a/n-heyy guys this is my new story! it's a litte sloppy, cuz i dont really know where it's going. but here ya go anyway.

Chapter 1: Sup

"Sup, Lilly." Jake Ryan, the star of Zombie High, said to Lilly, giving her a head nod. Lilly smiled, falling into her locker.

"Sup, Jake, sup?" she said nervously, but he had already walked off. I rolled my eyes. I know that he's famous and everything, but why did Lilly have to like him?

"What?" she turned to me, noticing me roll my eyes.

"Nothing," I turned away, throwing a binder in my locker.

"Oliver, what?" she asked, noticing that I was angry.

I'm mad that you like Jake and not me. "Nothing, I'm just having a bad day." I lied.

"Well, cheer up, 'cause we get to ballroom dance in gym!" she sang happily.

"Oh joy." I said sarcastically, as we walked into the gym. Since we were dancing, we didn't have to change clothes.

"Hey, guys!" Miley greeted as we sat down on the bleachers. She wasn't normally in the same gym class as Lilly and I, just at the same time. But during certain units, like dancing, we combined gym classes.

"Hey!" Lilly replied.

"Hi," I said grumpily.

"What's your problem?" Miley asked.

"He's having a bad day." Lilly answered for me.

"Ok, class, listen up!" Mr. Armstrong, our gym teacher, said. Mrs. Gold, the other class's teacher, was standing next to him.

"Is everybody ready to dance?" she asked. Some kids cheered, some groaned. I stayed quiet. You see, I really didn't mind dancing. The past years we square danced, and that was always fun. But Jake Ryan is in the class that's combined with us, and every girl is gonna be all over him. I admit it, I'm jealous. Especially because Lilly likes him.

"Ok, pick your partners, and if you don't have a partner we'll pick one for you." announced Mr. Armstrong.

I sat there, figuring that every girl would say no if I asked since Jake Ryan was in the same class and they were waiting to be asked by him. I watched as Jake approached Miley and Lilly, who looked up at him in awe.

"Hey, guys. Miley, you wanna be my partner?" he asked, and poor Lilly's face fell. She didn't deserve that. Miley looked at Lilly. I could tell Miley was really happy that he asked, and she wanted to say yes right away. But ever since what happened between Miley and Lilly at the last dance, she didn't want to hurt Lilly again.

Lilly put on a fake smiled. "Go ahead, have fun."

"Are you sure?" Miley asked, not wanting her to get mad.

"Positive!" she smiled.

"Thanks, Lilly, you're the best!" Miley hugged her tight and took hold of Jake's hand. As soon as Miley turned around, Lilly's smile dropped. The disappointed girls who wanted to be Jake's partner all found other jealous guys to dance with.

"Wanna dance with me, Lil?" I asked, figuring it was worth a shot.

"Sure," she smiled, making me smile too. The teachers made the boys line up on one side of the gym, facing our partners. Mr. A. taught the boys their part while Mrs. G. taught the girls their's. Then they made us all try it out.

Lilly and I were dancing right next to Jake and Miley, and I noticed that Lilly couldn't stop staring at them. She looked so sad and innocent; I just wanted to hug her. Of course I didn't, but I sure wanted to.

"So, Miley, what do you say about a date tonight? You, me, and the movie of your choice." I overheard Jake ask Miley, and I knew Lilly heard too.

Miley smiled wide, and we both knew she wanted to say yes. But being good old Miley, she didn't. "I'm sorry, Jake, I really like you, but…" Miley started, and I knew it was paining her to say no.

"You don't have to answer now! I know what happened at the dance, and I don't want to come between you and Lilly, but I really like you. I can't help it."

Miley grinned even wider. "I'll definitely get back to you on that." Lilly looked down, and slowed down on her dancing.

"Lil, you Ok?" I asked.

She nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine." she smiled, but I knew that was fake. "I'm gonna go get a drink." Lilly said, walking away from me and telling the teacher where she was going.

I knew she wasn't really getting a drink, and I knew that she wouldn't want me following her. But I did anyway.

"Mr. Armstrong, can I go to the bathroom?"

"Yeah, be quick." he said, and I walked out of the gym and down the hall. Lilly was sitting against the wall next to the water fountain. She didn't notice me until I slid down next to her.

"Hey, Oliver," she sighed.

"Hey, Lil," I answered. "Whatcha doin'?"

She sighed again. "You know, I wanna be happy for Miley. I know that she likes him more than anything, and he feels the same way. But I can't help but be jealous."

"You have every right to be jealous."

"Yeah, but I just want Miley to be happy. And she's gonna ask me about the date. And I so want to tell her to say yes. But at the same time I just wanna tackle her. Is that bad?" she asked, smiling.

I laughed. "A little," I said, standing up.

"I guess I'll just tell her to go for it." she decided as I pulled her to her feet.

"If it means anything, Jake's missing out on a great girl."

She smiled. "Thanks, but he's getting Miley, who's a lot better than me," she said as we walked back into the gym. We danced for a little while longer, and soon the class was over.