Chapter 6

Everyone's breath seemed to fade as the heard this. Al would never do anything so horrid to Ed. Winry stopped crying abruptly, stood up and looked Ed in the eyes.

"Where did he go Ed? Why did he leave you?" The look of hopeless in Ed's golden eyes seemed unnatural defeated making Winry demanded to herself to stay strong and not start sobbing again, for Ed's sake.

Ed turned away, not able to look at her deep blue eyes that seemed to protrude a hidden strength he never seemed to notice before. "Al ran away after that, so of course I followed. I corned him in an alleyway to try to stop him and to talk some sense into him when Envy jumped us."

Roy and Riza knew who this Envy was but Winry obviously didn't, but it didn't matter. If she interrupted now he may never continue.

"He stabbed me in the stomach, as is very obvious. But before he did that I had stuck him with my automail blade causing him to retreat and leave me to bleed to death in the alleyway. Al was there but…"

Bringing himself to say it was too painful, like reopening a wound the pouring a spicy salsa all over it.

Riza knew that they had to find Al quick before anything happened to the deranged boy so she cautiously interrupted the angst filled moment. "Ed we need to know where he went?"

Ed shook his head knowingly and spoke, "I'm not sure but he either is trying to find Tucker to restore his body, at our mother's grave, or with a cat."

At least he has his humor back, Winry thought with a bitter smile.

Roy and Riza nodded and left, going to round up a search party. But before Winry could leave Ed grunted loudly, caused her to turn around.

"Get back in bed Edward Elric!" Winry ran next to the boy who was trying to slide out of his stiff hospital bed. "Your in no shape to…"

But before she could finish, she was interrupted by a cold automail hand wrapped tightly around her mouth choking her with her own words. Ed was bent over, bangs obscuring his face. "Please, Winry…I need this."

He then took his hand off her face, hoping that he hadn't hurt her. After he saw Winry was shocked but unharmed, he tried to pull himself up.



Winry watched as the young alchemist tried and failed as his knees buckled and he collapsed in a pile of self-pity on the ground. "Come on, I'll help you."

And that's what she did. She picked him up and placed him on his feet, letting Ed lean on her as they hobbled out of the white room to find Al.

I updated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!