Ah, here we are... the finale. If only it didn't take over two years to get here. *facepalm* I apologize for the really long chapter; I wanted to finish the story and tie everything together (while also writing a bit of an apology/author note at the end), so it ended up quite long. This is, however, THE END for the story. It was a fun ride (I'll elaborate on this later), but now it's coming to an end. Thanks for reading this, and I hope you enjoy this, the final chapter of Jedi Nites 2.

Now, to the Reviewer Responses...

Princess of Ithilien: Man, I'd like to get paid for product placement... But I doubt I ever will. XD But I'm smart, so I don't have to worry about paying for college... right? Right? Right? Also, I'm glad you liked the chapter!

Jedi Goat: Well, it took me like four months to review... though for this story, that's sort of like updating soon. I'm sorry for the wait! _ But, at least it's finally over. And thank you for the review!

So, now, we have... the finale! Welcome, my friends, to... the end!

The location? A corner on the streets of Coruscant. The time? During the evening, right at the moment of the setting sun. The situation? The Jedi Knights (Obi-Wan, Barris, Mace, Adi, and Yoda), along with Wade, are facing off against the sinister The End.

The prize? The legendary Cheese Dog, currently held by Clyde.

Obi-Wan drew his lightsaber. "You aren't getting away this time, The End."

The End scratched his cloaked head. "Um… we've never met before today."

"Oh. Well, you still won't get away." Obi-Wan clenched his fist. "This I swear!"

"It's not nice to swear." The End surveyed the motley gang of Jedi and penguins. "Well, this is what it's come down to, huh? Me against you… um…" He did a quick head count. "Barris, Obi-Wan, Wade, Adi, Mace, and Yoda… Six!"

"Make that seven!"

Everyone spun around. Shaak Ti was sprinting toward them. Barris grinned. "Excellent! With Shaak Ti around, we'll certainly defeat…" She stopped. "Wait. Shaak Ti is normal again."

The other Jedi looked at Shaak Ti and realized that Barris was right. She was now her normal alien self, whatever the heck that was. But she was no longer an ostrich. Mace furrowed his brow. "How is this possible?"

Shaak Ti reached the Jedi and The End. She skidded to a halt in front of them, panting. "It's possible… because of him!" she exclaimed, pointing into the distance.

The Jedi followed the direction of her finger to… empty space. The End rolled his eyes. "I really have no time for jokes."

"Dang it, he was just behind me a second ago!" Shaak Ti squinted, trying to see into the distant horizon. "Where the heck is he?"

"Where's who?" Barris asked.

"Where's me!"

Clyde landed next to them, a long, chocolate sword in his hand. The Jedi gasped. "Clyde!" Barris exclaimed. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here… to end the story!" Clyde whipped around and pointed his chocolate sword at The End. "I am here to defeat you and end the story, kind sir!"

"Hmph." The End waved his hand, as if dismissing Clyde's statement. "Listen, you. I didn't stick around for like sixteen chapters just to be beaten off by some stupid chocolate-obsessed OC."

"Oh, but you did." A smile crossed Clyde's lips. "I'm here to stop you, The End! Once and for all!"

"Fine, then." The End removed his cloak. It flapped away into the wind, blotting out the light of the setting sun. Everyone watched as the cloak fluttered away in slow motion. Eventually it slammed into the windshield of a random speeder, causing the speeder to careen into a nearby skyscraper, injuring thousands and causing billions of credits in damage. But we don't really care about the tiny details.

The End cackled evilly. Because, you know, there are so many other types of cackles. "I've been waiting for this." He ran hand through his slicked-back black hair. His other hand was fixed on his lightsaber, which he kept clipped to the black Jedi tunic he had been wearing under his cloak. "Let's do this, Clyde. Let's finish this… once and for all!"

Obi-Wan furrowed his brow. "I'm beginning to suspect a theme to this fight."

The End charged, swinging his saber as he did. Clyde leapt over him and, in a surprisingly dexterous move, pulled off a triple front flip while going backwards. How he did it, no one really knew. The Jedi would have been in awe of his talent if it weren't for the fact that they could each do that trick in their sleep. Well, on a good day.

The End and Clyde struck at each other with vicious blows, each trying to blast the other into oblivion. Though, it's kind of hard to accomplish that with just a lightsaber and a sword made of chocolate, but… they get points for effort, right?

The Jedi watched the furious battle. As they did, Obi-Wan looked from their motley group to the dueling warriors and then back again. "So, wait a second… this story has taken two separate fics and like thirty chapters to complete, and now, the final battle is between two OCs who weren't even in the first story and who really have no Star Wars relation whatsoever? And the main cast of characters, the ones the readers know and love, just sit on the sidelines like a bunch of spectators? What's up with that?"

The others all shrugged. Obi-Wan shook his head. "No, I can't just shrug this off. I need to do something. Something important… something cool…" He whipped out his lightsaber. "…something… AMAAAAAAAAAAAAAZING!"

He ran forward, much to the shock of the Jedi spectators. With grace resembling a crashing plane, he skidded between the two combatants and began spinning his lightsaber in a circle. Clyde and The End drew back, surprised at Obi-Wan's sudden move.

The End took a step forward and pointed a single accusatory finger at Obi-Wan. "What are you doing, Obi-Wan? Why are you interrupting our duel?"

Obi-Wan stopped his spinning, coming to a dead halt. However, his rapid rotating had caused him to become dizzy, and he swayed back and forth, blinking against the stars now clouding his vision. "No thank you, I don't need no death sticks, no siree…"

The End rolled his eyes in annoyance. "If you could please move out of the way, Clyde and I could continue our duel."

"No!" Obi-Wan shouted, brushing aside the nauseating dizziness in his head. "You cannot duel here! This is neither the time nor the place!"

Clyde glanced at his watch. "Well… it is only six o'clock… I try to schedule my duels between eight and eight-thirty, you know, get a nice nighttime feel to 'em. Makes them all sinister and stuff."

"That's not what I mean." Obi-Wan turned to The End. "The End… No… whatever your name is, what is your mission?"

"To find out what my middle initial 'P' stands for so I can change my name," the man answered.

"Exactly!" Obi-Wan whirled around to face Clyde. "Clyde! What is your mission?"

"To eat all the chocolate in the world."

Obi-Wan stared at him. "Seriously?"

"Si, senor."

"If what?"

"Gah!" The End clenched his fist in anger. "Stop making Spanish jokes that nobody gets and get out of the way! I must kill Clyde so that I can speak with the author and learn my middle initial!"

Obi-Wan sighed. "Listen. The author probably wouldn't talk to you even if he could. It's against the rules to have yourself, the author, appear in a story."

Clyde raised his hand. "Um… hasn't the author already done that before, like in last story? And isn't responding to reviewers at the beginning of each chapter against the rules too?"

"Well… you have a point."

"So does a triangle, but that doesn't make it right."


Frustrated by Obi-Wan and Clyde's babble, The End pointed his lightsaber at the two. "Listen. One of you needs to die so that I can find out my middle name. I'm not really picky. Either of you will suffice."

"Wait, The End! Don't kill them!"

The three glanced up at the sudden shout from the heavens. "Who's there?!" Obi-Wan called out.

"It is I!" Anakin fell from the sky and landed next to them. He raised his head and completed his move with a girly flip of his long, curly hair.

Everyone gasped. Obi-Wan's mouth dropped open. "Anakin! We've been searching for you this whole time!"

Anakin nodded. "I know. And now I'm here."

Obi-Wan furrowed his brow. "You know… considering that this story is called 'The Search for Anakin,' you'd think the payoff when we found him would be bigger…"

"Never mind that." Anakin grinned and pulled out a hot dog smothered in cheese. "Do you know what this is?"

"Um… your lunch?"

"No. It's Deus Ex Machina!" Anakin raised The Cheese Dog into the air. "Or The Cheese Dog. Whichever one you want."

Everyone gasped. Again. Come to think of it, there certainly was a lot of gasping going around. Must have been a surprising night.

Yoda stepped forward. "Cure us of our penguin state, you can?"

"Indeed I can, Master Yoda!" Anakin held The Cheese Dog out in his hand. "You see, The Cheese Dog here has so much saturated fat on it that it can cure you of your penguin states simply by your taking a bite of it."

"Wait a second…" Clyde placed a hand in his pocket and began rummaging around. He came up empty-handed and frowned. "Hm… I thought I just had a cheese dog that looked very, very similar to that one..."

Shaak Ti nodded. "Yes, you did have a cheese dog like that. I took a bite of it, and it cured me of my ostrich form." She looked at Anakin. "How did you get it?"

Anakin ran his hand through his long hair and let it flap femininely in the wind. He was probably doing in a vain attempt to look cool, but in reality, he just appeared idiotic. "Well, you see, The End and I were in his warehouse after he kidnapped me—"

"Kidnapped you?" Mace interrupted. "How did he kidnap you?"

"Well…" Anakin rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm not sure. I think he just knocked me out or something. Anyway, he kidnapped me and took me to a warehouse. Then he said something about looking for you guys, so he knocked me out again and left. I woke up, found myself alone, and immediately did what I had to do."

"You bought a large bar of chocolate and used it to swat house flies?!" Clyde exclaimed.

"Er… no," Anakin answered, a bit disgusted by Clyde's guess. "I just had to go to the restroom. Anyway, I came out of the warehouse and found myself on the streets of Coruscant. You know, because the author knows exactly what those look like and can use them as the perfect setting for any story."

The End clenched his fist. "Don't insult the author! I'm trying to get on his good side."

"If you were really trying to get on his good side, you'd let me finish talking." Anakin cleared his throat and then continued. "Well, I found Clyde here running after Shaak Ti. Clyde had The Cheese Dog, oddly enough—"

"Which raises the question of how exactly Clyde got The Cheese Dog in the first place," Barris interjected thoughtfully.

Anakin shrugged. "Hey, I can only solve so many plot holes at once. So, when I saw Clyde, I realized he had The Cheese Dog, so I grabbed it from him and sent him ahead to fight The End. I thought I'd come in and save you guys after he finished mopping up the floor with this shameful excuse for a villain."

Obi-Wan frowned. "Entrusting all our hope to a boy who uses chocolate bars to brush his teeth? You haven't learned anything yet."

Anakin rolled his eyes. "Don't lecture me, Obi-Wan. I see through the lies of health food. I know that, in truth, health food isn't all that healthy. By eating food high in saturated fats, I've brought peace, security, and justice to my new food empire!"

Obi-Wan stared at him, disbelieving. "Your new food empire?! Anakin, my allegiance is to healthy food, to health itself!"

Anakin's eyes narrowed and he turned his back to Obi-Wan. "If you're not with me, then… you can't have any of this delicious cheese dog!"

"I don't know why I'd want any of that stupid food, anyway. It's just unhealthy."

"But we need it nonetheless," Barris stated, interrupting Anakin and Obi-Wan's parody of past Star Wars lines. "Anakin, give us The Cheese Dog so the penguin Jedi can take a bite of it and we can finish this story."

"No!" Obi-Wan blocked the way between Barris and Anakin. "Barris, my love! Don't fall for his lies! I love you!"

Barris sighed. "Obi-Wan, we're Jedi. We're not supposed to feel love."

"But I thought you were in love with Ana—"

"Well, I was, but then I realized he was a complete idiot, like you, so I just quit." Barris gave Anakin an apologetic nod. "No offense."

"None taken." Anakin slid his hand through his yet again in another feminine gesture. "I am quite the idiot. And Obi-Wan, come on, man. Jedi aren't supposed to fall in love."

Obi-Wan stared at him. "Dude. You married Padmé."

"There are exceptions to every rule," Anakin countered. "Now, Barris, take The Cheese Dog. With it, we can finish this story and then rule the galaxy!"

"Not so fast!" The End jumped between them and, with one vicious swipe, stole The Cheese Dog from Anakin's hand. The others gasped. The End backflipped away from them and then held The Cheese Dog up, laughing evilly. "I have stolen it! Now, I will eat it, and then, you will never become normal! The story will continue on forever, and I will force the author to reveal my middle name! Then, I can have peace!"


Everyone looked upwards. "What? Who's there?"

This story needs to end. Therefore, you all need to stop fighting, The End needs to give The Cheese Dog back to the Jedi, and then you all can go live happily ever after.

The End shook his fist at the sky. "Author, that is you, is it not? I cannot let you escape! And I cannot let this story end! I must know my middle initial!"

Sigh… Since you asked so nicely… Your middle initial is P, right?

The End nodded. "Correct."

Your middle name is Pumpkin.

Everyone furrowed their brow. Mace asked the question that popped into everyone's mind. "…What?"

Yes, it's Pumpkin. Your parents had very odd taste, I guess. Anyway, there you go. The End Pumpkin Loshman. Now go change your name.

The End paused, realizing the truth that had just been revealed to him. A smile began to cross his lips. "Pumpkin. All this time I've been guessing Pineapple, or Peter, and it was Pumpkin. Oh well." He tossed The Cheese Dog back to the Jedi. Obi-Wan caught it. The End gave them a wave of farewell. "I depart, my friends! For we are friends now, not enemies! We shall be enemies no longer! I leave to go change my name, and I wish you the best of luck. Good wishes to you, and please, let's not let this be a black mark on the permanent record of our friendship. All has changed now that I know my name! So, I depart! Farewell, good-bye, and thanks for the great times!"

With that, he strode off. The Jedi watched him leave. Obi-Wan shook his head. "What a crazy guy. I'm glad none of us are like that."

Barris sighed. "Yeah, exactly." She looked at their penguin companions. Now, give the penguins The Cheese Dog so we can end this."

"Oh, yes, of course."

Obi-Wan crossed over to the penguins and held out The Cheese Dog. Adi, Mace, Yoda, and Wade each then took a bite, though Wade hesitated before his. Obi-Wan frowned at him.

"What's wrong, Wade?"

"It… it's just…" Wade sighed. "This is the first time I've ever been real. If I bite that, I'll go back to being just a battle droid. I won't be 'Wade the Penguin' anymore. I'll be 'Wade the Battle Droid.'"

Obi-Wan smiled. "Wade, you'll always be 'Wade the Penguin' in my heart."

Wade looked up at him with glistening eyes. "Really?"

"No. Now, take the bite and just get on with it."

Wade grudgingly bit into The Cheese Dog. When he did, all of the penguins were enveloped in light. Everyone oohed and awed as the penguins morphed into their regular forms, Mace into a human, Wade into a battle droid, Adi into… a human, I think, and Yoda into that species everyone refers to as "Yoda's species." Mace nodded.

"This is a great day indeed. We have been reverted, the Sith have been vanquished, and evil has been thwarted once again." He turned to Clyde. "Clyde, I cannot thank you enough for your service to the Republic. You have earned my trust."

Clyde shrugged. "I just wanted some chocolate, really."

"And chocolate you shall have." Obi-Wan withdrew a jumbo Hershey's bar from his back pocket. "I was saving this for sometime special, but, since you did help save us, you can have it."

"Wow!" Clyde accepted the gift with an eager grin. "This is totally awesome! Thanks so much, you guys! Now, I'm going to go to the Jedi Temple and go find those art classes I was looking for at the beginning of the story!"

Clyde dashed off. The Jedi and Wade watched him go. Obi-Wan furrowed his brow. "Um… should we tell him that there is no art class at the Jedi Temple?"

Mace shook his head. "No, he'll figure it out for himself. Eventually. Besides, Jocasta Nu needs someone to annoy her every now and then."

The Jedi and Wade stood there for a few minutes in silence. They really didn't know what to do. Obi-Wan decided to speak up. "Well, we've done a lot in these past few days. Or weeks, whatever this timeline is. We've defeated about every single Sith in the prequels and even Qui-Gon several times. We've uncovered Chancellor Palpatine's plot to take over the Republic. And we even wrecked a mattress store while we were at it." He turned to them. "So, what will we do now?"

Shaak Ti sighed. "I don't know about you, but I'm going to go find Ki-Adi-Mundi. The last time I saw him was back in the Jedi Nites 1 when those Ewoks attacked him. Ever since then, well… he's basically disappeared from the story." She strode away, giving them a wave in farewell. "See you guys at Starbucks later!"

"Go to the council room, I must, and clean it up, I shall." Yoda smoothed back his hair and gave a toothy grin. "Woo Yaddle, I finally will."

Obi-Wan frowned. "Didn't Yaddle like die in one of those books between Episode I and Episode II?"

"Matter that does not. Dead, half the Jedi here are anyway." Yoda seized his walking stick and shuffled away in the direction of the temple. "Meet you at Starbucks later on I shall. Best of luck until then, my friends. Farewell."

Adi nodded. "I should go clean up the temple too. And complain to the author about how I was basically replaced by Barris for this entire story. See you at Starbucks."

She followed Yoda, and they departed, leaving only Obi-Wan, Anakin, Mace, Barris, and Wade together. Mace nodded toward them.

"You did a good job, my fellow Jedi. And you too, Wade," he added to the battle droid. "I too must depart. Sadly enough, the death of Chancellor Palpatine means that I need to find some other lame lightsaber duel in which I can die. Anyway," he noted with a smile, "this party's over. I will see you at Starbucks. This time our meeting won't be interrupted."

He left. Barris looked at the three remaining guys (I guess Wade counts as a guy) and sighed. "Boy, this has been tiring. I'm kind of sad I didn't get a chance to say good-bye to Fred; he ended up helping us out a lot. But, I need to go help clean up the council room and figure out if my last name is 'Offee' or 'Soffee.' Farewell, then. And Obi-Wan?"

Obi-Wan looked up expectantly. "Yes?"

"Don't follow me."

She walked away, leaving Obi-Wan with his head bowed. Anakin put a hand on his master's shoulder.

"Cheer up, Master. Love isn't all it's cracked up to be. Heck, I go and choke my wife at the end of this movie."

"I don't think this really counts as Episode III anymore…" Obi-Wan began, but Anakin cut him off.

"Don't worry about the details. Anyway, I'm still wondering if I'm a bawling idiot who is the subject of constant ridicule, a feminine hero who desperately needs some facial hair, or a really cool Jedi who actually seems like he will one day become Darth Vader. I'm gonna go talk to Padmé and see if she can help me find the answer. I'll see you guys later. At Starbucks!"

He jogged away. Obi-Wan looked at Wade. "Well, Wade, it appears that we are the only two characters remaining."

Wade nodded. "Indeed. It's fitting, though. We were the first two characters to appear in this sequel, back in the first chapter, and now we're the ones closing it out."

Obi-Wan put a hand around Wade's metallic shoulders. "Well, how about we head to Starbucks and wait for the others? You never got to get your Double Saxophone Super Deluxe Burger, after all."

If battle droids could smile, Wade would have been beaming. "I'd love to."

"So, shall we depart?"

"Roger roger."

And so… it's over. Finally, it's over.

I wanted to take this time to apologize to everyone who read this story for the incredibly long time it took for it to end. It's been over two years since I began this sequel, and really, for a stupid comedy with little plot or meaning, it shouldn't have gone on as long as it did. This is my fault. With the first Jedi Nites, I wrote about five chapters before I started posting the story, so I always managed to stay about a few chapters ahead when I was writing. Sadly, I wasn't able to do this with this story, mainly because I feel I rushed the sequel. This is really unfortunate, and the long delay between chapters is probably one of the reasons the story failed to reach the same popularity of the original (though this is also in part because the sequel just isn't as good, as sequels rarely are). Still, though, I enjoyed writing much of this story, especially the earlier scenes (and even some of the later ones). I'm a bit happier with the fact that I was able to close everything out for this story, though, of course, I used a huge Deus Ex Machina to achieve this result. But overall, I don't view this as a failed effort, just one I should have devoted more time to from the start and ended much sooner (time-wise, not exactly chapter-wise).

I'm sorry for the plot holes and the fact that many characters got short-changed by newer additions (Mace, Yoda, and Adi were the biggest casualties, I felt). But I've learned some lessons from this. First off: either plan an outline or write several chapters before posting a story. This is something I need to do with more of stories, actually. Then they wouldn't end up dragging on for months and years. XD Second, I need to have fewer characters and focus more on the main cast if I ever do another comedy like this. As I stated, older characters (especially Mace, who was a huge part of the original) were short-changed in this sequel. I will try my best to avoid this in the future. And third, I need to be committed to doing my stories. A lack of focus and commitment to finishing this sequel up is one of the main reasons it took so long, and I need to fix this in the future.

I'M SO SORRY THAT THIS STORY TOOK SO LONG. Really, now that I look back, the first five chapters were pretty good, time-wise (and even after that wasn't so bad). Having the two NaNoWriMos hurt me, and just not being focused about it. Again, I'M REALLY, REALLY SORRY. _

Thanks are definitely in order. Thank you so much for reading this story. I know the delays have been great and time between the chapters has been too long, especially for a story that isn't even as funny as the original (though I felt it had its moments, no?), but those of you who have stuck with me till the end and are reading this, THANK YOU. WITH CAPITAL LETTERS. I love to write, but what I love even more is to make people laugh, to entertain them, and if I was able to do that for you, to maybe even elicit a chuckle with my parody of George Lucas' space saga, then I am a very happy young man indeed. Again, thank you, and God bless.

As a final note… At this moment, do not plan on there being a Jedi Nites 3. I don't want to outright deny ever doing another Jedi Nites story, but I have no concrete plans for doing such in the future. If I did ever do another Star Wars comedy like this, in the vein of Jedi Nites, it would probably be on a much smaller level and be shorter. I would definitely either plan it out or write a few chapters of it before posting it. XD But no, there are currently no plans for a Jedi Nites 3. However, I could possibly do another Star Wars comedy in the future, so don't forget to stay tuned. You don't have to sit on the edge of your seat, though.

And now, the end credits…

Jedi Nites II: The Search for Anakin

Written, Directed, and Edited by me

Based on characters created by George Lucas and me


Lots of people as themselves (Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Mace Windu, Yoda, etc.)

Fred as Fred

The End Pumpkin Loshman as The End

With special guest performances from Ria Rabbit as Mangia Mett

The Official Rabbit Theater Troupe of Super Good Rabbit Actors as the Rabbit Clones

John Doe as Clone Number 2019874007L-28yw38u

Special Thanks to…

God (for creating me and, well, lots of other things I probably don't have room for)

My parents (for raising me and loving me)

My family (for supporting me and loving me)

My sister (for talking to me about manga and anime and spending many late nights discussing random movies and such while quoting random lines)

My cousins (for playing action figures/Legos/Bionicles/etc. with me)

My creative writing teacher (for fostering my writing spirit and teaching me how to write)

My piano teacher (for teaching me how to play piano and helping me discover my love of music)

George Lucas (for creating Star Wars)

John Williams (for writing Star Wars music)

Christian Anime Alliance (for being an amazing website. Go CAA!)

God again (because, well, when you create the universe, you get to be in this list twice)

And, of course, the reviewers:

Darth Vyper: Sadly enough, only reviewed for the first chapter... but that's okay! (I don't know if you quit reading this or not, but if you did, don't take this the wrong way. I'm so glad if you're still reading this! Thank you!) Thanks for the review! :D

Duo Jagan: Reviewed for the earlier chapters before, well, disappearing. DUO JAGAN, COME BACK, I MISS YOU. But I'm glad for his reviews. They were very complimentary! (my favorite type of review, if you haven't figured that out) I'm sad that his reviews stopped after the first few chapters, but still, I'm glad for the time we had. Thanks for the reviews!

GaisiochDeEirinn (I know I probably spelled that wrong): A one-time reviewer who posted a review for chapter 12... or 13... or something like that. Commented on my comments about the video industry. I'm very thankful for your review! Also, I have to say... your name is hard to spell! XD Sorry if I got it wrong.

The Penguin Squad: One of my most loyal reviewers (reviewing almost all of the chapters, though not the latest one... ah well). Thanks so much for reviewing! I was glad that I was able to incoporate penguins into the story and please you with them.

G-Anakin13: Another great reviewer (a returner from the original Jedi Nites, I believe) who reviewed pretty consistently until after chapter 10 (not that I blame him/her). Had a tendency for writing short and sweet reviews, which I somewhat mocked in my responses... G-Anakin, if I offended you, I AM SO SORRY. Your reviews were very very very appreciated, and I didn't mean to alienate you with my responses (though maybe you just stopped reviewing because I took too long to come out with the next chapter... if so, I can completely understand). Anyway, thank you for the reviews.

Jedi Goat: Another loyal reviewer who even reviewed the latest chapter (bonus points!) Thanks for your reviews, and your unique user name (you don't see many goat Jedi running around the internet).

Princess of Ithilien: And, saving the best for last... well, actually, I won't call Princess of Ithilien the best reviewer because that would be mean to all the other people who reviewed. You all are the best reviewers. However, I'm very thankful for Princess of Ithilien's reviews (and her tendency to laugh at most of my jokes). You get a smiley face for your reviews, and a nice thank you. :)

Finally, thank YOU, the reader, even if you didn't review. I still appreciate your reading of my story (and hopefully you found it humorous in some way). Again, thank you!

God bless, and may the Force be with you.

^^Over and Out^^