"And I'd be inclined to be yours for the taking
In part of this terrible mess that you're making
And you…you're the catalyst."
-Anna Nalick

Al sat by the river alone, remembering the comfort he had taken in this place. It had all seemed so long ago since he and Ed had last visited Resembool. Now they had no choice. Something in Ed's leg had broken and it collapsed on the street; Winry guessed it was probably the knee.

His thoughts strayed to Winry. The girl they grew up with, the woman he had grown to love. Not that he'd ever told her, of course. When they first arrived she made such a fuss over Ed and his leg, Al was hardly noticed. He tried to imagine holding hands with her, but could only see her withdrawing from the touch of the cold armor that made up his body. A young lady so full of life would want nothing to do with an empty shell.

He held a daisy in his right hand, between his finger and thumb. He studied the tender white petals, thinking back to all the games of she-loves-me-she-loves-me-not that they used to play as kids. He didn't need the last petal to tell him anything anymore; he already knew the answer.

She loves me not.

If he had a mouth, he might be frowning. If he had eyes, they might be crying. Instead he just sat, staring wistfully at the flowing waters.

Why…? Why doesn't Winry ever think about me!

Since they returned, it had been "Ed this" and "Ed that" and "Ed, don't be so reckless!" Of course, all were accompanied by Ed's grumbling. Had she even noticed Al when he left the house? He knew in his heart that Winry did care about him, but….

"Al! Hey, Al!" Winry's voice startled him.

He got up, turning to her. "Hey." She smiled. He loved her smile. He loved her.

"Dinner's ready."

They walked back to the house together in a comfortable silence. "So…did you figure out what was wrong with Ed's leg?"

She nodded. "A spring just came loose. It's nothing much."

"I see…"

They stood at the threshold of her house. Al turned to meet her aquamarine eyes. "Winry, there's something…something I need to tell you."


"I…I…." He hesitated. The words wouldn't come out. "I'll tell you later."

If he had a face, it would have surely betrayed him.

Winry yawned as she stretched her arms. "I'm beat!" She took a quick glance out of the window, at the night sky painted with light. It was a sight that Major Armstrong said they should appreciate more. She tried to keep that in mind, but it was hard to appreciate something you've seen every day of your life.

She was about to plop down on her bed, ready for a long sleep, when she noticed something lying on her pillow. A single daisy.

She picked it up tenderly. Her cheeks filled with color as she held it to her heart. "Edward…."

AN: In case anyone was wondering, a catalyst is something that's used to speed up a chemical reaction.