
Everyone walks differently. Their walks are part of their personality. That was the first thing she noticed the day she started to "see". Of course, there are idiots who insisted on a "proper way" to walk but she can feel the difference on each steps taken by many people's feet.

Her mother had a very slow, very deliberate footsteps.

Nanny Ing Luan had told her that walking like that is the proper way for ladies to walk. Especially high-born and properly bred family like hers.

Her father had a slight speed delay before he completely put his feet on the ground.

Again, her nanny explained that that was the proper way that men of power walked. Despite the fact that she lived in a high-class and expensive world, demanding everything done, "the proper way" there are differences. Her aunt's left leg would drag a little, her Sifu's steps is very brusque, and her grandfather's is very slow.

But now, in the real world, she actually experienced radical differences of people's footsteps.

Katara for instance, she may walk softly but her footsteps were strong and purposeful. None of her movements are wasted on anything. She walks like a cat does.

Sokka's foot always come down to the ground with a bang. He may be an efficient warrior (if the tales that Katara and Aang told her were true) but he wastes his energy so much on the way he walks. Toph suspected that this was the reason why he always eats twice as much as everybody else.

Both the fire nation aristocrats, Iroh and Zuko had a certain dignity carried over in their footsteps. Iroh had a more stable, more refined movements in the way he walked and Toph noticed he regulated his breath very well, which doesn't tire him easily on long journeys. She finds "experience" in Iroh's walks. Zuko's footsteps are a bit unstable but underneath it there is "honor" printed all over it. She wouldn't be surprised if someday he rises to the fire nation throne. Not that she was going to say that to them. Spirits only knows it's bad enough the way he sulks and angsts, and Toph does not want his ego or pride making him more unbearable than he is now.

But Aang...

He's as light as a feather. His feet almost never touch the ground. Even when he walks he's almost flying. It was a rarity to even feel his little toes touch the earth. He was carefree. He is much like a blue bird.

But when those light feet touch the ground she treasures it. Maybe it only stays for three minutes but she can feel his presence so much. That's why she calls him Twinkle Toes.

Toph smiled.

Maybe someday she can make those feet stay longer.


It was him. He accidentally fell over her head. "I'm sorry Toph, Momo's been trying to steal my lunch lately!", Aang cried, apologizing. Then she heard him start his air scooter and running after Momo.

Right. Definetly not now. Definetly someday.

The End.