Title: By His Side

Author: Shirahime

Pairing: Tamaki & Kyouya

Rating: PG

Word Count: 608

Summary: Kyouya reflects as he watches his friend. No spoilers.

Sitting behind the desk near one corner of the room, Kyouya sat, pecking away at the computer as he figured out the club's expenses for the next semester. He did have a few things up his sleeve that should net the Host Club some more finances for the coming months.

The sound of laughter kept distracting him from his task. Looking up beyond the computer's screen, he caught sight of Tamaki, a group of clients around him all vying for his attentions. He was up to his usual dramatics for the ladies' benefit, his dazzling smile and gentle laughter causing them to blush.

Kyouya looked away to return to the task at hand. He shook his head slightly as he smiled faintly. How he'd allowed himself to get caught up in Tamaki's antics still surprised him some days. It had been partly to garner attention for himself, to come to a position in the school that would manage to outshine his elder brothers in his father's eyes. It had also been that the idea of male students forming a host club sounded so potentially scandalous that it might actually be fun. Kyouya realized, as Tamaki's melodic laughter caused his faint smile to broaden, that it had also been the excitement in his friend's eyes as he'd confided in him of his plans, along with the desire to please him.

Kyouya's smile began to fade. So strange, how gradually his hopes of pleasing his father began to shift toward those of pleasing his friend. He tried to tell himself that both counts were merely his own self interest at work, but he knew that this was partly a lie on some level. The sight of Tamaki's smile at a plan that the two of them had hatched bearing fruit would always cause a tightness to loom in his chest, as well as the affectionate embrace that he was usually treated to at such times, despite his outward reluctance.

His fingers slowing on the keyboard, Kyouya's mind swam. Somehow, a club formed by a pair of friends and several acquaintances had been deemed a family situation by their leader, Kyouya becoming the 'mother' to Tamaki's 'father.' And it was strange how on some level, this pleased him. Even though he was sure that it was just one of Tamaki's odd games. The thought of it gave Kyouya a strange feeling in his gut that he'd never admit to anyone, that he even had problems admitting to himself.

So lost in thought was he that Kyouya didn't notice Tamaki's approach, despite the click of footsteps upon the polished hardwood floor. So the touch of firm hands laid onto his shoulders nearly startled him before he realized the only one that they could belong to, the only one who'd ever touch him in such a way.

"Ah, Mother looks so stiff, sitting here," Tamaki remarked as he kneaded his friend's shoulders. Even without turning around, Kyouya knew that he must be smiling. "This is the least that I can do for all your hard work."

Sighing, Kyouya allowed himself to enjoy his friend's ministrations, relaxing under Tamaki's hands. "I'm so pleased Father took a break from attending to other ladies to pay attention to my needs," he found himself saying, an honest smile on his face.

Kyouya could almost feel the warmth from Tamaki's body as he loomed closer, speaking softly near one ear. "Even though my work leads me astray, you know that I always return to you," the blonde told him.

Although he suspected that the words were merely in jest, Kyouya found himself wishing that they were true.
