Okay I know I haven't updated this in a long time, the thing was I was thinking about sending to the story graveyard because I'm not as interested in Cars that much anymore. But I got a few e-mails from folks who really wanted me to continue and I really wanted to write this chapter, I've wanted to write it ever since I started this story back in Sept.

I want to thank my friend Vorhv, she helped inspire some of the jokes in here (like the grill jokes) and also for introducing Weird Al into my life becuase his song 'White and Nerdy' also helped with some of the humor.

Disclaimer: I don't own cars just Flare and Bolt. The song 'Miss Independant' belongs to Kelly Clarkson and the songs 'Can You Feel the Love Tonight' and 'I Won't Say I'm in Love' belong to Disney.

I give you the anticipated date!

Chapter 6 "The Date with a Farm Kid"

"Come on Flare, don't keep your date waiting," called Bolt.

Flare slowly trudged behind her brother. There was no way she could drag herself out of this mess. "Aw come on Flare give the guy a chance. You guys will have a great time," as he tried to cheer her spirits. They seemed to sink lower into the ground. 'I don't like guys,' she murmured to herself, 'I want him to stay away from me, along with his friends. But how?' A smirk appeared, 'I know, I'll be the most repulsive thing he's ever seem. I'm a tomboy, he's probably use to preppy, brainless girls. Watch out bud, you're on a date with a farm girl.'

The Firebird stared in the bewilderment at the Barracuda. 'This cannot be the same car, he looks so different and yet he looks so plain. Tuner wanna be.' Bolt read his sister's expression that she was finally checking the guys out. Bolt started, "Well I don't want to spoil you twos evening, so I'll be on my way." The Thunderbird gave Snot Rod a gentle shove toward his sister and winked at Flare before leaving. The two tuners sat in silence. An awkward silence.

Snot Rod stuttered, he was so excited about his first date. His words were jumbled due to him talking so fast. "Hi I Snot Rod and I really glad to be going with you I didn't get to tell you that when we first met because you ran away and all. I don't really know what you want to do, I don't know you really but I thought we could catch some dinner at Flo's, she got great food; and they're showing a movie tonight at the drive in theater. Sound fun huh?" He had a dorky, cheerful smile.

Flare's eyes were wide and one of her eye brows was cocked. She barely caught anything he said. She thought to herself, 'This ain't gonna to be easy; this guy is a bigger hillbilly than I can even act!' Snot Rod gave a trademark sneeze with flames erupting from his exhaust pipes. Flare's eyes bugged out and the corners of her mouth dropped to the pavement in a pure frown. 'This guy is an idiot but he's a dangerous idiot! There is NO WAY I'm sitting next to him; I'll be charred to death!' Snot Rod looked at his date curiously, "Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm want to go get a bite to eat?" The firebird timidly nodded her head but her face read fear. She slowly followed him, keeping a good distance from his sides.

The trip to Flo's consisted of just crossing the street. The barracuda took an empty slot and looked to his left expecting the firebird to take her place next to him. But instead Flare took the next slot over making sure there was still distance between her frame and the exhaust pipes with the dreaded flames. A queezing thought passed her mind, 'What if he sneezes and the gas tanks caught of fire, oh dear god what am I gonna do!' A trademark laugh came from the other end of the diner. Snot Rod looked back in front of him and gave a slight jump. "Wingo, DJ when did you get here, I haven't seen you guys all day?" Snot Rod asked, he was actually glad to see them. DJ averted his eyes up in pondering, "We uh, ouch." Wingo jabbed him in the side with a tire and replied, "We're on a date too, with Mia and Tia." The two girly cars sat on either side of them. Snot Rod stumbled, "Oh, ……….I see." He looked back at Flare that sat two slots from him. Wingo whispered to his gang member, "Remember DJ, Boost wanted us to be under cover and get information on that Firebird."

After the party had ordered and made some small chit chat Flare made a mental note to herself, 'Okay be repulsive, slurp your drink and talk with your mouth full.' She smirked, it would gross the guys out but it would really defiantly disgust the two preppy girls. 'I never knew city slickers could be THAT dumb! I guess it is possible that there are dumber ones than my date.' Right then Flo noticed Flare not sitting next to her date and remembered what her husband had told her what was going on. The green and white car pondered on how she was going to get the two to sit next to each other. This was going to be interesting.

Snot Rod popped a question at his two buddies, "So where were you guys today." Both frowned as they tried to come up with a story. DJ chose his words carefully, "We uh were uh getting grills on our teeth in Ornament Valley, ya that's it." Wingo nodded and added, "Ya man check it out," pointing to DJ's mouth. DJ gave a big smile showing the grill plastered onto his teeth. It sparkled and gleamed in the neon lights. "Hey Snot Rod why don't we go get you one," continued Wingo. Snot Rod gave a small smile while looking down and twirling a tire in the gravel, "Duh thanks guys but I can't really."

"Why not?"

"Cause I still have braces," and he gave a big grin showing them. "Wait what! GUH!" They cried and quickly shut their eyes. Mia screamed, "OH GOD MY EYES! My beautiful eyes!" Tia managed to shield hers with a tire but yelled, "Geek alert!" Flare gave a dark chuckle from her safe little spot as the four cars were vaporized from the bright, blinding light reflecting from Snot Rod's braces. The tuner soon closed his mouth and looked at his friends dumbstruck. DJ and Wingo kept blinking their eyes, stunned. Mia stared into blank space as she was temporarily blind and Tia gawked at her companions in horror.

Flo had not seen the scene happen since she was busy behind the counter but eventually came out with everyone's order. The car first served was Flare and moved down to the four stunned cars. She really didn't take into consideration of what had just happened to them but liked the fact that they weren't trying to pull off any funny business. Lastly was Snot Rod and Flo executed her little plan. She purposely tripped causing her to spill his drink across his hood. Biting her lip and hoping that he wouldn't be too upset, "Oh dear I am so sorry Rodney!" she pretended. Snot Rod chuckled, "hehe it's okay, your husband did a great job on my paint so no worries." Just like she planned the oil formed a large puddle below him. Flo kept a bright, cheery smile on her face, "Oh aren't you sweet. Sorry about the mess, this spot over here isn't dirty." Flo led Snot Rod to the slot that had been empty between him and Flare. The Motorama gave Flare an angry glare for being rude to her date as the firebird was shaking her hood 'no' and to keep the tuner away from her. Of course Snot Rod was oblivious to this and the other cars were still didn't have a hold of their senses. Shoot, they didn't even know that their meal was lying in front of them.

As Flo was on her way back inside to replace the muscle car's meal and to get something to clean the mess; the Pontiac mouthed 'I hate you' to her. The sassy diner owner remarked by sticking her tongue out and stuck her grill in the air as she left. Bolt would thank her for doing this to his sister.

Wingo, DJ, and Mia finally regain sense to the surroundings and Tia settled down. All started chowing down, except Flare who took little sips. She was very wary about those exhaust pipes still. DJ smirked, "Hey SR, after this you wanna race? You show your farm girlfriend how real cars party." Snot Rod stopped slurping his drink and frowned, "Well…………………… I thought Flare and I would catch a movie after this." Wingo snickered at his comment, "Ya that might be a better to show the farm girl the technology we have today." This caught Flare's special attention. Wingo started talking slowly and loudly to the okie, "This is the cccciiiiiiiiiiiiiiitttttttttyyyyyyyyy we have what you call movies. It's a moving picturrrrrrrrrrrrre. It costs money and it may be a lot for you since you don't make that much." Mia and Tia giggled to each other, "I bet she doesn't even know what a saloon is hehehehe, she's so filthy. She has at least an inch of mud on her tires. Do you think she makes a living by performing physical labor?"

Okay, now Flare was mad, 'Okay scratch that plan of acting like a hillbilly. This jerk thinks you're dumb as a cave car.' She gave him an angry squint but soon smirked, "Wow, your town is impressive, I don't know what I would do without the indoor theater and blockbuster in Stillwater when I stay at the OSU University. All we have there is a bowling alley, golf course, YMCA gym, Eskimo Joes, and Hideaways. It's so boring there and hard to do anything, especially when you have an income salary of 18 dollars an hour as a math tutor. Yes you can hardly call us a civilization out there, even with a Wal-Mart." Sarcasm dripped from her every word.

This caused the two Mazdaz, Scion, and Nissan to abruptly spit out their drinks. Wingo peered at Dj dumbstruck. he wasn't expecting such a smart mouth reply, literally. The barracuda merely flinched, 'So I was right about her yesterday; she is in college. She isn't like any girl tuner I met before, she smart.' "Your in college?" asked Mia. DJ joined, "I didn't think someone like you with your background could afford that, let alone inbreeding would be a factor too." 'These city slickers are really starting to grind my gears,' growled Flare, 'they're too stereotypical.' Insulted she replied to DJ's statement, " Maw parents are capable of affording both my bother and me in college. My father is from Guthrie and my mother came from Tulsa so there is a very low chance of them being related and yes I go to the Oklahoma State University where I plan on getting a masters in arts and welding," she huffed. But pondered more relaxed, "But it would be better if I got my degree at Chickasha University of Arts and Science but I need to be close to home to help out on the farm a little." This struck Wingo, 'Close to the country eh. She maybe smart but still has roots to the hills. Maybe Boost could use this information.'

Wingo and DJ had their full attention trained to the pony car for useful information. The twins mistook this as them finding Flare cuter than they were. In jealousy they snatched the spotlight. For who knows how long, both talked about what just dazzled them at the mall. There dates' brains were about to exploded due to all the loud giggling. Flare really wondered if it was possible to die of boredom and was annoyed at the vocabulary of 'OH my ghoss' and 'It was like totally the rave' Snot Rod was parked in silence but his mind was in its own bubble. 'I hope Flare is enjoying our date. Hm……… she looks kinda bored and mad. Is it because of me?' He began to frown, 'I hope the movie cheers her up.'

Just when the Firebird was 'about to have her wits ends' Flo announced that she would be closing, cueing Snot Rod that is was time to go to the drive-in theater. Boost's two henchmen wanted to still get the dirt on Flare and saved themselves from the nagging and whines of the twins by agreeing to also taking them to the movies. The town's residents normally filled the parking lot but tonight the only other occupants were Red and Ramone and Flo on a married couples date. The Sheriff patrolled the entrance. It was here where Flare learned that you can't die of boredom; boredom is what drives you insane so that you attempt to kill yourself. 'This has to be the mushiest, pointless, piece of rubbish I have ever seen!' she mentally snarled, 'I've seen better films made by a lawnmower! Is this what city slickers do on dates? How does my bother enjoy this! I did brag on all the stuff in Stillwater but I get so bored in the city. I miss the country!' she wailed in her mind. Tia and Mia were swooning over the boys who were equally depressed. Flare felt like vomiting. Snot Rod really wasn't paying attention to what was featured on the screen but enjoyed his date's company. Though he knew the feeling wasn't mutual.

Flare started grinding her teeth. 'I gotta get before I go insane.' Slowly she creped towards the exit only to have the Sheriff spot her and shout. "Hold on there little lady! Where you going?" Snot Rod came strolling up with a worried expression, "Flare are you okay, you look pale." "I'm fine, I just need some fresh air," she morosely replied after losing her chance to escape unnoticed. Ignoring her tone the tuner smiled and joined her as she left the theater and headed east into the empty country. Sheriff watched the two leave with suspicion but left them be. He found Rodney's buddies to be more likely to get into trouble. Ramone and Flo smiled at the retreating tuners thinking it would be better if the two had some alone time to get to know each other but were irrupted as Red started getting watery eyed at a dramatic part of the movie. Wingo nudged DJ and motion that they should follow the two. But the Miatias secured them to the spot. They were going to make sure that the Firebird wasn't going to steal their boyfriends.

An orange and yellow glow drifted in the back country but stopped in the empty desert. The barracuda broke the silence, "Flare are you having fun?" The firebird narrowed her eyes agitated. "Truth be told, I don't know how the sam hill you city slickers can put up with that crud." He gave a dorky laugh, "Well I wasn't really paying attention to it." Another awkward silence filled the air. "So what do you want to do, I don't really know what you're interests are." Flare pondered but and evil idea formed in her mind. "I know what we can do …………………… eh………."

"My friends call me Snot Rod but my real names Rodney. You can call me that."

"Okay Rodney, I'll show you how we country kids have a good time." An evil smirk appeared on her face. She was going to give him a run for his money.

"Are you sure about this?" came a stuffy voice. "Of course I am," answered a female's voice in a southern accent. Two tuners were perched at the top of a hill in the tall grass. The full moon shined giving the landscape a pale, light blue tint. Below them at the bottom of the hill was a large paddock full of sleeping, unsuspecting tractors. Both had their neon lights turned off as they descended with Flare leading the way. "I'm not sure about this. We could get into serious trouble."

"Oh don't be such a coward Rodney."

"I'm not a coward," whined Snot Rod who was beginning to get upset. He was tired of this treatment; he got enough of it from his gang friends already. Also the grass was bugging his allergies.

They got to the fence. The wood was wore down by weathering and looked like a splinter hazard. It had definitely seen better days but was still useable. The Pontiac glanced about and spotted the gate. Gently pushing it, the gate softly creaked giving way. The male tuner frowned, 'Bolt is seriously going to maim me if his sister gets hurt.' Flare stopped inside and darted her eyes left to right. The coast was clear. She gleefully smiled at the closest tractor. Sulking low to the ground the car snuck to its sleeping prey. Closer and closer it came. Snot Rod shook his hood no, fear written on his expression. Flare snorted and stuck her tongue at him and turned her attention back to the animal. By now she was right in front of it; she could feel its breath blowing on her. Curling her tongue in the corner of her mouth in concentration the tuner was just about to beep the horn. All a suddenly a loud horn blasted very close by. The tractor woke up startled and gunned itself forward. The car managed to get out of the way as the clumsy creature sprinted by but tipped backward facing the sky. The swishing of liquid gurgled deep inside and a puff of smoke erupted from the smokestack. Snot Rod felt like he was going to faint, he consider that a close one. Flare was stumped and looked back at where the tractor had been previously. There in the moonlight laughing was a rusty 1950s Chevrolet tow truck and a red and yellow race car with 95 printed on his sides. The tow truck grasped at seeing her and quickly apologized, "Sorry we's didn't see ya there."

Flare gave an uneasy smile to the stranger, "eh it's okay I'm alright."

The truck drove up to her and put out a tire, "My names Mater, like tuh-mater, but without the tuh." While shaking his tire his buddy joined, "And this here is Lightning McQueen the famous race'n car." Lightning nodded a greeting, "Your one of two tuners from Oklahoma." It was rather a statement than a question.

Flare asked surprised, "… eh how did you………….." The race car chuckled, "News travels fast in a small town, I'm sure you know that." Flare gawked; he had caught her on that one.

Mater looked past the Okie at the other tuner. "So you uh brought your date for tractor tip'n." The female tuner had forgotten about the cuda stricken with fear a few yards behind her. She snapped her hood back at the two and cringed down low and whispered, "How…. How did you."

"Talk travels fast in a small town," they both answered with a relax expression and half smile. By now Flare felt like the city slicker.

Shaking matters off Mater granted Flare the next tractor to tip as his way of apology for nearly turning her into a tractor patty. As she ventured further into the pasture Lightning and Mater used the moment to greet Snot Rod. Both approached him but he gave no acknowledgement to them, he was frozen on spot.

Mater cocked a brow in concern, "Ya okay there buddy."

The orange car gulped, "Her brother is so gonna kill me if she gets hurt by one of those tractors."

The rusty pickup glance back at the Firebird out in the field and shook his head with a smile, "Naw she knows what she's do'n."

"If you're so worried about her getting hurt and you getting in trouble then why bring her out here?", asked the racecar.

Snot Rod sighed and continued, "Because I don't think she was really enjoying any of the stuff that we were doing earlier and I asked what she wanted to do and this was it." The two older vehicles nodded in awareness but winked at each other before McQueen teased, "It's wise to keep your lady happy. I wouldn't worry too much about her brother, I don't know the guy well but if he gives you any problems the Radiator Springs residents will be more than happy to help you and Sheriff will be really jolly to get to kick out trouble making punks." "And won't ya gang friends help you out?" Mater added with a smile, but it slowly faded as Snot Rod's face went sour. It was then the truck decided to leave and not let Flare tip all the tractors.

The red and orange cars sat in silence as the others enjoyed tormenting the mooing creatures. It was the tuner that broke the silence, "My gang members wouldn't help me with anything not even if I offered money. I always get left in the dust." Lightning looked perplexed, "Then why hang out with them if they view you so low?"

"It's because I want to belong somewhere, I want to be a member of something, I want to be cool," he answered coolly. His gaze left the grassy pasture and fell to the ground. Lightning sat pondering; he knew the car must have been shot down pretty hard by his 'fellow friends' which in turn tore down his confidence. He didn't know how much this car could really shine after being treated like this continually but maybe the cars treated him like this because they sensed that he could out shine them. His thoughts were interrupted. "I just want people to accept and like me, but I guess that's not going to happen, Flare really doesn't care for me." Lightning shifted a glance to the Firebird and gave a gentle smirk, "Well she barely knows you and both of you were thrown into this date so you can't expect someone to automatically like you. Besides between to you and me my girlfriend Sally over heard her and her brother arguing in the cozy cone parking lot. From what we can tell she hasn't ran into very nice guys, and from how I've seen your buddies treat her, she probably views you the same way as them. Also how they view you so lowly she sees this too and views you even lower." Snot Rod's eyes sparked open as he took that into consideration. "I think," McQueen quickly cued in, "if you worked on your self-image and confidence she and other people will open up more to you and not classify you as a dork or low life. But you don't have to take my advice, if you do I know some folks that could help you."

The two sat together watching the country duo pull pranks and Snot Rod was glad that for once Flare had a genuine smile on her face. Things were coming to a close when only one sleeping tractor remained. Flare obliged to the honor of tipping the last tractor for the night. It was slumped over at the far end, near a wind block of cedar trees. Lightning frowned with concern and headed for Mater whom stood a few yards away from Flare. Snot Rod followed him curiously. McQueen gave a whispered call to his friend, "Mater I don't think that's such a good idea, I say we let that one go." Mater chuckled oblivious to the danger, "Why?"

McQueen answered more fiercely, "Because Mater, isn't that were," He never finished his sentence for a loud, bellowing roar filled the still night air. The three guys were rooted to there spot's from the chilling sound.

Too late.

Steam erupted behind the trees and light peaked through the branches. "Run its Frank!" screamed Mater as he took off. Lightning McQueen didn't have to be told twice and darted for the fence. Flare flinched at the lights but she too took off just as a massive, orange combine burst through the trees, spitting branches and leaves from its straw chute. It snarled in anger and charged. Snot Rod barely had enough time to react as a yellow blur whizzed by him, kicking up dirt and dry grass particles that were sucked up into his supercharger. He coughed and sputtered clenching his eyes. The other three sat in the safety on the opposite side of the fence and watched in terror as Frank spend toward the orange barracuda. All watched helplessly at their friend's fate. Flare screamed at him, "Rodney!" Mater joined, "Quick get out of there buckaroo!"

Rodney's sinuses were in a whirl. The raged combine was speeding closer and closer! The tuner couldn't hold it in anymore. "AHCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" sounded a blasting sneeze. The Frank suddenly hit the brakes and skidded to a halt in front of the intruder. At first it seemed shocked by the reaction from the car but let out another glass cracking growl. The animal's nose ring flapped wildly from its breath, more dust and debris filled the air and again stung Snot Rod. A louder sneeze sounded and Frank looked more taken back this time. The combined roared louder than the two times before and Snot sneezed even louder. Frank stared down at the car and slowly backed up keeping his eyes trained to it. Clearly a distance the combine turned around and headed deeper into the paddock thinking that the creature that made the sound was a lot meaner than him and did not want to tangle with it. Snot Rod regained controlled on his sinuses blink at his surrounding wonder what had just happened.

Meanwhile outside the corral all mouths gawked at what just had happened. Lightning stared at what could have been a tragic event that night. Mater and Flare both peered at each other with a huge grin.

Miles out of Radiator Springs on the stretch of road heading east out of town, the sounds of laughter could be heard as a firebird and barracuda strolled down by themselves. "I ain't ever seen anything like that before! I thought that combine was going to trample you for sure because it was all like," Flare started mimic Frank's angry mooing, "and then ya'll was like," she started imitating Snot Rod sneezing, "it was incredible I ain't never seen that before in my life! I guess that combine or I guess Frank is what they call him. I guess Frank thought he cornered something that was meaner than him and decided that it was best not to mess with ya." Snot Rod couldn't help but smile. Here was a girl who practically had an iron curtain around her the whole night and now she was laughing, enjoying herself, and acting like his little sisters that just got out of an action movie and was reenacting all the scenes that they found cool. He chuckled, "I'm glad that you had a good time, I was worried that you would end up hating me after tonight. Flare stopped, her back facing him. If she was facing him and if the moon shone a bit brighter he would have seen the bright blush forming on her hood. She quickly faced him and gave a slight nod hiding her hood in the shadows from the moonlight, "Thank you for taking me out, I had fun," and with that she took off in the direction of Radiator Springs. Snot Rod sat a bit stumped all by himself in the middle of the road from her actions. But he shook them off; she said she had a good time right? He smiled and made a mental note to see Lightning McQueen tomorrow as he drove to the interstate so he could get back home.

Meanwhile Flare was having a battle rage with in her. 'Stupid emotions, what the Sam hill is wrong with me. Where the heck did that blush come from, why do I feel that way around him? Flare remember you hate boys. YOU HATE BOYS, ESPECIALLY TUNERS!' She growled to herself and switched on the radio to calm her nerves. It wasn't on the country station like it normally was but the bass beat coming from her stereos made her abandon the idea on changing the station. Soon she found herself sing the lyrics with Kelly Carson,

'Miss independent
Miss self-sufficient
Miss keep your distance

Miss unafraid
Miss out of my way
Miss don't let a man interfere, no

Miss on her own
Miss almost grown
Miss never let a man help her off her throne

So, by keeping her heart protected
She'll never, ever feel rejected
Little miss apprehensive
Said ooh, she fell in love'

Suddenly realizing at what she was singing Flare immediately turned off the radio. Giving an uneasy laugh, "Eh who needs the radio when I can listen to my tapes with my choice of music." The tape was one containing a bunch of Disney songs from a variety of their movies. The music started and at first she was at eased but as the second song came up and the words of, 'Can You Feel the Love Tonight!' boomed from her speakers she started to get frustrated. Fast forwarding to the next song didn't help as the song 'I Won't Say I'm in Love' ripped through the air. That was the last straw, ejecting the tape and dumping in on the ground she ran over it with a tire multiple times until it was literally grounded into the gravel. In frustration she maniacally screaming, "Isn't there any songs on tonight that don't include romance or girls falling in love!" She started doing doughnuts off road to quail her anger.

Meanwhile back in town in Cozy Cone number three Bolt peered out in the east. He saw a yellow glow and a dust cloud out at what he estimated to be at least a mile out of town. He heard faint screaming. Settling back down and listening to the hip hop emitting from the radio alarm clock in his cone he smirked to himself, 'Told her she'd have a good time.'

Hahahaha! I love torturing Flare! I have an idea for the next chapter but it will be awhile before I can update.

Hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it!