Shishido sighed. English was definitely not his favorite subject. After all, who really cared about what a noun was, or what the author wrote? It wasn't like he'd go around reading a book, and saying, "Oh, look, Chotarou. This is an example of a preposition. Isn't it interesting?"

It just happened that he wasn't paying very much attention in class when they were talking about grammar…he started doodling little pictures on the corner of his notebook. They had just finished talking about…well, he wasn't exactly sure what they were talking about. But they were definitely talking about something really boring, like…English…

He glanced over at the clock. Twenty minutes until class ended. It might not seem like much time, but it seemed like forever. Every time he looked at the clock, it was only a couple seconds after the last time he checked the time. After watching the second hand tick slowly by, he glanced around the classroom and laid his eyes on Atobe, who was paying attention and answering almost every question.

Oh yeah, leave it to the diva to be good at everything he does. Still though, who would've guessed that Atobe found it necessary to pay attention in class? That in itself was amazing.

So…what was he supposed to be doing again? Oh yeah…listening to the teacher drone endlessly about someone he didn't really care about. He caught a few words here and there, but otherwise, he had no clue what the teacher was saying. Maybe something about going to lunch soon.


That sounds nice…


Meanwhile, at the science lab, Gakuto flicked a paper football across the table.

Science was his best subject, and Gakuto didn't really need to study. He knew the laws of gravity; he knew how to blow up chemicals, and all that good stuff. So naturally, he didn't really need to pay attention in class. There really was no point in listening to anything that was going on…


Jumping, Gakuto quickly replied.

"Huh? What was the question?"

Everyone around him started giggling. Which was very rude. But then again, he probably said something really funny or something. Maybe the teacher asked something like, "Cookies taste good. Have one, Mukahi!"

Yes, cookies did taste good.

"…I was telling you to repeat what I said about the test."

"…Um…they're really hard?"

Oops, wrong answer. Oh well…it wasn't his fault, the teacher could have at least made an attempt to make the lesson a bit more interesting. Who knew that talking about a subject where you blew up things daily could be so…dull?

"No, I was saying that we're going to have a test on…" Gakuto didn't really hear what they had a test on, he just zoned out again. He didn't really care about anything.

He yawned, deciding to listen to a little bit of what would be on the test.

"…laws of motion."

Oh. Boring.

Wait, but he thought that they were learning about chemicals and blowing things up!

Whatever…having lost his paper football after flinging it across the table, Gakuto started leaning backwards on his chair, looking up to check the time.

Oops. He leaned too far back.

This was normal, every kid has experienced falling out of his or her chair at one point in his or her life. Apparently, Gakuto had really bad timing though.

His science teacher looked up at the sound of Gakuto crashing into the floor.

"…and this is what we call gravity."


Back in the English class, Shishido looked at the clock again.

Ten minutes.

This time, he heard his teacher mention "Shakespeare". He wasn't really into this classic old stuff, but the thought of swords and fights appealed to him. After a while though, his teacher changed subjects and started talking about grammar again…how everyone said "This is me" instead of the proper grammar, "This is she" or "This is he". Now his teacher was just saying the normal boring teacher stuff, like "I don't ever want to hear you guys say it wrong, now that you know the proper grammar."

No more reason to listen again, until his teacher mentioned how they would act out Shakespeare. Ooh. Acting out fight scenes, too. But wait a minute…

"Wait, so…we have to talk like him?" Shishido called out.

"Yes, we have to talk like he."

"Oh, right…I forgot…talk like he…"

On the other side of the room, Atobe smirked.

"I always knew Shishido would be the first to make the mistake, but that was faster than anyone could have predicted, ahn?"

Shishido turned a deep shade of red at his mistake.

…Screw the English language.


A/N: Sorry if the stories were confusing, I was trying to make them as clear as possible. They were based on what happened in my classes though, so it was kind of hard to explain everything…they were sort of you-had-to-be-there-moments.