Pippin lay on the ground in the cave that the fellowship had decided to stay the night in after walking all day long. Pippin had almost been fine all day, but in the middle of their walk he started to feel really sick and got sharp in his stomach. He walked up to Legolas and Aragorn and lied saying that he had to go to the restroom, but really was emptying almost everything he had eaten this morning. So much had been going on with Frodo; Pippin did not feel that is was important to tell anyone that he had been sick, not even Merry.

"Hey, Pip," Said Frodo walking up to him carrying a bowl of soup that Sam had made for everyone, "Do you want some soup?"

"No, thank you, not hungry," Pippin replied, as cheerfully as he could due to the pain that had started in his stomach again.

"Come on, Pip, you have not had any food today," Frodo claimed.

"Yes I have! This morning," Pippin yelled, unable to keep his anger in.

"Pip, you need to keep your strength up," Frodo said, trying to calm Pippin down.

"I said I was not hungry!" Pippin screamed, making everyone turn and causing Frodo to step back. Frodo was so shocked; Pippin had never acted this way, ever.

Aragorn sighed and got up to walk over to them both. Once next to them he kneeled down and, "Is everything alright?"

"Yes," Pippin muttered.

"What was all of the yelling for?" Aragorn asked.

Pippin opened his mouth to answer, but Frodo got his words out first.

"I was trying to give Pippin some soup, since he has not had anything to eat accept a tiny bit for breakfast," Frodo said quickly.

"I had a lot this morning, I will eat later," Pippin growled, "I am sorry that I yelled at you Frodo."

"It is ok Pip," Frodo said with a slight smile, trying to lighten up the mood.

Aragorn walked back over to everyone leaving the two hobbits alone.

Then pain in Pippin's stomach started to come really hard now. His face twisted up in pain.

Frodo, seeing this quickly asked, " What is wrong Pippin?"

"Oh, nothing, I just need to go to the bathroom,' Pippin replied, quickly standing up holding his stomach and starting out of the cave. He was almost out when-

"Where are you going Pippin," Aragorn asked concerned, noticing that Pippin was painfully grabbing his stomach.

"Oh, just to the bathroom," Pippin replied.

"Well, let someone go with you."

"NO!…I mean….It is just the bathroom; I will be right back," Pippin said quickly and walked out of the cave into the forest.

Aragorn looked over to Gandalf who nodded and Aragorn got up and walked out of the cave.

Pippin got as far as he could, which was not far at all, until he was breathing so hard. Why, he did not know, he had only walked. He leaned against the tree next to him, unaware that anyone was watching him.

Why was he feeling so horrible? Then he doubled over and out came whatever was left in his stomach. He kneeled down on the ground breathing so hard, it felt as if someone was choking him. Then his eyes rolled up into his head and he fell straight to the ground.

Aragorn was sitting with a look of shock on his face as he watched Pippin fall to the ground. He ran quickly up to the pale hobbit and turned him over.

"Pippin? Pippin?" Aragorn yelled tapping Pip's face. Pippin made no response. A still shocked Aragorn gathered the hobbit in his arms and ran to the cave.