A/N: Hey its me Galalectra, I had to delete my other stories because someone was very rude and i had to it made me go nuts so i just deleted them but im back and eveything with a brand new story called "Dreams Far Off Past" it's a HP/SM Crossover I hope you guys like it im working on the 1st chapter as we speak. Oh and before I forget my friends character is in this story Sailor Star, if youve read any of her stories there is a slight change, in this story Emma was in before the Starlights came, just FYI kay awesome oh and if you wanna read some of Sailor Star Super's stories vist her page trust me youll love them. ENJOY AND NO FLAMES!

Here are some guidelines to help you out.

"..." talking

'...' thinking

... talking telepathically

Dreams Far Off Past

As the Starlight's got ready to leave, Seiya looked around at the group in front of him/her; he noticed one certain someone was missing. "Hey where's Odango Atama?"

"I don't know Seiya but you know Usagi, she's always late." answered Rei with an annoyed look on her face, "She can never seem to be on time."

As she finished saying that the door to the roof opened to reveal a much winded girl, "I'm sorry I'm late you guys, I sort got caught up in something and lost track of time," she managed to say.

"Well since all of you are now here now, I guess its time we say goodbye." said Princess Kakyuu calmly but sadly as well "Seiya, Yaten, Taiki, transform we must leave soon our old friends are waiting for us." she said after they said their last goodbyes.

"Usagi, remember I'll never forget you" Sailor Star fighter said just as they teleported.

"I won't forget you either Seiya" Usagi whispered under her breath.

"So Usagi, what did you get caught up in that caused you to be late," asked a curious Mamoru.

"Nothing big Mamo-chan," she said to his curious face while adding something under her breath, "at least nothing big yet." Luna seemed to hear this and looked at Usagi worriedly, when Usagi caught her gaze all she did was put a finger to her lips signifying not to tell anyone.

Later on as they walked to Rei's Usagi seemed to be distracted as she walked a good way behind the group with a solemn face. Haruka and the rest of the outers were driving by and they noticed the look on her normally happy face, and that she was a good way behind the group. Haruka looked at Michiru, who nodded, and headed for the temple instantly knowing that something was bothering their princess. Since they were the first to arrive at the temple they sat down on the steps waiting for the rest to arrive.

"Setsuna, do you have any idea what's bothering Koneko." Haruka asked suddenly.

"Yes I do Haruka but I am afraid I can not tell you seeing as the princess forbade me from saying until she saw fit for her to tell us herself." Setsuna said as she made the little bit of faith go out in Haruka's eyes.

"It must be a really big secret if she forbade even you from telling us, Sets" she finally said. "It is an enormous secret Haruka; you have no idea how big in fact," Setsuna added the last bit under her breath.

"What was that Setsuna" asked Michiru.

"Nothing Michi, nothing," she added with a finalallity in her voice, just as the group came around the corner, they too had been stealing glances at Usagi, also sensing that something was troubling her.

"Hey you guys I'll be back as soon as I can, I need to go get something," Mamoru said before taking off in the opposite direction of the temple upon seeing Setsuna sitting on the steps. Setsuna looked up and noticed Mamoru starting to take off; she narrowed her eyes as she also noticed a small panicked look on his face. 'He knows' Setsuna thought carefully. Princess, did you manage to see what just happened she whispered telepathically.

Yes Setsuna, I did, and I also realized he knows. I'm not sure how but he does and now he's trying to run Usagi answered, I don't care if he tries to run just as long as he stays away from him. I think its time the girls know my little secret; you know what to do Setsuna.

Of course princess, she whispered as she started walking up the temple steps with Usagi. How do you think we should go around explaining it?'

Simple, we'll show them. As long as I have you by my side and the Ginzuishou it should be simple' she answered carefully. That also reminds me, do you still have all of the cloaks with you, I have a feeling we might need them.

Of course I still have them, your mother told me herself to keep them safe Setsuna whispered slowly.

Good, since were already in the temple, go head and do what you must Setsuna, I will see you in a bit. Usagi said as Setsuna stayed near the entrance of the temple.

Right, ohh and Usagi, watch out for Rei's temper, you know how she can get Setsuna whispered as she transformed, and as Usagi turned back and nodded.

As Usagi walked into where her friends sat, everyone starred at her. "What," she asked.

Rei was the one who spoke first, "Usagi, what's bothering you, I mean we can tell it's big because of your face." As everyone else looked worriedly at Usagi.

"You guys are right something is bothering me but it's much bigger than you think." Usagi smiled a bit as she said that. "Hmmm. I should be surprised that you guys are so in tune with me, even though on the moon kingdom we were bound to each other," At this point Setsuna walked in, in her Sailor form.

"It is done princess, were safe to begin, he shouldn't be able to get in, in fact no one but us will be able to for the time being. We have three hours in fact." Setsuna said calmly as she took a stand next to Usagi.

"Thank you Setsuna, that should be more than enough time, is the staff ready?" Usagi asked as she ignored the gapping looks from the other girls.

"It's ready as soon as you say Princess" Setsuna said quietly.

Usagi now turned to the gaping group, "This is going to be hard to explain you guys, well first off I better just come out with it, I have a brother."

The group laughs and someone says "We know you have a brother, we see him practically everyday Usagi," both Setsuna and Usagi mentally sweat drop but on the outside they stay static. As the group sees the unamused faces they suddenly stop laughing.

"Now, will you let me finish. Good. Well I do have a brother, my brother from the moon." Usagi said clearly and confidently.

"That's impossible Usagi," said Ami "we would have remembered him by now and we also would have found him."

"Well there's a reason why you don't remember him," Usagi said carefully and cautiously, "That reason is that I blocked your memories of him." She finished with confidence and a bit of fear to how the others, well one in particular would react.

"YOU WHAT" and there it was, Rei shouted, "How couldyou block our memories!" she said very slowly and dangerously.

"Well Rei, it's quite simple you know, you just get into the persons mind and well..." that was all Usagi got to say before she got interrupted by a fuming Rei.


"IT WAS FOR YOUR OWN GOOD" Shouted Usagi as she cowered in fear behind Setsuna, "I had to do it for your own good, knowing you guys, especially you Rei, you would have gone charging in without a thought to get back Tranquility, aka Quill but that's not important.

"YES IT IS IMPORTANT! YOU BLOCKED OUR MEMORIES FROM YOUR BROTHER..." Rei screamed at Usagi. "I mean other than Shingo, of course."

"Can we please drop this, I have more to tell you and I need to show you and restore the memories" she tried not to be scared as she said that.

"humph fine, but don't think this is over, Usagi!" Rei sneered. "Not by a long shot!"

"Yes ma'am" squeaked Usagi, "Okay now to tell you about Sailor Earth."


"WHAT!" everyone else yelled.

"See, I'm not the only one mad about this!" Rei said.

"Ummm sorta," Usagi said scratching her head, "There something else to, she's the true heir to the throne of Elysion, Darien's a fake a decoy, brought on by something or should I say someone, if you will," she said as she braced herself from what was about to come.


"Well if you must know, there's also sailor sun, but she erased the memories from all of you not me and she wants nothing to do with being a protector."



She can't, well because first off, she has her own protectors and she was just an acquaintance to the moon, we only call on her if it's absolutely necessary, she's to powerful." Added Usagi.

"Stupid. Sailor Sun..." Rei said under her breath..." stupid acquaintance of the moon..."

"Anyways now its time to show you my brother, we still don't know who Sailor Earth is, and to restore your memories of him and what I myself remember of her. Pluto the staff please." Usagi managed to say as Pluto handed her the Garnet Orb.

"About time." Rei said. She got annoyed glares from every one.

Usagi took the staff and focused her power on the Ginzuishou and forced it form her body. As her body released it she put on the staff on top of the garnet orb, and said something in quick Lunarian, there was a flash of very bright white light and then nothing except for Usagi being supported by Pluto and the Garnet Orb, in her Princess form. "Princess are you alright?" asked a worried Pluto.

"Yes Pluto I'm fine that just took a little more out of me then expected that's all." She answered, "Do you remember everything everyone?" she asked

"I think I do even though Sailor Earth is a little fuzzy" said a confused Rei, "As for Tranquility I remember a good deal. Even though it's small it's still a good deal."

"That's good and don't worry as soon as we find Sailor Earth the memories will become clearer." Usagi said as she put the Ginzuishou back into her body and changed back to her normal form, but she was still hanging onto the Orb. "Now to show you were my brother is right now, Setsuna will you please do the honors," she said as Sailor Pluto sat her down.

"Of course, princess," she answered as she took back the Garnet Orb from Usagi's hands, "Alright you guys listen up," Setsuna suddenly stopped and looked around, "Does anyone know where Emma is, I haven't seen her in a while." The others looked around and noticed that she was telling the truth.

"I don't know where Emma is, but I could go look for her, or we can just call her," Haruka said calmly.

"Could you please go and get her Haruka, that way she'll be here faster, plus her brother can cover for her. Oh I remember why she isn't here now; she had a doctor's appointment today. How could I forget? I've been so busy worrying about Quill that I forgot one of my friends reason for not be able to make it to wish them goodbye." Usagi said as she started to beat herself up, "Hurry Haruka, she should be there by now, I want to get this over with quickly."

Haruka got up and went out to her car, as she walked through the entrance she noticed that Setsuna had put up a barrier around the shrine. "Man this has to be big in order for Sets to put up a senshi only barrier up."

"I know, it was rare even in the Moon Kingdom for Setsuna to put up this barrier," said Minako as she walked out behind Haruka, "I decided to come with you in order to talk to Josh, I have a feeling I wont see him for a while." Haruka nodded at this because she also sensed it as well.

"If we go anywhere I guess we can tell them that were going take her out to get away from the city into some fresh air, Beth trusts me so it shouldn't be a problem," Haruka said as they got into her car, "Buckle up Minako, I'm going try to be as fast as possible." The ride that was usually twenty minutes long turned out to be at the most ten minutes but considering it was the Tokyo rush hour the drive would have taken about an hour. Haruka and Minako quickly got up and walked up to the door, as Haruka was about to knock Josh opened the door. "Hey Josh, is your sister home?" she quickly asked.

"Yeah she just got home from the doctors appointment, what's going on?" Josh asked curiously. Minako and Haruka just gave him 'that' look that told him everything he needed to know. "I see, come on in, you'll have to wait a bit, Emma's taking a shower, she hates to go to the hospital she says she always comes back smelling like it."

"Josh could I like talk to you, umm like in your room talk to you," Minako winked as Haruka rolled her eyes.

"Don't take to long because as soon as Emma's changed were going, I don't care if Emma has to Star Sphere your ass, we have to hurry." Luckily neither of the other Hanzo residents heard that, "Josh which bathroom is your sister in so I can hurry her up."

Josh answered as he and Minako walked down the basement steps, "She's in the second upstairs bathroom, the one farthest from her room." Haruka ran up the stairs as she came nearer to the bathroom door she could definitely hear the water running. She knocked on the door.

"Who is it, I'm taking a shower here you know." Was the muffled answer she received.

"Emma, its Haruka, hurry up Koneko needs us, were having and a pretty weird meeting and all but I'll fill you in on the way, just hurry and get out of there ASAP, who knows what damage Rei's done to Usagi by now." Just then the door opened and Emma rushed out.

"Give me a few minutes sis, I'll be ready in a flash, oh and if Mina's here I would start trying to get her out of my brothers room, if not were gonna be here forever you know," she said as she bolted from the bathroom down the hall to her room. The last thing Haruka heard as she headed down the stairs was something falling to the floor in Emma's room followed by the usually, "I'm Okay people". Haruka grinned and shook her head as she quickly headed down the stairs and then down the basement stairs were she started knocking on the door rather loudly.

"Minako come on it's about time we go Emma's basically ready," she kept repeating until Emma came down and shut the sound proof door leading up to the kitchen.

"Let me guess, their still in there probably making out," when she received an exasperating sigh she took to the door herself giving off a few warning knocks until she was fed up, "Josh open this door this instant before I Star Sphere it down," she yelled and waited about two minutes, "Fine this doors gonna be ruble in" she started to count down as she took the Star Staff and you could hear it powering it up, " Ten, Nine, Eight, Seven, Six, Five, Four, Three, Three and a half, Two, oh well good bye door, O…" the door opened to reveal a messy josh with Lip Gloss all over his face and neck and a Minako with a hickey on her neck.

"EMMA, never do that again you almost destroyed my door," Josh said as Emma powered down her staff.

"It's your own fault if you and Minako hadn't started a make out fest, we would have been out of her 7 minutes ago, that's your cue to start running up those steps Minako, Haruka make sure she's in the car by the time I get out there," Emma quickly said as she looked at Josh and Minako, who was starting up the steps. "Bye Josh, I love ya big bro," she finished it with a kiss and ran up the stairs and quickly got into the car, again the drive only took minutes. On the way Haruka took the time to tell her everything that Usagi had told them and when they got there Emma was fuming so much that Haruka had to hold her from running into the temple and immediately killing Usagi.

"EMMA, would you calm down, you're worse than Rei you know." Haruka said as she held on to Emma.

"SHUT UP! I'm going to kill her, bring her back to life...kill her again, and feed her remains to a bear!" Emma screamed. Haruka looked at her. "Yes. I stole that from Kasadi. NOT THE POINT"

"I got to keep you away from her," Haruka said to herself, "AND NO your not going to kill Usagi, she's under a tough time right now just wait till you see her face, she's so sad."

"I DON'T F-IN CARE IF HER BROTHER'S DIEING!" Emma screamed. "I'm not talking about Shingo, mind you. The brother I'm NOT going out with mind you. "Emma corrected herself "I DON'T CARE!" she said as she struggled.


Even Haruka winced at the things she imagined Emma doing to Usagi, "You will do no such thing Emma, you're going to walk in there and you're going to sit and be quiet till Usagi finishes, got it." Haruka said in 'you'll do it or else' voice, as they finished walking up the last steps.

"Do I get to throw the first punch when she finishes?"

"Emma Rose Hanzo," she said in her low, calm dangerous voice.

"Don't Emma Rose Hanzo Me...Only my mom dad and brother can do that!" Emma said. "Wait a second...Josh can't call me that!"

"Fine I guess that means no Sister, Sister spoiling," she said in what she knew Emma would give into.

"..." Emma looked up at her. "You don't mean that...do you?"


Haruka just looked slightly down at her as she let her go and walked in, "It's your choice"

"..." Emma pouted. "That's not fair..."

"HARUKAAAAA!" cried when Haruka didn't answer." YOU WIN!"

As Emma was about to go in she noticed a weird barrier that kept even birds from entering, immediately she knew it was a Senshi only barrier and realized just how big this really was. She went in and quickly glared at Usagi who was sitting in a corner with Sailor Pluto, and sat next to Haruka and Michiru.

"Usagi, Haruka has threatened my sister, sister spoiling...so, try to keep out any more secrets or else, I will have no control of how my body reacts." Emma said dangerously.

Usagi just didn't react at Emma's threat; she just looked up with empty eyes.

"Haruka...she didn't flinch or anything...I'm scared..."

Setsuna stood up, "Its time to show you where Tranquility is, it might be a bit fuzzy since it's a different dimension." she said quietly as the Garnet Orb began to glow.

"ooooo..." Emma said. Haruka jabbed her in the ribs.

"Pay attention!" Haruka hissed.

Suddenly Setsuna hissed in pain as she fell to her knees, Emma was instantly at her side while everyone was stunned, "Sets are you okay," she asked

"I'm fine it's just that there's a protection spell cast on him, I need more power to get through it but not break it." She managed to hiss out, "Emma help me with your Star Staff we should be able to do it together," she looked at her while getting up.

"Okay...never done this before..." Emma said summoning her staff.

"Its simple enough, just focus all of your power into the Garnet Orb and your instincts should take over," she said simply

"Okay..." Emma said. She closed her eyes and started concentrating. Suddenly a glowing star appeared on her forehead, and her staff started glowing as well.

Setsuna probed her mind so that they could stay together. Listen to me Emma, you must stay with me or else the connection will be lost.

I'm trying...god my head hurts... Emma probed back.

Push the pain aside, here there is no pain, use your heart and mind together.


Setsuna and Emma started to go past what seemed to be different years from the past to the future, Its weird isn't it, each dimension, seem to be our past and future. Setsuna whispered.

yeah...wtf? did I just see josh as a baby? he looked so dorky..

It must be the combination of out powers.


Emma where here, do you see that boy the one with the glasses?

Yeah...wait a second...

What's the matter Emma

What's with that scar? Emma asked. ' it's shaped like a thunderbolt'

Actually it looks more like a lightning bolt to me

...same difference!

Setsuna sighed at this, Whatever just don't say anything in front of Makoto, now Emma, focus your energy in projecting this to the scouts before we lose it, while you do that I'll focus on projecting his story, don't worry I'll still be here and you'll be able to see it too" Setsuna said quickly.

Okay... Emma concentrated again. the light growing more from her forehead as she saw everything that Setsuna was sending through her.

Okay Emma were done you can let go now and just focus on getting back into yourself. Setsuna said as she slowly pulled away from Emma's mind.

Before Emma or Setsuna knew it they were back in front of the other scouts who all had shocked looks on their faces except for Usagi who was curled up and crying her eyes out. Both Emma and Rei rushed to her, Rei took her out of her curled position and Emma let her cry onto her shoulder while she tried to comfort her best as they could. "I knew it, I just knew it. I can never save him from any fate, why couldn't he be born in the same dimension as me," she kept crying and crying until she basically was exhausted and passed out. At this point Haruka lifted her up and took her to Rei's room where she carefully laid her down. Haruka walked back to the den and joined the conversation

"What are we going to do girls," asked Hotaru who was also crying.

"I vote we go and make sure he survives this year, and make sure that, that old fart doesn't use him anymore than he already has," said Rei.

"I agree with Rei, we should go tonight, or early morning tomorrow, he leaves for this school a day after tomorrow and it will take us at least that time to teleport there and find that school."

"Lets do it, as soon as Usagi wakes up and eats we'll go." Said Emma. Everyone nodded in agreement.

Usagi ended up waking up within a few hours it was still daylight, just a few hours before sunset. When the she got up and the girls told her what they had decided, she was overjoyed and hugged each of them, in mid hug of Setsuna she stopped. "Setsuna what time is it," she asked suddenly looking at the setting sun.

"Its 6:30 Usagi," realization dawned on her face as he remembered something, "Usagi we're late, oh I hope she's still there, and I hope she'll still let us borrow it. Haruka can I borrow your car, it's an emergency," she said as Haruka fumbled with the keys in her pocket and quickly handed them to Setsuna.

"Setsuna what's going on, what are you late to and why do you need my baby," she asked hurriedly.

"You'll hopefully find out tonight, that is if we can get her to lend it to us," shouted Usagi as she ran out of the temple followed by Setsuna.

"We'll find out what, and who's lending you what, Usagi," shouted Rei as she ran outside just as the car flew around the corner.

Setsuna and Usagi rushed to the park in the middle of Tokyo, they hoped that she was still there. As they arrived the say a familiar red heart shaped buns running wildly around the main fountain, both Setsuna and Usagi sighed in relief, thank goodness this was a sign that she was still waiting. Now they had to get down to business and get what they needed before it was too late.

45 minutes later

It was already dark by the time Setsuna and Usagi came back, there was also something different about Usagi, her hair looked a bit more silver than usual, but other than that she was the same old Usagi, or so they thought. "Hey everyone, are you guys ready for a long, long, long teleportation." Everyone nodded, "Did we already take care of the parent issue and the school issue, Ami, Michiru, Haruka," she asked they all nodded.

"Beth thinks I'm taking Emma on a get away from the city and all. Plus we went and packed her things, thank goodness for Rei's car if not we would just barely have gotten there.

"Since all the school principles knows about us it was be easy, just told them the two magic words and they excused us from all classes till the end of the school year, they said that they would cover for us and to take as long as we need, if we take too long they just lie about putting us in student exchange programs," followed Ami and Michiru. "It really did help letting the school know," she finished.

"Good I guess we should transform" she said "Oh, wait a minute, I almost forgot, I got a present for you guys. Give me your transformation pens and your pendent Emma." She said sweetly, everyone handed her their transformation pens but not without hesitation. "Don't worry you guys, you'll appreciate this later when you find out what it's for." She focused her energy as the scouts watch curiously, the crescent moon insignia started to glow on her forehead, suddenly and eight pointed star surrounded it as the insignia grew brighter. Everyone gasped when they realized what the eight pointed star signified, Usagi was now Sailor Cosmos or at least had part of Sailor Cosmos power in her. They turned their attention back to the pens and in Emma's case pendent, the other scouts pens turned to something like Emma's pendent but instead of a star, the pendants themselves were the planets, with there symbol glowing brightly on the pendants and as for Emma's it turned into a star broach, her insignia of Hoshi glowing brightly on it. When Usagi finished she looked at them, "Now that you know what happened when me a Setsuna left, you shouldn't be surprised at all. Now as for your choker or in your case Emma broach, you're all now at Eternal level, this is my gift to you for always being there for me. Now Transform, will you, I want to see what you look like.

"Mercury Eternal Power,"

"Venus Eternal Power,"

"Mars Eternal Power,"

"Jupiter Eternal Power,"

"Saturn Eternal Power,"

"Uranus Eternal Power,"

"Neptune Eternal Power,"

"Pluto Eternal Power,"

"Eternal Star Transformation,"

"Make Up" they all yelled together. They were now in the senshi outfits they were practically the same except for the sleeves and the skirts, oh and some of them now had heels on their boots or shoes if they hadn't before. Their sleeves were the lightest representative color of their planets and their skirts were multicolored with their colors form lightest to darkest. Emma's was slightly different from the others, her Senshi outfit matched more of Usagi's Eternal outfit except for the two main colors which of course were yellow and gold and her hair was also different, instead of its usually curly uncontrollable appearance it was now longer and wavy flowing down to her mid back but still in its pony tail which was now held up by a multicolored bow and hair broach, each with the symbol of Hoshi on them.

"You guys look fantastic," Usagi squealed, "My turn now I guess," she took a deep breath before she yelled out in what seemed to be her Princess voice, "Cosmos Galactic Power, Make Up." Her body took up to the air, their was a fantastic rainbow of lights all around her as she started to spin, her body curled up in a fetal position as her new eight pointed locket glowed strong and bright. Chibichibi started to descend on feathery wings. Both females were in a fetal position. They spun in a circle, moving closer and closer at each rotation. Soon, their bodies met and there was bright light, in the that very light you could manage to see a shadowy figure, the light dimmed away and woman stood with loose long simmering silver hair. Her locket insignia was now burning brightly on her forehead A Sailor Fuku started to form on her body as her, she blacked flipped and arched her back as tattoo was being sketched onto her open back that still had yet to be covered by the fuku. She threw her head back as her hair was made up into heart shape buns, they were adorned with crystal like fragments, star shaped earrings came onto her ears as she raised her head, gloss had been added to her lips as once again she black flipped and started spinning once again as her fuku finished appearing. Her hands went to her heart as rings appeared on her fingers. She took two steps, with slowly and gracefully extending her foot, winged high heels appeared on her feet, they were at the least 6 inches tall, with one final movement she outstretched her hands in front of her, just as a long gorgeous staff appeared before her, she span it gracefully to her right hand side. With that her transformation was complete and she stood before the scouts, and once again their faces were in shock.

The scouts stood in shock at her new fuku, which was much shorter than what they were used to and the front of the skirt it was decorated with a rainbow of colors, her whole outfit was white and silver except her sleeves, they had an orange glow to them and had a small out stretched wing adorning each of them. Instead of the usual bow in front, it was two outstretched wings in the middle of them was her transformation broach, it was the same right above the skirt except it cradled a jewel. On her neck was a white choker with the same eight pointed star, it was also adorned on her forehead.

"I say we go as soon as possible, I don't want there to be any complications with the teleportation," Rei said as she snapped everyone out of their shock.

"Yes I agree with Rei," Setsuna also said, "but first I have something for all of you also. I remember when we did cross dimensional teleportation, in the Silver Millennium, we were always freezing for that hour or more." As she finished saying that she reached into her sub-space pocket and pulled out a large wrapped package that seem to be very old. "These were your old cloaks from the Moon Kingdom, especially made with your special fabric, color, and sign. It should keep you warm considering that we do have to go into deep space to find the right dimensional black hole and then from there we have to teleport again to that universes Earth." She finished as she handed each scout with there representative cloak. "Let's go now before it becomes too late and we get to tired."

"Yes who knows how long it will take to find the right black hole, I know that our teleportation will take us to the dimensional time holes but we still need to find it, they say that there's over a thousand holes in that region called the Comparta Origiona, and no I don't know what that means." Said Usagi as she walked father away from the temple and turned back to face the girls, "Well are we going to stand here discussing the Comparta Origiona or are we going to get out of here and find that hole?" The other girls quickly filled in the circle and joined hands, "Eternal Sailor," started Sailor Cosmos, "TELEPORTATION" the others yelled together as there own tiaras were replaced with the glowing planetary symbols. A bright light surrounded the area and just as quickly it seemed to have appeared it vanished leaving a large crater to where the sailor scouts once stood.

A/N: Hey you guys hope you liked it yes i know it was long and that it was just the prolouge but still come on, I promise this will most likely be the longest part of the story so dont let discourage u from reading it please. Well I wont update till i have 3 reviews so come on you guys go to the little blue button that says go and click it and leave a good review please NO FLAMES!