe squeeled and got to her feet quickly. She walked over to Paige and hugged her tightly, ''That's great Paige. I'm gonna be a double-auntie. Congratulations!''

Well that was something they hadn't expected to happen. Phoebe being happy that her ex-husband got her baby-sister knocked up? Cole hugged back tentatively when Phoebe wrapped him in a tight hug as well and as she continued to congratulate them. Leo gave Piper a questioning look. ''You're gonna be a dad and an uncle.'' She told him with a slight grin. Leo let out a slight laugh. ''Hi baby. Oh my god do you think I'll have another niece? I might get two nieces that's so great. Oh.'' ''Phoebe..'' Paige laughed gently and took her sister's hand off her stomach. ''That baby hasn't even ears yet.''

Cole smiled. They were okay with it. He and Paige had been preparing for the worst. Phoebe getting upset, Piper getting stressed and Leo shouting at them, but in stead they actually congratulated them. When did they start to like me? He wondered and kissed the top of Paige's head when she looked up at him, a wide smile plastered on her face. That perfect smile.

That was when he realised his life was finally perfect. He had a loving girlfriend and Phoebe had finally gotten over him. He had been accepted into the Halliwell family and he wasn't evil anymore, nor had he struggled with staying good. Something about Paige made him wanting to be good. Maybe it were her whitelighter genes, maybe her smile. He didn't know, but what he did know was that at this very moment he wanted to stay and feel like this forever. This was how being happy felt.

And through it all she offers me protection
A lot of love and affection
Wether I'm right or wrong
And down the waterfall
Wherever it may take me
I know that life won't break me
When I come to call she won't forsake me
I'm loving angels instead

That night Paige lay in Cole's arms on bed. She watched him sleep and smiled slightly, he looked so cute like that. Not like a demon at all. She lifted her arm and stroked his dark hair softly. They had talked things over with her sisters earlier and they had agreed on the fact that if they were ready, Cole could move into the Manor with Paige. At least until she had given birth, maybe after that they could start looking for their own place.

Paige let out a slight sigh and a smile spread over her face when Cole mumbled quietly in his sleep. Another thing they had in common, they both talked in their sleep. Cole had told her that she always held whole conversations with herself in her sleep, but she guessed that he was just exaggarating to tease her. She had never heard any other guys complain.

She leaned in and kissed Cole's forehead softly, causing him to pull a small face. He pulled her closer to his body and Paige felt his hand carress the small of her back gently. ''I really hope this is going somewhere Cole. You're the first guy I actually wanna settle down with.'' She stroked his cheek with her thumb.

You need to shave. She thought childishly. Cole let out a slight moan and started to wake, he smiled slightly when he felt Paige's small hand stroking his cheek and opened his eyes slowly. ''Oh. Cole sorry did I wake you?'' was the first thing she said. Cole laughed slightly and shook his head, ''No.'' His voice was rough and worn with fatigue, but he didn't care.

He watched as Paige pulled at the sheets slightly to cover her body more and he bit his lower lip, doing all he could trying not to kiss her. They had already slept together twice a few hours earlier and he didn't want to wake Phoebe and Piper up again, but her lips were just so tempting. He looked at her and noticed a sparkle in her eyes, the same sparkle she always had in her eyes when she had something up her sleeve. ''What?'' he asked, slightly paranoid.

'You're still naked aren't you?'' Paige asked, as innocent as she could. It took a while before Cole realised what she was planning on doing and he wanted to grab the sheets. Too late. Paige already pulled them away. ''Paige..'' Cole laughed, ''Give them back.''

Paige grinned at let her eyes scan over his body. God he looked good. For a 117 year old demon. ''Hmm. I don't want to I think I'll keep them.'' She replied smiling. Cole rolled his eyes, obviously having enough of her teasing and tugged at the sheets slightly, ''Come on. Don't be mean you're supposed to be an angel.''

Paige looked at him, ''I am. I'll give them back for a kiss.'' ''Blackmailing.'' Cole mumbled, but he did push his lips against hers gently, because he was started to become cold.

And through it all she offers me protection
A lot of love and affection
Wether I'm right or wrong
And down the waterfall
Wherever it may take me
I know that life won't break me
When I come to call she won't forsake me
I'm loving angels instead

Notes; Done!!! Yay (or maybe not for the people who don't want it to end) anyway.. I think I'll do a sequel to this story as soon as I've got time and finished some other stories because I've got 2 more running. Just stay tuned in or keep checking back to my profile, I will announce it on there whether I'm gonna do a sequel or not and when. So I'm gonna log off now, ciao.. xx Oh yeah; REVIEW please :)