Randy Orton has broken all the rules. Candice Michelle has broken all the rules. But what happens when both get their hearts broken and fall into the arms of each other for comfort. The only two who really understand the other. Randy Orton/Candice Michelle, Melina, Shane McMahon, John Cena

Chapter 1

Randy studied the girl beneath him as he ran his fingers though her dark locks. Of all the women he had been with, of all the women he had used just to find the right one, he was certain she was it.

As Randy bucked his hips up and down the woman's breath was getting heavier. Although Randy may have never gone out of his way to be polite to some of the WWE superstars who considered themselves to be "divas", when he decided to be dedicated to one woman, he was more than the perfect gentleman. And that meant pleasing her with all of his being.

"Randy, I love you." The woman whispered as she had reached her climax.

Randy breathed aloud and then fell into the woman gently when they had finished making love. He delicately pushed her hair away from her ear and whispered back to her.

"I love you too Melina." He said sincerely.

As the words spilled from his lips and he regained his breath, he wrapped an arm around her and held her close to his body. This was "the one" he thought to himself, and he was the happiest man alive.

"What would all of your fans say if they realized what a beautiful and gentle man you really are?" Melina asked.

"Well for starters, Vince would fire my ass, and second I've got a reputation to protect. I'm sure if you asked any number of people backstage they'd disagree with you. If you haven't noticed I can actually be a real jackass when I want to be." Randy confessed.

"That's true, but they don't know you like I do." Melina said as she moved in to kiss Randy on the lips.

Randy smiled. He was the last person who would admit that he was actually a nice guy. If the truth be told, he loved playing an asshole on TV. It gave him the perfect opportunity to sometimes be himself, but without any of the consequences. Backstage though he had often times taken his character with him and made many rookie mistakes. Mistakes that he was trying to fix. As a rising WWE Superstar he was quickly realizing that he wasn't like everybody else. If he acted like a typical guy in his twenties, it would become news and he would quickly be judged based on those actions. His every move was being scrutinized by fans, Internet junkies, WWE management and old timers like Triple H and Ric Flair. Now if only he could stop racking up fines and suspensions. Nah, Randy thought to himself. Being bad was fun. Why stop now?

Randy and Melina drifted off to sleep. For Randy, Melina was a one of a kind woman. Not only was she great in bed, but also she seemed to understand him like no one else could. He truly loved her and had made a commitment to her that most people would never understand.


Sitting alone at the bar Candice Michelle waited for her man to return. He said he had to make an urgent phone call. That was ten minutes ago. Unfortunately for her, when you fall in love with one of the most powerful men in wrestling entertainment today, you have to make some sacrifices. She had made many.

"One more please." Candice said to the bartender.

"Whoa, just how much of my money are you going to spend?" The man behind her said.

Candice turned in her chair and looked into the big brown eyes of Shane McMahon. Those same eyes she had fallen into when she first arrived into the WWE. Shane had one of the sweetest faces she had ever seen. It took her a while to finally get him to notice her, but here she was, sleeping with the man that would soon be inheriting a multi-billion dollar business.

That fact that Candice had used her body and looks to get what she wanted and where she wanted was a known fact to many backstage. For that reason alone she was looked down upon by many of the other divas and wrestlers, and deservedly so. The fact that she was sleeping with Shane McMahon only added to her reputation as a slut. Little did anyone know that she had fallen for the man, and fallen hard. For her it wasn't about furthering her career, it was about being in love.

"Just kidding." Shane said as he bent down and kissed her smiling lips.

"What do you say we go back to my room?" Shane suggested as he lowered his hand down between her legs and ran it along the inner part of her thigh.

To Candice, Shane's touches were irresistible. It was moments like these that she could care less about what people thought of her. She was in love, and she was sure that Shane was as well. Nothing would stand in their way.

"I'm ready whenever you are." Candice returned, and within moments the two were "wearing" each other in the back of Shane's limo and heading straight for the hotel.