Welcome to the last chapter of Dive Into the Heart! It was over far too quickly...so there'll be a sequel!However, I don't suggest reading it unless you have any inkling about Generation 3 and 4 Pokemon. Enjoy!

Dive into the Wild

By Atlantica Stitch

Final Goodbyes

"Does it hurt here?" Roxas inhaled sharply as Foxfur gently pressed against his ribs. "You're lucky. It's only a broken rib. You'll be fine in a few days." Dirtfur and Nevarx sighed in relief. Nevarx padded outside to give the news to the others.

Sora and Riku were sitting in the clearing, waiting. While Roxas was examined, Eaglefeather trotted towards them, followed by an unfamiliar cat. He was pure white with a red dot on his head and a long tail. She smiled, looking at the necklace on her neck. It was made from smooth grass stems woven together, with a pendant made from SnowFire ruby. "Sora, Riku, have you met Brokenmoon?" she asked. "He's my…mate." Brokenmoon scuffled his paws. Eaglefeather looked up as Nevarx trotted out.

"Roxas is going to be ok!" he meowed. All four smiled. Suddenly, Eaglefeather's necklace began to glow. Quickly she removed it from her neck and watched it float upwards. The Keyblade suddenly appeared in Sora's mouth. He leapt backwards as the ruby summoned the Keyhole, which he locked with a loud click. Eaglefeather put her necklace back on as it ceased glowing.

"What happened?" she meowed.

"We need to go." Sora sighed sadly.

"I'm coming with you." Nevarx meowed firmly. "I need to teach Xonah a lesson.

"I'm coming too!" Roxas piped up bravely out of Foxfur's den, his chest covered in cobwebs. "I want my memory back." Dirtfur looked sad.

"You'll come back right?" he meowed.

"Of course! This isn't goodbye forever. We'll come back, I promise." Sora said, smiling.

'Besides, we're always with each other. In our hearts…or in me, Nevarx and Roxas's case, minds.' Kuritu said.

The 5 cats and Heartless meowed their goodbyes as they headed towards the Gummi Ship, and their next adventure.

To be continued…