Zodiac Bearer (Harry Potter/Fruits Basket)

The Dursleys sell a year old Harry Potter to Akito Sohma who discovered that the young child was a bearer, a male who can bear children. Akito renames him as Midori Yuki and raises Harry as a girl. Ten years later, Akito sends Midori to Shugure's home and he runs into Yuki, Kyo, and Tohru.

Disclaimer - I do not own Harry Potter or Fruits Basket.


Zodiac Bearer

Prologue - A Special Child


'Hun. So this is the bearer.' Narrow, dark eyes stared down at wide, shining green eyes. "He's absolutely perfect." The dark haired boy said, smiling at the little baby in his companion's arms. The baby cooed, reaching up to the boy who was smiling at him and giggle when he was being picked up by said boy. "How much do you want for him?" The dark haired child asked.

"You really want him?" The horse faced woman asked him nervously.

The boy glared up at the woman in front of him. "Yes. Why? Is there anything wrong with him?" He asked darkly. 'Stupid woman. This child is perfection! Unlike that fat lard of a son in her arms.'

The woman shook her head. "Nothing wrong. I just wanted to make sure." The woman laughed nervously. "He should go to a good home, he's very special after all. So, umm... how does one hundred thousand pounds sound?"

'Che. He's worth ten times as much. Humph.' He grinned at the woman who began to look more nervous. 'Oh well. wouldn't want perfectly good money to go to these wretched people.' He turned to his companion. "Pay her the money." He ordered.

The man bowed slightly. "Yes sir." He pulled out a check book and quickly filled it out then handed it to the woman.

"Well. Now that that's done, we shall be leaving now." The boy said as he stood, followed by the man.

"Are you sure you wouldn't like to stay a little longer for tea?" The woman asked.

"No thank you. We have a lot of things to do. Now if you'll excuse us." He bowed to the woman and headed towards the door. He paused and turned to face the woman. "Remember this." He said, giving the woman a warning glare. "Do NOT tell anyone about our business deal, especially who has this child."

"O-of course..." The woman shivered at the boy's glare.

The boy smirked. "Good." He left the house and into the limo waiting outside.


As they were driving the other man turned to his young master. "Akito-sama. If you don't mind, may I ask why you purchased this child?"

The boy smiled as he softly caressed the soft cheek of the now sleeping baby. "He will be very useful to the ones cursed by he vengeful spirits of the zodiac animals."

The man looked questionably down at the small bundle. "How so?"

"He will give them something that they can't easily obtain." The boy chuckle at the man's still confused face. "Now, for a name. Harry doesn't really suit you. Hmm..." The boy pondered about it for a while.

"May I suggest a possible name, Akito-sama?" The man asked.

"Of course."

"How does Midori sound? It means green, just like his eyes."

The boy smiled. "Yes. That sounds perfect." The boy looked down at the sleeping baby in his arms. "Midori. That will be your new name, little one. Midori Yuki."