A/N : I can't believe this is it – the last chapter of this story. Man, I feel sad. It always hurts me parting with a story. But at least my pain won't be too great, since the sequel'll be up tomorrow. Yes, I am keeping on posting daily with the sequel. Any suggestions for the title?

Thank you all reviewers I hope you all still care enough to stick with me in the sequel...And of course, during this last chapter. Please tell me how you like it?



Ben sat by the end of his bed and looked at him. Michael could see the sadness in his eyes, knowing this would be the last evening they'd have together for a while.

Never again, Ben thought.

Michael shook his head at the man and his hands started moving, capturing the other man's attention. In a few weeks, we'll have a boys night, Ben.

Michael, his cellmate shook his head. Stop - hoping. I'll still be here.

And then Michael gave him one of those know-it-all smiles and for once, he believed it. He had to.

Fine. He smiled. Ok, in a few weeks. Until then, I'm going to miss you, Michael.

Michael leaned forward and hugged Ben tightly. "Me too, Ben. Me too."

The next day
It was here.

Michael breathed in and could feel his lungs filling with a different sort of air. The one that allowed you to inhale and exhale without restrictions. Sara was the first thought that entered his head. Sara.

He walked over to the bars that held him locked up and touched the cold material, feeling it under his fingers. He leaned his forhead against them. No more now.

The variety of snoring sounds calmed him and saddened him at the same time. All these men still had time to go. Not that they didn't deserve it, but they be here. With Ben. And that was the thing that had him worried. He looked at his sleeping cellmate and grinned sadly. He'd be missing him. We'll get you out, Ben.I always keep my promises.

At that moment, the sleeping man cracked open one eye and stared at Michael. Morning, his hands fluttered.

His cellmate smiled. Morning.

Ben grinned. You're getting your girl today.

Sara...Michael turned all goo-y. Yes I am.


Sara lay in her bed, looking up at the ceiling. The soft morning light made spots dance across the white paint. She closed her eyes and saw his face, staring back at her with a smile playing across his face.

He was coming home today.

She rose with a jump and put on her clothes, inspecting herself in the full-length. Giving her image a wink, she turned around and went around to do her daily business. She hadn't told Michael yet, but she was going to quit. After her and Veronica had saved Ben from the hellhole, she'd simply walk. It had been too long and she had experienced that in those few weeks Michael had been on the run, she'd hated her work. It had felt empty and useless. He wasn't there. She smiled. It seems like the only reason she ever loved her job is because she knew that it would get her Michael.

And she'd found a new job already. They were looking for a pediatrician at the youth center. It paid well, and it was the job she'd always dreamed about. Besides, she was used to dealing with infants.

She knew he wouldn't mind – he'd even be happy not to have her there anymore, in constant threat of the guys he'd had to deal with every day. But first they had to get Ben out of there. They needed to get him walking through the gates a free man again.

They'd succeed.

Whistling, she closed up the appartement. Three more hours.


"Scofield – exit your cell!"

Ugh. Bellick? Of all the people to escort him to freedom, it had to be Brad? Luckily, there Louis was there, accompanying him. He liked Louis and his efforts to woo the secretary. Yeah, he nodded, Louis was cool.

Michael turned around and saw Ben standing there motionless. Despite Michael's promise last night, it was hard saying goodbye for him. And as the doors of the cell opened, Michael stepped towards Ben and envelopped him in a tight hug. He felt the cellmate grip his shirt tightly and a small shock rip through his body.


He distanced himself a bit and looked Ben in the eyes. A few weeks, he motioned. Boys night – my place.

Ben chuckled. Okay – I'll bring the booze.

Michael grinned and motioned some last words, before exiting his cell.

The sole con in the cell smiled and thought of his friend's parting words. I'll be seeing you, man.

Okay, Mike. I'll miss you.


Michael walked next to the seemingly endless line of cells and shouting inmates until he'd been escorted through the first pair of door. He saw the hallway leading to the infirmary and smiled, throwing Sara a kiss in his mind. I love you, Sara. You are the only thing that made this place bareable.

The gravel crunched under the soles of his shoes. His shoes. His own. Accompanied by his own clothes, and his own watch. Freedom felt good.

Walking out of the gates, he waved at Louis and kept on moving. Not looking back today. Now, where was...?


That evening
Michael & Sara

Sara walked into their appartement and was greeted by Michael's arms and his lips on hers. She kissed him back fervently and pushed him further into the place, shutting the door with her foot. And damn it, she could feel the first tears pushing through. Damn it.

She pushed harder against him in complete desperation. Needing to know that he's real, not going away this time. A sob found it's way out and she shivered in his arms. Michael squeezed her body tighter and raked his hands through her hair, pulling his lips away and putting the next to her ear, still not having looked at her. "Sara..." he whispered.

And she fell.

Literally and otherwise. His eyes found hers and he wiped the tears away, clearing her vision. Never tearing away, he walked them over to the couch and the fell on it backwards. He pushed a strand out of her face. "It's okay, honey – everything's okay now."

She nodded and put her hand over her face, trying to cover her reddened cheeks and puffy eyes. "No." She heard his say as he gently pried her fingers away. "I need to see you, Sara."

Sara huffed. "I'm a mess, Michael."

He quickly pecked her lips. "You're beautiful."

Her eyes rolled the minute he said it. "So you keep saying."

A beautiful laugh was heard revibrating through the room. A laugh of a free man. "It's true." His voice turned serious again. "Hasn't anyone ever told you you're beautiful?"

She shook her head. "Not really, no. I've gotten "Gosh, babe, you're hot!" and "Give me some of that bum, sugar!", but I'd have to say beautiful's the new kid on the block." She gave a small giggle.

Michael shook his head when she imitated the 'complimenting guys' she'd met in her life. How could anyone not see her beauty? A smile appeared on his face. She was his.

Her huge brown eyes stared up at him, putting him under some sort of entchantment. He could drown in those eyes.

Drowning, in a sea of love

Where everyone would love to drown (1)

She tipped her head, and he knew that if he didn't do something quickly, his plan would fall apart. And Michael Scofield could NOT have plans falling apart. He lighly cleared his throat and pulled her up with him, pressing a final kiss on her lips.

"I made us dinner.."

She gasped. "Dinner? This from a man who was whining when he had to bake a cake?"

He grinned. "Actually, I love to cook. I just acted annoyed so you would think I was cool."

"Right." She nodded. "Opposed to the little sweet fluffy marshmellow you really are?"

He cracked a grin. "Right."

"Now, if you would follow me, miss..." He took her hand in his and lead her over to the dining room, nervously biting his lip along the way. God, I hope she likes this.

Sara lazily followed her man, her thoughts wandering back to the day when they'd been cracking shells over by the kitchencounter. Her free hand wandered over to her necklace and she smiled. So Michael cooks huh? I need to remember that – never know when it might come in useful.

Her tourguide had stopped and turned around to look at her, a nervous look on his face. But Sara didn't notice any of it. The only thing she saw was the table, with the burning candles and the origami roses scattered across the red linnen tablecloth. Oh, Michael! She tentatively stroked the rosepetals and gave Michael a child-like look.

"For me?"

He nodded softly and exhaled visibly. He threw his arms around her from behind and rested his head on her shoulder, softly rocking the both of them to unheard music.

Found true love,

Lost your heart...(2)

She spun around in his arms. "Michael, I - ... Thank you. " She cradled his face and kissed him passionately. "Thank you so much."

Michael smiled. "You haven't even tasted the food."

"I know." Her eyes locked with his. "But I like what I'm seeing."

He chuckled. "Sit!"

Sara threw her hands up in defeat. "Alright, alright! Darn, you're bossy." She added with a smile.

His deep voice hummed. "Yup."

She sighed. "You're so lucky I love you."

He laughed and returned from the kitchen with a plate of what looked like really yummy food. She rose to help him but he gave her a warning look, so she sat back down obediently.

"Enjoy it while it lasts." He whispered to her as he sat her plate in front of her.

"Hmm – forever?"

"20 hours – take it or leave it."

She shrugged. "Fine!" Her eyes went wide as his head moved and she saw what he'd cooked her. "Aww – Michael!"


Turkey, turkey, turkey, turkey,...

"Sara –" he whispered as they lay in bed that night, combing his hand through her hair and pressing his lips to her temples every few seconds, "I don't think any words can express how I feel about you, so I'll have to stick to the cliché ones : I love you so much I can't breathe when you're not around me."

He pushed himself up on one elbow and looked at her, seeing her beautiful face surrounded by a loving glow. And that was the moment he knew. All of his nervousness faded away when he looked into her eyes. Taking a deep breath, he continued, saying the words he knew would change their lives.

"...and I was wondering if you would do me the honor of becoming my wife."

He gazed at her sweetly. "Marry me, Sara."

She gasped and pressed herself up, nodding her head enthusiastically, while he tasted her salty tears on their joined lips.


And? What did you think?

Please help a girl chase her I-can't-believe-I-finished-the-story blues away...


(1) Fleetwood Mac - Sara(h)

(2) Jessica Riddle - Even angels fall