Ok, chapter three, revised. Most of it is the same, but there are parts that I added from the original copy that I had written.

Fm: hahahahahaahahahah I'm back!! This chapter sucks!! And I'm a horribly, lazy authoress!! T-T

Sasuke: yes you are.

Fm: shut up or I'll sick Itachi on you!!

Itachi: (sick grin)

Fm & Sasuke: . . . . . . . .

Fm: he's creepy!!

Sasuke: yep. . .

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, but I do own naughty tapes of Naruto and Sasuke! xD

Warnings: smex, snogging, violence, dieing, and a bunch of other stuff that I have yet to think of.

Chapter 3

the pounding on the door used up the last of his patience and restraint that he had needed for the his pink haired friend, and as he threw open the door he glared at who ever it was, wishing them a very painful death. His own onxy eyes meet amused blue, and they widened in shock.

"N-Naruto." He stuttered, and cursed himself for it. The blonde just smirked, and pushed their lips together in a heated kiss that Sasuke gladly joined. Naruto nipped on his bottom lip, and he moaned, opening his mouth for the other, all thoughts leaving his mind instantly at the feel of the others tongue.

While he was distracted, Naruto pushed him back into the apartment, slamming the door closed, and flipping them around so that Sasuke was pinned. Sasuke whimpered when the blonde left his lips, instead, teasing his neck, making him groan. He arched his neck so the other took his invitation.

The warm breathe and wet tongue left his neck as Naruto chuckled at him, and he opened his eyes to glare at him for stopping, meeting amused blue that were darkened with lust.

"Sasuke." The blonde breathed in his ear as he pulled close to him, nibbling on the lob. His body shivered, but he ignored it, that and the weakening in his legs, in favor of grabbing the others head and turning his face to once again crush their lips again. He was instantly dominated, and where he would have once complained, saying something along the lines that Uchiha's were never dominated, he loved it, and moaned.

He arched his back when he felt the tan hand on his body, loving the feeling of those long fingers on his skin and musclur, and the blonde went back to marking him as his own.

"Sasuke how about this one?" he blinked confused lust filled onxy eyes open when the blonde pulled away and he heard the annoying sound of his female friend come out of those bruised lips.

"Naruto?" he panted.

"Sasuke! Don't fall asleep you bastard!" the same voice said, and the sexy blonde in front of him turned into a pissed off pink haired women.

Sasuke jumped up from the couch he had been sitting on for the last couple of hours, and blinked, looking around the living that wasn't his own. He looked to the where the dinning room/ kitchen connected to a hallway, and saw the glaring nervous pink haired girl that had interrupted his rather wet dream.

"How about this one?" she asked, instantly losing her glare, as the nervousness and panic over came her.

Sasuke dropped his eyes from her face, and down to the long white sheer coat with angel like sleeves (1) she wore. Underneath was a sleeveless strapless belted shirt that showed off a good bit of cleavage and her stomach with her belly button ring that was of a dangling red rose. A white mini skirt clung to her hips, and white leather heeled boots came up to her thighs, hiding her beautiful long legs.

Sasuke shrugged and looked at the cable box that doubled as a clock. "You look fine, and we're going to be late." He said, sighing before instantly regretting his words. Those green eyes that were even brighter than normal widened as she came forward quickly, glancing at the clock and shrieking.

"I'm late!" she said, grabbing the arm of the once again shocked boy, and dragged him out the door, barely stopping to either grab her purse, or lock and close the door.

Snow fluttered down lightly on the city streets, white puffy flakes that stuck in your hair, but melted in your bare hands. Naruto watched it fall. Watched it melt on the sidewalk as he walked by, and he watched it layer in the untraveled alleys. It intrigued him that something so eternal and pure could vanish in seconds.

A couple passed him, the lady clutching on the man's arm, oohhing and awing the small flacks. Her eyes sparkled as she called them beautiful, her cheeks strangled by a rosy blush from the cold, and the 'picture perfect' moment.

Naruto snorted, the couple turning to him as he walked forward. The man glared at him, but the women had a shocked expression that hide her growing anger at being interrupted. Naruto could have drained her, knowing the type.

"Hey buddy, you got a problem!?" the guy said, his voice carrying his superficial anger. Naruto shook his head, and walking passed the girl whispered. "Careful, they can steal your soul." Her eyes widened, before she turned to yell at him. To ask him what he had meant. To say something smart in return, but he was already much farther ahead.

"What a freak!" the guy said, pulling her closer, but she just stared at Naruto's retreating back, unsure if he was right or if he was wrong.

Naruto turned into the park, a short cut to the nightclub, snickering slightly. Any other time, he would follow the couple, break up the relationship, and feed off the girl or guy, depending on which he liked better.

He stopped, his thoughts trailing to later that night. He knew that Kyuubi was most likely going to feed off of him, and he wondered if he had enough blood for two(2). He sighed his earlier mood of being slightly happy gone. His life had turned into a mess when he had met Kyuubi. If only he had realized what that the dark haired man was bringing with him. What the price he was going to pay would be. . .

Naruto wept on the edge of the bed, his hands gripping a skeleton with pale yellowy skin, and abnormally long finger nails that made red scratches appear across his tan skin as the hand bent slightly to grip his hand. His tears fell beyond hard, his vision blurred so bad that he couldn't even make out the different colors of the flicking candle flames that lit the room. He begged for the other not to go, not to leave him alone again. He pleaded for the other to stay, saying he would do anything, anything at all to make her not go away.

It was days before his tears stopped, his voice having left him long ago, only leaving him with a tiny hoarse whisper. The creak of the door sounded in the heavy silence that he was left with; that he had hoped would suffocate him like he felt it would. He ignored it, only having eyes for the women on the bed that you could barely see, but knew was there because of the lump in the sheets. He concentrated on the hand that he held, petting it softly, and affectionately. A firm hand was placed on his shoulder, making him turn his red and puffy eyes that still held tears that were impossible for him to shed.

Kyuubi stood behind him, his red eyes staring into the Naruto's own blue, and his long black hair tied into a lose ponytail. He gripped Naruto's shoulder tightly, turning his eyes away to look at Naruto's dieing wife (3). He turned too, a single tear running down his face when he had expected none to return just yet.

"Naruto." Said Kyuubi, the name slipping past his lips as he turned to look at the blonde haired man that was falling apart before his eyes. The blonde tightened his grip on his wife's hand as she groaned. It was a sunken sound that seemed to come from below her soul, from hell itself.

Naruto stopped himself once again, the memory burning his eyes, and his heart. He breathed out, his breath a warm cloud that floated upward, and vanished quickly. The snow had turned heaver, larger flakes falling from the dark grey sky. He shoved his hands into his pockets of his black trench coat he wore, the front tied loosely. The cold didn't bother him, if anything; it tickled his skin in a body-part-falling-asleep kind of way, except without the pins and needles.

His vampire blood ran warm and changing in his vessels, letting him feel slight differences in cold and warm temperature then everybody else. He started off again, flakes falling into the top of his coat, and running down the back of his neck in cold droplets of water.


Sasuke groaned into his drink, and looked beside him at the empty spot. He had turned away for a second to get a drink, and the stupid pink haired wench had run off. When he found her, she was going to pay! Standing up with an evil glint in his eyes at how he was going to torture his pink haired friend for leaving him alone in this gothic like nightclub, after dragging him there for 'morale support' as she had put it. He cast his dark eyes around the place, shivering slightly. The place wasn't somewhere where people would normally find him, or he would normally find himself, or even where normal people would be!

The room was dark, the only lights coming from behind the bar, and flashing lasers that cut through a dancing throng of people, all sweaty, and bodies bumping and rubbing against others. This room was large, almost twice the size of the first one that he had passed through, and filled with a lot more people. From what he had seen so far, this room was used for dancing, smoking, and other unnamable things that he had wished he had never seen. The first room he had passed through had been a small bar type of place, soft dark music coming out of hidden speakers. The contrast was unmistakable, and questionable that they were the same place, but there was no mistaking his memory.

He sighed, turning back to the bar, and downing his drink. There was only one person behind the bar, and Sasuke shivered slightly every time his silver eyes landed on him. He assumed that they were contacts, seeing as he had never seen someone who could see with those types of eyes. His long black hair was similar to Sasuke's, except that Sasuke's had more of a bluish tint to it.

He turned his silvers eyes to him, looking away from the purple haired girl that he had been taking to, and nodded over to him, before turning back to the girl. She flashed the barkeep a shy smile before vanishing into the crowd that stood a few feet from the bar, and the man walked over to Sasuke.

"Can I help you wi-"the man said, but a loud voice from the other side of the bar broke through his words, making the man growl and turn. Sasuke's breath caught as he saw a siries looking Naruto. Naruto had some how found his way to the other side of the bar, where he stood talking with the bartender. He sighed, and fixed himself his own drink, downing the small glass. He wiped his mouth before his blue eyes caught the black that stared at him.

Sasuke looked down quickly as he saw a smile grow on the blonde's face when he had caught Sasuke watching. Naruto said a few last words to the other man before making his way over to Sasuke, raising a brow.

"Can I fill that up for you?" he whispered, but Sasuke heard him just fine.

"Hn." Was all he said, watching the dark brown liquid fill his glass. He would have watched anything as long as he didn't have to look at the face of the other male.

"So, Sasuke," he looked up at the sound of his name, and glared at the smirk on the other. "What brings you to this . . . place?" he said, trying to ignore the stumble, and hesitation in his words. Sasuke had heard it though, and raised an eyebrow before narrowing his eyes slightly.

"How do you know my name?" he asked, ignoring the question, and looking slightly indigent when Naruto chucked.

"Your pink haired friend shouted it at the conversion store." He said, before chuckling sheepishly. "And your . . . pink haired friend knows my . . . blonde haired friend." He added sort of lamely. Sasuke snorted, raising his glass, and taking a sip. He grimaced, knowing this was not what he ordered the first time.

"Dope." Was all he said, watching as Naruto gave him an amused look. Sasuke took another sip.

"We have to stop meeting like this." Naruto said, turning to his side so he could gesture largely. "I picture a nice restraint, maybe some candles, and meatballs." He explained in a teasing voice, watching the younger male from the side of his vision. Sasuke coughed in his drink, glaring at the other.

"Or you could stop following me." He said. Though nothing in his demeanor, or voice gave it away, he hoped that the other wouldn't. Although he would yet admit to it, he liked the blonde as he knew him so far.

Naruto chuckled again, an easy sound that Sasuke liked. "Well then, how about-"

"Naruto-kun." Said a small voice behind Sasuke, making him jump. Naruto was cut off of what he was going to say, but his blues eyes drifted over to the purple haired girl that Sasuke had seen taking to the bartender.

"Yes Hinata-chan?" he asked her. She blushed slightly, and bowed. "He'll see you now." Was all she said, before once again vanishing into the crowd.

Naruto frowned, but then turned back to Sasuke plastering a fake smile on his features. He found a random napkin, and pulled a pen out of his pocket before writing something down on it, and putting it in Sasuke's hand. He winked before Sasuke could figure out something to say, and he was gone.

Sasuke looked at the folded napkin in his hand, and opened seeing a short message from Naruto to call him, and his number. He smirked, refolding the napkin, and shoving it into his pocket. He paid and left, feeling happier than he had been in a while.


Naruto opened the door, and even before stepping inside, he felt hands pulling his cloths off him. The other male was already naked in front of him, and he was pushed back against the door, as it was slammed shut. Harsh lips were on him, and sharp teeth were biting his own, drawing blood that was quickly sucked up. A rough tongue went every where in his mouth, feeling everything, and stealing his moisture. He couldn't help the moan that escaped his mouth as it was released so he could harshly gasp breath. A hand ran down his body, leaving claw markings in its wake, and he moaned again as a he felt teeth bite into his flesh, sucking on his blood.

He was pulled away from the wall, before being thrown on to the bed. He stared up at lust filled eyes that seemed to rape him where he lay before a tongue ran over the whisker marks that ran across his cheeks. He was straddled, his hands pinned like earlier, but this time one hand spread his legs. Naruto closed his eyes when he felt the shaft of Kyuubi placed at his entrance, and with one swift movement, it was buried deep inside him. Naruto opened his mouth in a silent scream, before Kyuubi cover it with his own, thrusting harshly in to Naruto.

Blood flowed through his mouth as he felt the other man bite his tongue, sucking on it afterwards. Naruto gasped, and moaned again when the other man stroked his member, the man smirking when he released the boy's mouth. The bed rocked with the force of Kyuubi's thrusts, adding to the pants of Kyuubi, and the pleads of "harder, faster" from Naruto.

All too soon Naruto felt his organism coming, making him see pretty stars, and coat both figures stomachs with his hot sperm. And all too soon he felt Kyuubi tenses, and more warm liquid add to his bleeding unready, 'virgin' hole. As he rode out his orgasm in Naruto, Naruto leaned up, biting his nipple, and sucking blood from him. He heard Kyuubi moan, and he could feel his eyes on him. He grabbed his chin, and rough kissed him, Naruto instantly opening his mouth, and tasting his own blood.

He groaned as Kyuubi started thrusting into him, having not noticed he had stop. In a small space in his mind, a part that wasn't filled with either pleasure or pain, he thought that it would be a long night, but that small space didn't last long.


T-T I'm horrible! I apologize for my horrible writing! I'M SORRY!!

Rit-chan (fruits basket) & his mother: WE APOLOGIZE TO THE WORLD ON HER BEHALF! WE'RE SORRY! WE'RE SORRY!

Fm: T-T that was uncalled for. . .

1) I'm not good with cloths. I know what I want, but to describe it is hard.

2) Vampire blood is harmful to other vampires, but between sire, and sired (?) since they share the same blood they can feed off of each other.

3) NO, this is NOT A REANCARENATION fiction. He was just married! That's it!! . . . .There is nothing else. . . Sasuke has nothing to do with his wife!!

Please review!! ((No flames, I already it's horrible!!))

I know its not that different, but without redoing the whole thing, I can't put in the part I want, so it will probably end up in another chapter, or as another chapter.