Tke: begins to sweatdrop I was asked to do this as a dare from a friend. But hell, it's SORA! So anything about Sora I love to do. :D the list is below. I couldn't decide whom to do first, so it's going alphabetical. PLEASE NOTE THERE ARE ONLY GUYS!

1. AnsemXSora (Xenohort's nobody if you want, KH main bad guy)

2. Ansem the WiseXSora

3. AxelXSora

4. AuronXSora

5. Cloud StrifeXSora

6. DemyxXSora

7. HaynerXSora

8. Jack SparrowXSora

9. LeonXSora

10. LuxordXSora

11. MarluxiaXSora

12. PenceXSora

13. RikuXSora

14. Riku ReplicaXSora

15. RoxasXSora

16. SaixXSora

17. SeiferXSora

18. SephirothXSora

19. TidusXSora

20. VexenXSora

21. XaldinXSora

22. XemnasXSora

23. XigbarXSora

24. ZexionXSora


Title: Cinnamon and Spice

Authoress: Tysonkaiexperiment

Coupling: see the nice, long ass LIST?

Warning: yaoi, might be some cussing or something

Summary??XSoraAll one-shotsVarious Pairings A gift for Kitten, every important GUY in KH2 paired up with Sora. From AnsemXSora, CloudXSora, to LeonXSora, to RikuXSora, to ZexionSora

Dedication: To Kitten-chan, and each chapter to each fan of whatever pairing

Notes: Some of these might be short or something, but it's only because I am picky and hate certain people or couplings. Sorry. But if you'd like it longer, review me and tell me and I will try.

Notes 2: The title is because Sora is often said to smell and/or taste like cinnamon, and spices because there are many different spices as is there are characters.




Ansem had been attempting to control the darkness for some time. He'd push himself every day, just to master it, control it, and shape it to his desire.

His desire…

That boy…

Destiny Islands was small and secretive, the perfect place to do experiments about the darkness. It was beautiful; nature had blessed this island truly. He'd even found the perfect child to cast this experiment on, a boy who wished to see the world with his best friend. That boy, Riku, wasn't afraid to open the door to darkness. He was perfect.

Yet light was cruel with their savoir.

Riku may have been the perfect candidate for the darkness, or at least the Twilight.

But the light was blessed with their candidate.

Riku's best friend


Big, blue eyes filled with nothing but innocence, chestnut brown hair that seemed like he'd just gotten out of bed, and tanned skin that seemed to soak up the sun and radiate it back out to everyone else.

The light's savoir was perfect for the job.

It had been crafty when it made the darkness and light intertwine to be Twilight.

Ansem had continued on his research, however he became infatuated with the boy. And then that girl (Kairi wasn't it?) came and had somehow gotten in between them.

Sora seemed obvious to the rift between them, he was the light's perfection after all.

Riku turned more to the darkness, more to his and Sora's secret cave.

And he grew more interested in the door leading to Ansem.

Ansem smirked; he could use this boy, Riku, to get to Sora.

When the Heartless Ansem created attacked Destiny Islands, Ansem had wished, Ansem had hoped.

Although Riku stretched his hand out to his best friend, Sora could not reach.

The light would not let him reach.

Ansem watched with happiness as Sora and Riku became more distant. Sora still treated Riku as his best friend, yet Riku had now considered Sora an enemy.

At the Hallow Bastion Riku had become attached to Maleficent and less to Ansem, it did not matter. Riku wasn't part of Ansem's plan.

Through a Heartless's eyes, Ansem could see Sora search for his friend on every world he'd been on.

Sora often grasping the crown pendant around his neck, it clunked against its silver chain.

Sora's crown pendant was a gift from Riku.

Ansem needed to get rid of it.

But he knew, there was no way Sora was going to give up something that precious to him.

And it had been soon after Ansem had begun to hate Riku.

After so many failed attempts, Ansem could not create his obsession.

But Riku, who held the powers of darkness for only a short amount of time, was able to create a Heartless version of Sora.

A perfect version

Ansem hid himself away, locking himself in his castle of Hallow Bastion. He'd erased himself from Riku's mind, leaving the boy to only know the others.

And it had been when Sora met Riku for the last time in the Hallow Bastion.

Riku had taken away Sora's keyblade, his companions, and his light and innocence.

Sora's life span was cautiously on the edge between light and darkness, he was the Twilight.

But Ansem could feel it; Sora was not meant to be the Twilight.

Riku was.

However, Riku wasn't willing to let go of his darkness powers.

When Sora and Riku crossed swords, all Ansem could do was be pleased with himself.

He'd brought this upon them.

Sora gained his keyblade back, he was meant to be the light.

His obsession would understand.

His obsession would accept it.

Truthfully, he knew his obsession would hate it.

His obsession hated being torn from his friends and loved ones.

His obsession would hate him.

Only when he'd battled him did he understand.

"I know now… that Kingdom Hearts… is LIGHT!"

Ansem had been engulfed in the one thing he hated most.


By the one person he loved most.



Tke: oh my GOD… I feel kinda BAD for Ansem…

Cast: Oo

Tke: well… erm… nevermind.

Sora: shrugs for this, to start off, people get plushies of…

Riku: holds plushie triumphantly in the air SORA PLUSHIES!

Sora: wait… WHAT!

Tke: I love my Sora plushies. :D

Riku: it's a plushie of Sora when he was younger! Review and get yours TODAY!