Cetra Muyo OAV IMPORTANT STUFF: Final Fantasy VII and Tenchi Muyo do not belong to me. This was inspired from "Aeris Muyo in Tokyo" by Washu Ishida.

I really like the idea, so I'm doing my own version. Some of the characters were given different roles in my story, and I'm following the OAVs instead, hence the title. The majority of FF7 characters will be themselves most of the time--I'm trying to keep them in character, but I apologize if they're not.

A Final Fantasy VII & Tenchi Muyo Fusion
Cetra Muyo OAV
(No Need for a Cetra)

written by K-chan

Episode One: Revival of the Legendary SOLDIER
It was a lovely, summer day in the town of Kalm as Iflana made her way down the garden path, admiring the nice weather. The elder woman was also searching for someone as her serene eyes darted around her environment. "Aeris?" She stopped and folde her arms across her chest. "Now where did she go?"

Sensing no one out there, she returned to the house to find it strangely quiet. She decided it was best to check in her own room, and when she arrived there, she found her granddaughter curiously looking through the desk drawers. "Aeris! Weren't you supposed to tend the garden?" Aeris whirled around in shock and embarrassment at having been caught.

Iflana smiled and held out a set of keys in her hands. "My dear, were you searching for this?"

"Well," Aeris started, not wanting to lie to her own grandmother, but she was quite curious about the legendary demon that lurked in the sealed cave of their garden. She grew up with the story of how a savage and mentally unstable demon came down from the sky long ago. It could circle around the planet with a single flight. With one chant, it could summon a foreign object from the sky to destroy the whole planet. And the people suffered greatly from its evil power.

She remembered asking her grandmother what happened to the demon then, and the wise woman said following the demon was a great warrior, riding on a magnificent chocobo. The warrior was their ancestor who possessed a staff with tremendous spiritual power. She challenged the demon and eventually defeated it, sealing it away in the cave of the holy garden.

Later that day, Aeris stood outside the huge gates that prevented anyone from entering the holy grounds. She placed the keys she finally got into the lock and pushed her way in. The walk was short as she came upon the cave and gazed at the staff plunged in the ground in front of the the sealed entrance. It was the same weapon from centuries ago that fought the demon, and now it guarded the slumbering demon. She knelt down by it, and cautiously touched it as if it could crumble to pieces due to old age. When she had a firm grasp on its midsection, she noted a row of three jewels--black, white, and red--embedded in the center of the staff.

"Hard to believe you defeated such a powerful being," she smiled.

She wondered if the item was still usable, so with curiosity getting the best of her, she gave the staff a tug, and it came flying out, sending her back to the ground. "Oh wow, that was too easy," she said, standing up and dusting the dirt off her pink dress. Immediately after that, there was a minor tremor, causing the blocked entrance of the cave to drag apart to reveal a dark passage.

Aeris looked amazed and glanced behind her, wondering what she should do now. The cave was pretty far back from the house, and even if the small quake reached that far, her grandmother had left to visit a friend. She turned to the mouth of the cave and giggled, thinking a quick peek would be okay.

She proceeded into the darkness with great caution, holding onto the staff for dear life as if something was going to happen to her. Minutes passed, and she was going deeper into what she thought was a never-ending cave. Soon, it began to slope downwards, and she continued to take each step carefully. Even though it was dark and damp, she didn't feel intimidated by since it reminded her of the one time she went with her grandmother to the slums in Midgar. The two places seemed similiar to her, and she learned not to let the appearance of the slums bother her.

She did find her surroundings rather the chilly. She wrapped her arms around herself, shivering to the coolness. Something dripped onto her nose, and she stopped. She touched her nose and concluded that it was water. She wondered how far into the planet the passage way had taken her. It had been a while since she last saw the light shining at the mouth of the cave. She decided to see how farther in it was and took another step that led her to the end.

She lost her footing to the steep slope and began sliding down the wet surface. She absentmindedly clutched the staff to her chest as she screamed in panick all the way down, feeling the rush of excitement and fear on the ride down to the approaching light source. She finally landed on her bottom in a huge cavern. Getting up, she rubbed her slightly sore bottom and scanned the vast area.

On the opposite wall was a statue protruding out towards her, and she realized that the light was fading away, originating from the red mask worn on the statue's head. She gasped at the scary features. "Is this the demon my ancestor sealed away?" she questioned no one.

She bravely walked up to the statue, noticing the long hair that trailed down from the head. She dropped her armed hand to the side and reached her free one up to the red mask. Her mouth hung open in amazement as her delicate finger traced the features of the demon mask.

Suddenly a hand grasped her wrist, causing her scream, and she tried to pull away as the stone statue began cracking apart. Her eyes widened in fright as her screams became louder and more desperate, but the supposedly petrified demon only pulled her closer, and the other hand touched Aeris's face and caresses her soft skin. Her emerald eyes were focused on the strange, glowing green eyes from the mask.

Her voice left her as she stood there in shock, but the staff in her hand began to glow. A blinding light came between them, forcing the demon away from Aeris. She was quickly released and didn't hesitate to run for the exit--the one she came down from. The path up would've been a challenge, but she was too scared to even bother with the small detail and got away from the place immediately.

Just as she went through the mouth of the cave, the boulders from above began to shake and were about to roll down over the entrance. Aeris was lucky to get out as soon as she did and watched the huge rocks land in a pile, blocking the cave once more. She leaned forward, trying to get her breath and heart rate back to normal. She looked at the weapon in her hand and quickly plunged it into its original spot in front of the cave.

She hurried towards the gate and locked it again, making sure everything appeared untouched. Satisfied, she headed back to the house, promising herself not to let her curiosity dominate.

That night behind the gates, the plants and trees in the area began to glow, emitting a white, eerie light. It gathered into a pillar of luminating energy and shot into the dark, velvet sky.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~

After that fateful day, everything seemed normal again for Aeris, but even she couldn't forget what happened that summer day in her grandmother's garden. Her mind wandered back to the statue, wondering what the demon looked like--if only she had enough courage at the time to take the mask off. "Hey, Aeris!" someone called.

A hand waved in front of Aeris's face as she slowly snapped out of her reverie. She rested her arms on her school desk and replied dreamily, "Hmm?" She looked at her blonde classmate, "Aah, hi Elena."

The girl crossed her arms and leaned against a neighboring desk. "You're spacier than usual. So how was your summer vacation?"

Aeris shrugged and clasped her hands together with a sweet smile. "Nothing really. I helped my grandmother with her garden and went exploring in the nearby area. It was nice and quiet."

Elena looked bum, "So no cute guys, huh?" Aeris shook her head, giggling. "Yeah, who'd come to this small, sleepy town anyway. It's so boring here. We've gotta get away." Her brunette friend gave a faint nod and turned her attention to the front as the teacher walked into the classroom to starte the second semester of the school year.

Later that afternoon, Aeris was skipping down the lonely road that led her to her isolated home in Kalm. Generation after generation of the Gainsborough family lived in the house with the large garden. It was said that the family had a duty to guard the sealed cave of the demon, so because of that, not many houses were built nearby, leaving it on the lonely hillside.

The walk to and from school was really beautiful, and Aeris loved every minute of it, just strolling beneath the summer foliage. Her skips soon became short sprints, and later she came to a stop when she felt something nearby. She looked around, seeing no one but her on the roadside, until she caught sight of a white bunny. She walked up to it quietly and gently and knelt down to it. She always had a way with plants and animals--it just seemed natural to her. The bunny sniffed her hand, getting familiar with her and her scent. When it seemed to like her, she slowly stroke its spotless fur.

"You're such a cute, little thing," she cooed. "Were you trying to scare me?" Aeris picked up the bunny into her arms and cuddled it. When she stood up and looked ahead of her, she saw a tall, young man standing in her pathway. He was staring at her with his mysterious, green eyes. He wore a strange, black outfit that didn't seem to be worn from around Kalm. She had almost mistakened him as a statue if it wasn't for his long, silver hair that danced behind him in the breeze.

She tucked some strands of brown hair behind her ear as she decided to walk over to him. Her eyes were locked on his, wondering where she had seen the pair before. His expression wasn't welcoming nor menacing, just neutral betraying nothing from his heart nor mind. She wondered how there could be someone who could show nothing like that. She wasn't sure if she should say something to him or just walk by like strangers usually do.

She was a few meters away from him with her feet telling her to walk on by, but her mind told her to speak to him. His lips parted, and he said, "Sephiroth." Her whole body demanded her to stop, and she did, wondering what he meant. "My name is Sephiroth," he said emotionlessly. He closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, the eerie feeling she felt in the cavern returned to her as she realized why his eyes were so familiar.

"YOU?!!" she shouted, clasping a hand over her mouth. "Yo-you're the demon?!!" Impulsively, she turned the other way and began to run away from the man, who she couldn't figure out why didn't look a thing like a demon. He was very handsome and young at that. Now just how long ago did her ancestor seal him away?

She didn't get too far when the man appeared in front of her. She was so scared, backing away slowly and hoping he wouldn't hurt her. She held the trembling bunny against her chest. He held his hands in front of him and looked at them. "Seven hundred years," he said to no one in particular even if she was there, "I have been sealed there." He looked up at her with those glowing eyes, and she thought he was accusing her of that action.

"It wasn't me!" she said hastily, waving a hand in front of her. "If you're looking for revenge, it's too late. It was my ancestor, Analfi I think, who sealed you away."

He just stared at her and appeared to be considering her words. "Hmm, I didn't think about vengeance, but it is a pleasant suggestion. I shall take you up on that offer." He drew a long blade from his side that she wondered why she didn't notice before. Aeris didn't hesitate to start running for home, hopefully to get help from her grandmother.

Sephiroth watched the girl escape, knowing very well that she couldn't get away from him. It was because of her that he was here now, free from his imprisonment. Then he did something that was unnatural of him. For the first time, he actually smiled, allowing her to get a headstart before he went after her like it was a little game to him.

Aeris was heading towards the hillside, knowing just a little bit closer would be on her family's compound. She tripped and fell forward, allowing the bunny to slip out of her arms. It panicked and hopped away, leaving her to face Sephiroth. She tried to scramble onto her feet but ended up stumbling a few meters away, only to have a sword strike the ground right next to her hand.

She nervously looked over her shoulder and saw Sephiroth staring down at her. She turned around to fully face him, still stumbling backwards on the grassy hillside. "Why me?" she asked in whisper, looking up at him with innocent, pleading eyes, "It's not fair." He placed his hand on the hilt of the sword, leaning down to her, and with his other hand, he touched her face and caressed it with his thumb.

She felt strange at his touch as if he was trying to soothe her, but he was here to kill her. Wasn't he? "Aah, sweet Aeris," he said in a deep, sexy voice.

She kept her gaze on him until her eyes jerked away from and onto the sword that he pulled out from the ground. He held it by his side as if he was going to thrust it into her body. Her hand frantically searched the ground behind her until she felt something long like a stick, but it was too thin and flimsy to clobber him. She sighed inwardly, wondering if he would fall for a really old, stupid trick. "Look over there!!" she blurted out, pointing to a random spot behind him.

Sephiroth blinked at her for a few seconds at her abruptness and then followed her finger. "What is it?" he questioned as he completely turned around, leaving his back to her. He glanced around, not realizing that he had accidently given Aeris the opportunity to escape. He certainly didn't find anything interesting to see. When he turned to Aeris again, the girl was gone.

He stood there silently, replaying the scene in his head, until he felt like an idiot. He had been the greatest SOLDIER in the universe, but somehow his senses allowed a girl--a beautiful girl--to play with his mind.

She kept running until she was up against the gates to the cave and pushed on the gates, hoping it would let her through without the key. Surprisingly, it flew open as if it had never been locked, but she knew the last person to ever enter the place was her, and it was locked when she left it that day. She pushed the puzzlement from her mind and raced towards the staff protruding from the ground. She could feel his strong presence behind her, pursuing her like a helpless prey.

Aeris grabbed the staff and spun around to face Sephiroth, who stood his ground like a great battle was about to take place. For some unexplanable reason, she felt confident, holding the staff in front of her in a defensive position. "This is pointless," she told him. "What will my death do for you? It won't bring back those missing seven hundreds years."

He didn't answer her, only charging in her direction with the sword dragging behind him. When he was more than halfway to her, he leapt into the air with the long blade facing her while she stepped back and raised her staff to block his sword. The two weapons clashed, but a white light--like the one from the cavern--flashed again with a strong force that pushed Sephiroth back. Aeris took this chance to ram the staff into his body, only to hope that he would give up his pointless purpose. It was something about the staff's power that could keep him at bay, and she knew she didn't have to be afraid of him now.

When the light faded away, she gasped at what she had done to him. She pulled the end of the staff from his bleeding shoulder. She didn't mean to hurt him that badly. She was about to reach out to him to offer him aid, but she didn't get a chance when he mumbled something and she saw faint, green light surrounding him. Right before her eyes, his injury was being healed as if it was the most natural events in the world.

Sephiroth was completely healed--except for the blood stain on his outfit--and looked at her with smirk, seeing her awed face. "Very impressive, Aeris," he said, taking a short bow before fading from scene.

"WAIT!" she called, but he was already gone. She sighed, dropping her hands down to her sides. What else was going to go wrong? How did she get into this mess? If only she had listened to her grandmother, then nothing like this would happen. She glanced at the staff and decided she was going to be safe with it by her side, but how was she going to explain it to the old woman who forbidded her beyond the gates.

There was no point standing out there and wait for another attack from him, so she headed towards her home. She was in no rush to face her grandmother, but her alertness was up just in case Sephiroth returned. She certainly couldn't live in paranoia though.

Aeris finally dragged herself home only to find it void of life. Her grandmother must have gone out again, so she would have time to phrase the events and her thoughts in a way that wouldn't get the woman upset and have a heart attack. She went upstairs to her room, swinging her new toy back and forth. She had practiced using the staff a few times under her grandmother's guidance, but that had been for fun. With her situation now, maybe she would teach Aeris a little more to protect herself.

She was just outside her door, preparing to turn the knob, when a dreadful feeling stirred in her stomach. Slowly, she turned the knob and opened the door wide. She froze up as her alert, green eyes surveyed her room. Everything seemed normal and in place like she had left it that morning. She sighed with great relief and entered her room. She closed the door behind her and walked over to the window, throwing the staff onto her bed. She opened the window to let in some fresh air. "I wonder what happened to him. Sephiroth, was it?" she said thoughtfully.

When she turned around, she nearly facefaulted to the floor at seeing the very person who nearly killed her leaning his back against the wall. Sephiroth had his arms folded across his chest, smirking, "Welcome home, Aeris." He left her quite speechless as well as defenseless.
TO BE CONTINUED... Episode Two: Here Comes a Prince or Two!

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Heh... thank you for the comments!! If you reread it, I took Washu-san's suggestion into consideration and added that part though it's not as funny 'cause I also wanted to have the characters be themselves too. I hope it's not too bad.

And if anyone can tell me where I can get a good script of Tenchi Muyo In Love, then I would be very appreciative 'cause I could then start writing an FF7 version of that since it has all the characters. It would be nice if there was good description too 'cause I'm too lazy to go watch it again. Thanks in advance.

Anyway I would really love criticism on this. You could say this is my first FF fic!! Thanks for your time.

K-chan =^-^=