Unoffical sequel to Never the Twain Should Meet

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Love Potion No. 13

"You bit me!"

Willow flushed and stood, brushing herself off. "You had your lips on me! And that doesn't really matter 'cause we are in soooo much trouble and hey, Xander, wanna know what Dawn did?" Willow asked sweetly.

Bewilderment evident -and privately wondering if the finger cakes had been a little 'funny' because things were getting a whole lotta weird- Xander said slowly, "Oookay."

"Dawn brewed a love potion and let it loose in the room."

The three women watched in fascination as Xander paled, flushed, paled again, started sweating, grabbed his chest and backed slowly into the wall. His eye bulged out and started rolling in its socket. A tic developed in his right cheek and moved down into his neck, across his shoulder, down his arm and into his hand which clenched and unclenched convulsively.

"What's wrong with him?" Ginny whispered.

"Xander knows what happens when you mess with love spells."

"Badness," he moaned, "and axes."

Coming Soon

Chapter 2 of Love Potion No. 13

"Tell me, Miss Summers, what could you possibly know about discipline?" The raised eyebrow and darkly shinning eyes hinted of candlelit rooms and leather. Lots and lots of leather. Which he probably- she snuck a look at his otherwise expressionless face- he definitely did not mean.

"More than you'd think," she said into her cup as she took another large swallow.