Disclaimer: I am in NO way part of the development, production, or distribution of Naruto because if I were the show would be called Sakura and it would be a lot more perverted than it already is.

Hey Guys!! I do apologize for not updating "Why Me?" or for not adding any new fictions. However, it has been a hectic few months and I have had some really hard English Comp papers to do..and it artistically drains me. Please forgive me. O and please do not hesitate to tell me if this fiction isn't good because I plan to write it while I'm doing my Pre-Cal homework.

Thanks for being so patient with me!

Oo and I apologize if Kakashi has been OOC.

Bold/Italicized is Inner Sakura.


The normally lazy, leaned-back gaze of Hatake Kakashi slowly turned to one of anguish and angst. "You might have escacped me last time, but I will not hesitate to kill you this time."

"Now now Hatake..," Kijuurou chuckled, "..There is no need for such violence."

Calm down Hatake. I need to think this through and find out exactly what Kijuurou's plans are and more specifically, why he stole the scroll. "Hmpfh," Kakashi lightly grunted at the man. Just as ever...I can't read his facial expressions. This mission just got increasingly difficult. "What do you plan do with that scroll?" Kakashi said as his gaze was never lifted from the lavender-haired man.

"All in due time Hatake...all in due time," Kijuurou's tone changed from playful to serious.

Kijuurou redirected his focus on the young cherry blossom, "Hmm...it seems you have an actual female on your team.., " his tone changed back to playful, "..Perhaps you should take a short rest in the guest hall?" And in a flash, Kijuurou was standing in front of the young pink-haired woman with his hand reaching out to touch her delicate locks.

OMG He did not just say that. Ssssh Do you want to get us killed? But ..that fucker just referred to us as being weak. Take him out Sakura!! CHAAAA!!! ...Would you calm down...I couldn't take him out even if I wanted to. He is waaaay too strong for me. However you are right..he is a fucker and he needs to die a slow painful death. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Haruno Sakura shot an evil death glare at the playful Kijuurou as her hand suddenly raised up to smack the young man.

Kijuurou lightly lauged as he casually got her hand in mid-swing, "..Seems you have a feisty one your hands, Hatake. And I just bet she's a dominatrix in bed isn't she?"

Sakura froze when she felt an intense heat flush her flawless porcelain face as she turned a bright shade of red. OMG OMG OMG NO HE DID NOT!!!! That's it...It's beat down time!! CHAAAAAAAAAA!!!

Ahahaha He is in for it now. Genma smirked.

...That BASTARD...I'll kill him right here right now. Screw being calm. Kakashi pushed his body in between Sakura and Kijuurou grabbing Kijuurou by the neck. "Don't ever touch her again." Kijuurou disappeared in a puff of smoke. Damn Kage Bunshin.

Ahaha I think someone has a crush on the little cherry blossom and he goes by the name Hatake Kakashi. Genma inwardly laughed.

Did Kakashi just protect me...from flirting? Yes I do believe he did. Hmm...nahh, Kakashi wouldn't do that. He must of thought my life was threatened. Are you mental? I think he likes you. But he's my ex-sensei, he would never think of me that way. O but I think he does. Naah. Yeeeessss. Whatever, I know he doesn't. Fine...think what you want. But I know he does. Sakura mentally sighed.

"Tsk Tsk Hatake, always so violent." Kijuurou walked out from behind an ornate chinese screen. "I apologize, I did not realize that you had claim on her," Kijuurou chuckled. Ahh, this game just got quite a bit more interesting.

"You should, and I don't." Kakashi said blandly and simply.

Seeee I told you. I think he is just trying to hide his feelings. I don't care what you think. Well you should. Subconsciously Sakura's head titled downward and a look of depression overwhelmed her face.

..Hatake, you really are such a baka. You and your fucking "rules and regulations" ..sheesh. They are more like guidelines anyway.

"Hmm..it seems as though your blossom doesn't fell the same way," Kijuurou glanced over at the young woman, "Quite the contrary, actually she seems quite upset at with your words."

Without even looking at Sakura, Kakashi blandly stated, "She will be fine." I can't allow him to know my inner feelings. If I do he will most definately use them against the team...Sakura. I can't...show my emotion. ...If something happened to Sakura I don't think I could bear it. I..I think I... Kakashi mentally slapped himself still with his expression never faltered.

"I was serious when I so graciously offered you a stay in my lovely abode. I do think you should take me up on my offer." Kijuurou smirked, "I promise I will not send any of my guards to harm you nor will I attack you myself."

"We don't need a rest nor your hospitality," Kakashi said calmly as he reached for his weapon pouch.

Kijuurou sighed, "Ah, but I do insist. Please follow me to your rooms."

"I said ..." Kakashi was stopped mid-sentence when he felt a presence pull his hand away from his weapon pouch.

"I will not fight you while you are in a tired state. Now please follow me."


Lounging on a small couch, Genma swirled the senbon around his mouth with his tongue as he glanced at Kakashi. "What the fuck is wrong with you Kakashi."

Kakashi glared at the lanky man laying on the couch and grunted, "Hmfph."

"Answer the question Hatake."

"Nothing is fucking wrong with me," Kakashi shouted. Should I tell him about..these feelings I have been having recently? Ugh, I can't. Shinobi never show emotion in battle or otherwise.

"Sheesh, no need to shout." Who shoved a stick up his ass?

"...I'm going for a walk." Maybe I can clear my thoughts.


Sakura plopped her head down a very fluffy pillow and let her thoughts wander.

"Sakura, are you there?"

"Yes..I'm over here." Sakura walked out of a damp dark alleyway.

"..I've been looking for you everywhere." A dark figure wrapped his arms around Sakura's waist.

"I know." Sakura looked up into the figure's one onyx eye and one crimson red eye.

"Sakura...I think I'm falling in love with you." They masked figure stuttered.

"...I know I'm falling in love with you...Kakashi." Sakura wrapped her fingers around Kakashi's mask and gently tugged it down below his chin.

The pair began to slowly lean into each other for a deep passionate kiss.

Sakura sat up on the large bed and rubbed her temples. Tears flowed down her face, "This..this can't be happening...I can't be falling in love with Hatake Kakashi."


Author's Footnotes:

Sorry for the lack of perversion in this chapter but I really wasn't in the mood to write any lemons. C:

I hope this chapter lives up to you guys standards!