Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or its characters

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or its characters.


I had a really tough time deciding on how to end it . sorry it took so long.. and sorry that this is about to suck, hardcore.


Rin lay limp and unconscious in Sesshoumaru's muscular arms. Sesshoumaru could only glare at the hanyou who lay weeping on his walk way. "Pathetic," he stated clearly enough for the boy to hear as he turned on his heels and walked back inside his home.

"I'm sorry. So sorry, I never wanted this… I never wanted this!" Miru's voice was hoarse by the time the door closed.


Sleepily, Rin's hand brushed against her eyes, she noticed that the other hand was awfully warm. 'I wonder why that is.' Moving her fingers a bit she realized someone was holding her hand loosely. With that knowledge she opened her eyes to see just whose hand was keeping her own rather toasty. A smile tugged at her lips when she saw the silver hair and downcast golden eyes. Her smile was returned with Sesshoumaru's full force just before he leaned over to press his lips down against Rin's

"Hi there," Rin mumbled as he pulled away. He only smiled again in response. Taking a look around, the tired girl once again had no idea of where she was, though, this time it at least looked a little familiar. The bed she was lying in wasn't nearly as soft as the last one, and the walls weren't half as dull. This room was done up in soft pastels and warm hues. It was very cozy. It reminded her of Okasan's decorating. 'No, not "Okasan," Kagome.' Finally she parted her dry lips and made eye contact with those breathtaking golden eyes, "Where are we?"

"Oh, Rin-chan! I'm so happy you're awake!" the gentle womanly voice warmed her instantly. "Kagome-chan! Oh, wow, Kagome-chan, what happened?" she was beginning to worry, Sesshoumaru still hadn't said a word. As if reacting to the thought, he had lifted her hand to place a soft kiss on her knuckles. Kagome hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to say to Rin. Lucky for her she didn't have to say a word.

"You've been sleeping for three days, my love," his voice was deep and luscious. It made parts low in Rin's abdomen react. She took a deep breath to calm her body, but it was too late. Sesshoumaru was more than a little aware of her current state. He kissed her hand once again, causing that bit to stir some more.

Rin sat up slowly on the bed and squeezed Sesshoumaru's hand slightly with the effort, "Can we go home now? No offense Kagome-chan! It's just that I would like to get comfortable in my new home." She let out a small sigh.

"Oh certainly, Rin-chan. I'll get some things together for you." Kagome was walking towards the door within seconds. "I'll be back in a bit. I'm going to gather some things for you and get you a change of clothes." With that the older woman was out the door.


Rin leaned into Sesshoumaru, kissing his lips soft. At first it was barely a touch; however, it quickly progressed into something more intimate. Something deeper and fiercer until it was as if she were melting into him. His hand skimmed up her body and tangled into her hair, bringing Rin even closer to him. A small moan escaped from her lips into Sesshoumaru's mouth. "Sessh.. Sessh-koi, this Rin loves you deeply."

Sesshoumaru climbed onto the bed, practically hovering over Rin's much smaller form, "As this Sesshoumaru does you," he whispered before he began to kiss across her delicate cheek down to her neck. While he continued to drag his lips down to her shoulder, Sesshoumaru erected a barrier around the room to keep a certain miko out.

Rin let out another moan as he continued his attentions to her. Sesshoumaru nuzzled against her ear smiling and whispered lightly…

"Forever will I be yours, as you will be forever mine."


The end! Well.. I suppose that wasn't so bad . but it wasn't as good as I wanted it to be! Meh! Anyhow, thanks for reading . and sorry for taking so long.