Story Two – Donald

Donald had been waiting for this day for three long, agonizing years. He waited to stand on the platform of the landing decks, his arms outstretched as he stood proudly without any visible battle scars, the battle that balanced the fate of the universe far behind him already. He waited to see his lovely lady in her purple gown, sweeping past the gears as they embraced after a long time away from each other.

The slap was a rude surprise for Donald.

"What--?" Donald started, rubbing his cheek. It was visibly turning red, even through his feathers.

"You… you… ninny!" Daisy exclaimed, glaring. Donald stood confused, glancing over and envying the King and Queen's more subtle reunion.

"Daisy, why don't we take this over—"

"Do you know how long you were gone? Do you?" Daisy continued without missing a beat, allowing Donald to lead her out from the landing decks and into the long, white hallways. "I'm sure Minnie will be the last one to say this, but we counted the days for you and the King to come back! And even after you came here, looking for help with Sora, you were still all business! You didn't even stay!"

Donald sighed out loud, wondering how long Daisy had kept this in. She said she had been counting the days. It was best not to ask.

"In fact, until you develop a more pleasant personality, I don't want to see you again." Daisy ended on a sour note, crossing her arms and turning away. Donald absentmindedly watched how the bottom of her dress swayed with her angry movements, being the only gentle thing about her right now.

"Don't act like this. You know what I was doing."

She turned, the glare still digging into Donald. "You didn't even say goodbye last time."

This was true, Donald admitted. Still, he persisted, gathering up enough courage and risking another slap to take her hands in his own, looking sincerely into her eyes.

"Daisy. You're acting like I didn't care that I wasn't right here by your side. I've missed you. Of course I've missed you, maybe every day. I thought about you everyday, and on those bad days where I was getting thrown around, kicked, scratched, burned, frozen, turning into a octopus, I was almost worried…" He sighed, pressing on. "I was worried those Heartless would take my heart, and I wouldn't have you anymore."

Daisy's featured softened, only visible to Donald as he stood examining every feather on her face.

"How many days?"


"How many days have you been gone?"

Donald closed his eyes, clicked his beak together, and added up the numbers in his head. He answered in a perfectly clear tone, never stopping to think about it.

"One thousand, one hundred, and fifty-six days, since it's past midnight."

Daisy's glare vanished, leaving her speechless. They stood there for what seemed like another three years, before her eyes filled up with tears and Donald received the embrace he had been waiting for. He met it, holding Daisy tightly.

"Oh, Donald…" Daisy sniffed, strained and quiet as she tried not to cry into Donald's shoulder. "I've missed you so much."

Donald smiled. Maybe he never wanted the quick embrace and kiss like the King and Queen shared; the hero's return to the kingdom with the universe hanging safely in its infinite sky. Maybe he needed this. To know that everything was normal again, and that Daisy was still his Daisy.

It was all he ever needed.