Brotherly Advice

The Boomerang.


Riku came home to no lights, scented candles, and Sora tied to his bed. He stared and the boy shifted awkwardly, looking up at Riku with a flushed face. Riku swallowed thickly and dropped his briefcase.

Sora hurriedly attempted to untie the silk fabric that had him restrained. "Sorry if this freaks you tout... I was talking to Leon and he said that you were-ah! hey! hey! calm down, Riku!" Within the span of time it took for Sora to talk, Riku had kicked off his shoes, crossed the room, lifted Sora from where he was standing on the side of the bed in attempted escape, and thrown the boy back onto the mattress.

Sora released a shriek that was muffled by Riku's mouth pressing hotly over his own as hands wandered up his sides and a strong set of hips pressed against his scantily clad ones, rubbing friction against the right spots and sending sparks of pleasure darting through Sora's groin and all the way to his fingertips.

Sora had to remember to buy Leon and Cloud a very NICE hotel room when he had the chance.


Riku awoke the next morning with Sora cuddled happily against his chest, one arm drawn over the older man's stomach and a leg draped along Riku's thighs.

Riku rolled onto his side and tugged Sora into his chest, burying his face into chestnut hair. He'd have to call his brother soon to ask him for some... advice. Considering his brother was a crazed sex addict and all, it wouldn't be too hard to recieve.

Around an hour passed before Sora extricated himself from Riku to start getting ready for work, and Riku begrudgingly did the same. Once at work, Riku discreetly dialed his brother's number while inside his cubicle, waiting for the older sibling to answer the phone.


"Hey Seph, its Riku."

A chuckle, "Little brother? What a pleasant surprise."

"Yeah yeah, I miss you too. I need some help." Riku peeked outside the cubicle before ducking in again. Sephiroth made a noise of inquiry and Riku hurriedly explained his situation to the man.

"So, then you'dl ike to know a few new way sto pleasure your boy?" Riku flushed and grumbled under his breath for Sephiroth to get on with it. The man laughed softly.

"Get a piece of paper and a pen. There's quite a bit you need to learn."

Two hours and sixteen sheets of paper later, Riku got off the phone with his brother and nursed his cramping hand.

Six hours later, when Riku came home with a large bag of assorted items, Sora realized he was one very. Very lucky uke.

Ten minutes later, the neighbors realized that sleeping pills and headphones were God's gift to the world.
