Okay guys here you go The End of a Fairy Tale. I dont own the characters Okay I own two of them but the rest I dont own.

Chapter 17

The End of a Fairy Tale

Hermione's graduation was wonderful. She of course was valedictorian the honor that she had always deserved. Severus and Hermione's engagement was made public knowledge the week after the graduation when Hermione returned to Hogwarts to see Severus.

"Miss Granger what on Earth are you doing back this soon?" Minerva McGonagall asked Hermione when she saw her at the entrance hall with a trunk filled with clothes and other miscellaneous objects.

"I'm here to move in with my fiancé. Why else would I be here Minerva?" Hermione replied.

"Your fiancé, Miss Granger?" Minerva asked dumbfounded.

Hermione showed her the sapphire ring with the diamonds and the platinum band. "Yes, Minerva, my fiancé. I do believe that you know him. A Slytherin with a keen sense of potion making. Some my call him a prince. Well, at least I do."

"Severus? You are engaged to Severus Snape? What? No…"

"Yes, I am. And now if you don't mind I am going to his private chambers to unpack my stuff and move in. Good day, Minerva."

That day was the most self satisfying days in Hermione's life. She was able to finally show the world her true self and she didn't care at all.

Hermione and Severus got married that Halloween. Hermione wore the beautiful gown that she had for "Think of Me" in the Hogwarts production of Phantom of the Opera. Severus wore a black tux with a crimson lining. They took the traditional vows and kissed for the first time as husband and wife.

The wedding night, both will tell you, was the best night of their lives and the honeymoon only added to the bliss. They went to Rome, and then to Egypt, and finally for some odd reason Transylvania (this was presumably for research reasons for a potion project they were going to undertake.)

As soon as they returned to Hogwarts they found out that a dream that they knew could have taken months or years to achieve happened in the course of a three week honeymoon. Hermione had gone to Saint Mongos for her yearly check up and that's when they told her that the newly wed status of her and Severus' marriage was going to have a very load duo entering it. And I am not talking about them having to watch the Weasley twins. Oh no, its more like in nine months they were going to have to take care of the Snape twins. Yes, Hermione Jane Granger Snape (say that ten times fast) was going to be a mother of twins at the age of nineteen and Severus Snape was going to be the father. Mr. I-hate-children-with-a-burning-passion-even-though-I-educate-about-a-thousand-of-them-a-year was going to be the very happy father of twins.

The nine months of Hermione's pregnancy went well. Nothing she did was not watched closely by either her husband, or Ginny Weasley, or Ronald Weasley, or Harry Potter, or Minerva McGonagall, or oh well you probably figured out that basically everyone that Hermione knew that cared about her was closely watching her to make sure that nothing happened to her or the twins.

One night during Hermione's eighth month Severus and Hermione were talking to the babies when the question of names came up.

"Okay, Sev, so we know that one is defiantly a girl and the other is defiantly a boy so how about you name our daughter and I name our son. How's that sound?"

"Fine by me," Severus said. A few minutes passed where nothing was said. Then finally Severus broke the silence, "So what are you thinking?"

"I have no idea what to name our son. How about you?"

"No clue for our daughter's name. You know maybe we should chose names together."

"Perfect… Aria."


"Aria for our daughter. It's a beautiful name don't you think?"

"Yes, its beautiful but what on Earth does it mean?"

"I think it means melody. I thought it apropos what with the way our relationship started last year."

Severus kissed his young wife and smiled at her cleverness. "I agree Aria it is. And how about Vincent for our son."

"Meaning victory. I love it. So Aria and Vincent it is."

Severus kissed his wife on her lips and then twice on her swollen abdomen.

A little less then a month later Aria and Vincent Snape were born, and with them the start of a new beginning for Severus and Hermione Snape.

But that is another fairy tale altogether.

AN: This was a joy and it was my little baby my biggest project I have ever undertaken I hoped you liked it I loved writing it. Review and if you want a sequal I may be able to work things out.
