Chapter One: A Pact of Evil

It had been less than two weeks after Lord Voldemort had returned and many of his Death Eaters were itching to continue the extermination of the worthless Mudbloods, half bloods, and blood traitors that had stopped a mere fourteen years ago thanks to that brat Potter getting lucking and destroying their glorious leader. Unfortunately, the Dark Lord had given the orders for the Death Eaters to lay low for the moment because since Potter managed to escape execution, he would have no doubt alerted others to Voldemort's return and the Dark Lord decided that it would be best if he didn't tip his hand too soon.

Still, the Death Eaters gathered in Voldemort's throne room deep underneath Salazar Tower, wondering exactly why the Dark Lord had called them at this odd time in the morning. As many Death Eaters stood with the deep cavernous room, muttering and awaiting the arrival of the Dark Lord, they speculated on what it could be.

One Death Eater was extremely interested to see the cause of this sudden meeting called by Voldemort. Severus Snape stood a bit off to the side, a slight ways away from all of his fellow Death Eaters. The Hogwarts Potion Professor needed to gain some kind of information for Dumbledore, as the Headmaster tended to be a bit testy since he learned that Lily Potter was still alive. Snape could care less why Dumbledore was so unnerved with Lily being alive but then Snape didn't care about too many things these days. He felt his sanity slowly slipping away thanks to that Unbreakable Vow that he shared with Dumbledore. Snape only had a few more years at least before his mind was completely destroyed due to the strain of being connected to something as powerful and as manipulative as Albus Dumbledore.

"Personally, I'm hoping the Dark Lord has some new cruel way that we can torture the Mudbloods," remarked Bellatrix Lestrange in a sadistic voice. "That would be fun."

"Indeed that would be fun," agreed Fenrir Greyback. "Of course, nothing beats ripping someone's throat out with your own teeth and watching them slowly bleed to death."

The Death Eaters continued their mutters but Lord Voldemort had slowly walked from a door on the side of the room, before climbing stairs to a podium and turning to address his Death Eaters. Many noted that the Dark Lord looked rather pleased about something and that fact along was an extremely terrifying sight.

"My followers," hissed Voldemort. "I'd thank you for coming but quite frankly, you didn't have much of a choice."

Voldemort reared back with an evil laugh, which several other Death Eaters laughed along with him, although with the exception of Bellatrix and Greyback, the laughs seemed rather forced.

"Let me not waste any further time but talking about the failure of a couple of weeks ago. Harry Potter still lives. Despite the fact that the boy should be dead several times order, he still lives to plague Lord Voldemort and slow down my ultimate plans," hissed Voldemort. "But, Harry Potter shall be eliminated in the future. Of course, none of you stepped in when the boy attempted to set me on fire with his little fancy sword. I'm extremely displeased that my followers are scared of a fourteen year old brat who has a sword that shoots fire. Next time, pull the sword out of his hand, even if there is a chance you would be burnt to a crisp."

"My Lord please, we did the best we could but the boy…" started one of the Death Eaters.

"But the boy, nothing," hissed Voldemort. "None of you have proved that you have the aptitude to take out one fourteen-year-old boy and let me remind you that you can be replaced."

Many of the Death Eaters looked fearful at that comment from the Dark Lord and Voldemort felt pleased that his words achieved the exactly what he was intending to.

"So, I've decided since you have proven to be inept to bringing Harry Potter down to his knees like a disgusting half blood such as himself should be, I've decided to bring in, professional help," hissed Voldemort.

All of the Death Eaters made horrified noises but Voldemort did not pay them much attention. After all, they were his followers and they would do exactly what the Dark Lord would say or suffer the consequences.

"My new associate is a man who has faced against Harry Potter on several occasions," hissed Voldemort. "He has come closer to exterminating the brat than any of you will ever dream of coming."

Voldemort waved his hand as the crowd went into a hush as the imposing figure of Oroku Saki walked onto the podium, right behind the Dark Lord. Voldemort extended his hand towards Saki and Saki grasped it firmly to shake it as the Death Eaters gasped in awe. They never saw Voldemort willingly shake hands with anyone so this Saki must be a pretty ruthless individual. Saki turned to address the Death Eaters.

"For many decades, far more than you can imagine, I have ruled a grand empire, known as the Foot," said Oroku Saki in a cool voice. "My army of ninjas has been turned from delinquent street punks or children in orphanage's straight into the most deadly of assassins, thanks to my teachings. For years, I existed without any opposition or threats, as my warriors were without peer."

Saki's expression and voice became rather cold at that moment.

"Then, I had the misfortunate of meeting one Harry Potter," said Saki as the Death Eaters hissed angrily. "I had observed his skills as he ran afoul of my warriors and I was extremely impressed at the boy having such skills at such a young age. Naturally, I wanted a warrior of that kind of skill within the Foot. Still, Potter had been led to believe false delusions of honor and nobility and spurned my offer to join the Foot. I had to react to Potter's blatant disrespect so I ordered my followers to attack him and destroy him. Had Potter been alone, I would have succeeded. Unfortunately another thorn in my side developed at the same time as Harry Potter, those accursed Turtles."

The Death Eaters muttered, they had heard whispers about those mysterious mutant Turtle creatures that Potter had lived with but outside of rumors in their elite pureblood gatherings and that one Daily Prophet, they hadn't learned too much.

"The Turtles and Harry Potter won the first encounter, thanks to their sensei, the one known as Splinter," said Saki. "Still, they found out there was much more to me than meets the eye as I personally utterly destroyed Potter, leaving him in a pool of his own blood, an encounter that the boy still hasn't mentally recovered from. The assault nearly destroyed Potter's body but I also achieved the side effect of it contorting the boy's honor into an angry vendetta against the Foot. The anger has made Potter more vicious and dangerous but it has also slightly compromised his ability to calculate a rational fighting strategy aside from destroying every Foot Ninja in his path."

"So," hissed Voldemort. "As Mr. Saki has pointed out, Potter has a certain hatred for both his organization and if I'm interpretation this correctly, anyone connected Mr. Saki's organization."

"You are correct, Lord Voldemort," said Saki coolly. "Harry Potter's hatred of you will likely to increase due to our alliance and I doubt I would be mistaken if I said Potter really despises you enough at the moment."

"Begging your pardon My Lord but are you really certain that it is a good idea to give Potter a further reason to despise you," said Lucius Malfoy in a tentative voice. Malfoy didn't feel too comfortable with the idea of aligning with Muggles but he was determined to stay on Voldemort's good side, after Voldemort had learned about Malfoy using the diary for his own personal gain.

"Lucius, there is a very simple reason. While Potter doesn't care for me due to the fact I did the world a favor by exterminating his blood traitor father and nearly ridded the world of his mangy, disgusting Mudblood mother had she had the decency to die when I fired the Killing Curse at her, Potter doesn't have the same level of hatred towards Lord Voldemort then he does for Oroku Saki. There is a very simple reason for this, of course,"

Voldemort paused for a moment for dramatic effect as his Death Eaters looked at their Master, captivated.

"Oroku Saki and his Foot Ninjas has caused Harry Potter to see that he can be defeated and the boy despises showing any weakness," said Voldemort. "So, with that in mind, my goal is no longer to kill Harry Potter. Not yet at least."

All of the Death Eaters looked up at the Dark Lord in shock. Surely, the Dark Lord would not be abandoning all of his plans to kill Harry Potter.

"Killing Harry Potter is not as satisfying to me as it once was," hissed Voldemort. "Potter, as much as it pains me to say it, is a hero to millions and an inspiration of hope to those who we aim to eliminate. While killing Potter would take away any delusions of hope that I may be defeated, it would be an easy way out and not as satisfying as slowly demoralizing the entire Magical World, leaving it open for the conquest. So, this time, my plan will not be denied, as I will turn Harry Potter into the one thing that would terrify the public the most, using his own hatred against him for my benefit. Harry Potter will be spoken about in the same hushed tones as myself when I am through with the boy."

"My Lord, you are willing to provoke Harry Potter into turning into a dangerous dark wizard just to achieve victory over the boy," said Bellatrix in an absolutely horrified voice, wondering if fourteen years as a bodiless spirit had driven her Master quite mad.

"Ah yes Bella but I can sense by the tone of your voice, you are not looking at the big picture. I know what exactly I am doing. Many have tried to take me down in the name of vengeance, inadvertently harming those closest to them in the process. All have failed in their objectives and Harry Potter will be no exception," hissed Voldemort in a voice that left no room for argument. "Now, it's the matter of why Mr. Saki is joining us today. As you know, Harry Potter is an accomplished assassin, in the Muggle art known as ninjitsu as are those Turtle creatures that he calls family. Recently, the Turtles have dispatched a group of trained Ministry Aurors, using their martial arts abilities and I will not have my Death Eaters be made a mockery out of by a group of genetically altered reptiles. So, my research team is working on ways to magically duplicating along with enhancing the ninjitsu skills already perfected by Saki's Foot Ninjas into your bodies, so should these Turtles get in your way, you will be able to annihilate them by beating them at their own game."

The Death Eaters looked up at Voldemort, with excited glints in their eyes. If their Master's plan, as insane as it sounded, succeeded they could eliminate a potential dangerous threat in these mysterious mutant Turtle creatures. Voldemort paused for a short time before addressing his minions once again.

"I have told you everything you need to know at this moment in time," hissed Voldemort. "You are all dismissed until I have further use for you."

Without another word, the Death Eaters disapparated, leaving both Voldemort and Saki standing in Voldemort's empty cavernous throne room. Voldemort turned to Saki.

"Now, Mr. Saki, since they are gone and they know of our secondary objective, if you could follow me to my office so we can discuss our master objective that is only being released on a need to know basis," hissed Voldemort.

"Of course Lord Voldemort," said Saki coolly as he followed Voldemort to the lift that lead straight up to the top floor and Voldemort's office. "I must admit, you were rather wise to not let them know of our master objective until you have all the minor annoyances worked out."

"Indeed, once we succeed, we shall bring all who oppose both of us to their knees," hissed Voldemort. "A simple exchange of goods and services and we will achieve the goals that we both want."

Voldemort stepped off the lift, followed closely by Saki as they both stepped straight into the Dark Lord's office. Voldemort sat on the chair right behind his desk and Saki lowered himself down into a chair right opposite of Voldemort. Saki pulled out an envelope and slowly opened it before smoothing the blueprints within out on Voldemort's desk.

"An impressive battle suit, Mr. Saki," hissed Voldemort, looking up and down the blueprints that Saki had placed on his desk.

"It's more than just a battle suit, it is the means of the destruction of my ancient enemies," said Saki. "This mega-exosuit is an upgrade of the armor that I wear into battle. It is ten times as large as my previous model and I'm planning for it to be a hundred times as resilient to damage."

"Impressive," hissed Voldemort looking over the blue prints for the mega-exosuit. Voldemort entertained the thought of stomping pathetic Muggles into a pile of goo using this mega-exosuit but Voldemort much preferred using magic, no matter how sadistic most Muggle methods were.

"Now as per the agreement we are to make, I would ask for your followers to build me this exosuit magically, making it completely immune to physical damage," said Saki. "I want to see the look upon the faces of my ancient enemies when they realize that despite all their high tech weaponry, they would be unable to put a dent in my defenses."

"I believe I have an idea for a spell combination that might make your exosuit as resilient as you have asked," said Voldemort in a thoughtful voice. "Naturally, I require a favor from you, Mr. Saki in exchange for undertaking this endeavor."

"Do explain, Lord Voldemort," said Saki.

"For many years, I have searched for what I felt was the key to my ultimate triumph but every attempt to find this item has turned out to be a dead end," said Voldemort. "Then, just days before I had an unfortunate accident at the hands of Harry Potter, I managed to find one last lead for this item and during my stint four years ago, possessing the Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor Quirell, I managed to access the fact that the item I had been looking for was hidden within the Hogwarts library. Naturally I couldn't take what I needed at the time, as no one knew of my status in the back of Quirrell's head and the fact that most of my efforts were focused on acquiring the Philosopher's Stone. Still, I hoped to one day find the means to disable the Hogwarts defenses for a short enough time to gain the scrolls which would give me power over the people in Wizarding Britain that none could ever imagine."

"I'd be correct to assume that you want my Foot Ninjas to steal these scrolls from Hogwarts for you," said Saki in an even voice.

"Not exactly, but once I find a way to disable the defenses around Hogwarts long enough to slip in, I have the need for your assassins to act as a distraction long enough to shift the focus of people who may seek to stop me, such as Potter and Dumbledore, so I can get in and out of Hogwarts with the scrolls before either of those two detect me. Lord Voldemort prefers not having a conversation with the two most powerful wizards in the world, until he gains the power from the scrolls. Do we have an agreement?"

"Yes, an agreement that will spell the end of all of our enemies," said Saki as he joined Voldemort in a round of evil laughter before the two shook hands once again.

Without another word, Saki departed to access his private jet that was landed outside of Voldemort's tower. Voldemort watched Saki leave making sure the ninja was gone before laughing at the fact that Muggles were so easily to manipulate. Once Saki outlived his usefulness for the Dark Lord, Voldemort would annihilate Saki and any of his pathetic followers that should get in Voldemort's way. Voldemort would pay Saki for disrespecting him over fifty years ago, during the time when Voldemort was an awe struck little orphan boy named Tom Riddle. Voldemort doubted that Saki even remembered their previous memory but Voldemort remembered it and his hatred for Saki had bubbled for over fifty years because of that one day.

Seven year old Tom Riddle sat on the floor of his orphanage, reading a book. He was ridiculed by all the other children due to the fact he had a love of gaining knowledge and was bullied regularly. The fact that Tom was smaller than most of the children in the orphanage didn't help his situation much but Tom wished that he had a way to pay everyone back from hurting him.

Tom turned the page of his book, but voices were heard from outside the hallway.

"Now, Mrs. Cole, I fund this orphanage, so the least you can do is allow me to take some of the children here," said Saki. "I assure you they will be given proper shelter and food within my organization as they begin their ninjitsu training."

"Now, Mr. Saki, I feel that you are taking advantage of these children's need to be accepted and I don't feel comfortable with you recruiting any more to train for your organization," said Mrs. Cole. "I would feel a lot better if they were put in a home with a family…"

"I guess I might need to shift my money elsewhere if you feel that way," said Saki, in a low but cold voice. "Just think, all those poor children put out on the street and you out of a job."

"All right, take your pick of which one's you need, as long as you keep funding the orphanage in business," said Mrs. Cole in a frantic voice. The last thing she wanted was to lose her nice cushy job.

"I knew you'd see it my way," said Saki walking through the room before spotting Tom on the floor reading his book. "I though you said all the children were upstairs asleep."

"Oh that's just Tom he's a bit disturbed," said Mrs. Cole as if Tom was not in the room. "He doesn't interact with the other children, acts as if he is in his own little world most of the time. A bit anti-social if the truth be told."

"Well, I know one child that won't be joining my own organization. After all, I have no room in the Foot for mental cases," said Saki coldly. "After all, my ninjas have to work together, forming a deadly yet cohesive unity and I have no room for those with mental problems."

"You know, I can be a good ninja, I can be strong, if you only give me a chance," said Tom in a definite voice.

Saki bent down so he was face to face with Tom. Tom gulped slightly, he thought he had mortally offended Saki.

"Child, your enthusiasm is admirable but I have no room in the Foot for weakness," said Saki coldly before turning and walking off with Mrs. Cole, not acknowledging Tom a second longer.

Tom sat on the floor, with a blank emotionless look on his face. He would be deluding himself if he wasn't upset, but Tom did not cry. Tom Marvolo Riddle never cried because that would akin to showing weakness and that was something Tom avoided showing if he could help it.

Still someday, Tom would show everyone how strong he was and then they'd be sorry they have made fun of him.

Voldemort had a bitter look on his face as he recalled that memory. Tom Marvolo Riddle was such a pathetic little child, in the honest opinion of the Dark Lord. For that reason is why Voldemort did everything he could to shred any mindset that was remotely similar to Tom. Some could say that by fabricating the Lord Voldemort identity, Voldemort destroyed any trace of Tom Riddle that might had been left in his mind after he had found out he was a wizard. The only quirk of Tom's personality to remain within Voldemort's psyche was his thirst to gain knowledge at all costs and since that was the best part of the pathetic little brat known as Tom Riddle, Voldemort decided to retain that bit from Riddle.

For years, Voldemort worked to eradicate anything remotely connected to Tom Marvolo Riddle. First Voldemort murdered his pathetic Muggle father and grandparents. The Dark Lord remember that night with such fondness, as he saw the three Muggles beg for their lives before Voldemort put them out of his misery.

Of course, nothing was greater than Voldemort's destruction of the Orphanage that Tom spent the first seventeen years of his life in. Voldemort laughed as he remembered that time as ordered his Death Eaters to roll right over the building, while slaying all the orphans and staff inside. When Voldemort's followers were finished, Tom Riddle's childhood home was nothing but a pile of ashes. The thought of what had happened to what Voldemort perceived as a hell hole greatly amused the Dark Lord and the fact that many Muggles were killed was just an added bonus.

The only connection to the childhood of Tom that Voldemort wished to destroy was Albus Dumbledore. Voldemort had a strong suspicion that Dumbledore was the one that arranged for Tom to be put in that dump of an orphanage and Voldemort wished to end Dumbledore's life once and for all, by any way possible.

Voldemort conjured a glass and a bottle of wine with his wand. After he tipped the wine into the glass, Voldemort began to drink to the beginning of a successful operation. The Dark Lord would use Saki for his own purposes of acquiring the scrolls before disposing of him. No ninja would get the better of Lord Voldemort and the most feared dark wizard in an entire century would eliminate the only person who could possibly be a threat in his plans for world domination in Oroku Saki.

Elsewhere, Saki was on route back to Japan, boarded on his private jet. Saki amused himself by thinking about how gullible Voldemort was during their meeting. As if the Shredder would help anyone who could be a potential threat for him. Sure, Saki would allow Voldemort to think that the Dark Lord was getting assistance with his pathetic plans. But when Saki had used Voldemort for his own gains, The Foot would dispose of the Dark Lord and his foolish Death Eaters. In Saki's mind, it would be a cold day in hell before a pathetic wizard got the better of the Shredder in a fight.

Miles away from Earth, in the vastness of space and deep on a Triceraton Warship, Prime Leader Zanramon walked into a conference room that contained high ranking Triceraton army officers sitting around the table.

"For several years, we have been fighting our war with our sworn enemies the Federation. Many of our finest warriors have been lost and countless galleons of Triceraton blood has been splashed across the universe," said Zanramon in a commanding voice. "But now, the key of the balance of power within the universe is within our grasp."

Zanramon pointed to a view screen that had an image of the Fugitoid upon it.

"At all costs, we must recapture this Fugitoid. In its circuits rests the mind of Professor Honeycutt, a brilliant scientist who has constructed a teleportal device," explained Zanramon. "We acquire the teleportal, so we can use it as a means to annihilate our most sworn enemies the Federation and bask in the sweet nectar of victory."

"Victory, Victory, Victory," chanted the Triceraton army officers in unison.

"Thanks to months of tireless research, we have managed to locate where the teleportal trail from out last encounter with the Fugitoid ended up," said Zanramon, flipping a few buttons on the view screen, revealing an image of Earth. "Our search ends here, at this small, insignificant watery blue green planet known as Earth. We must storm this world and reclaim the Fugitoid for our own, even if we have to completely destroy it piece by piece. No matter what, the Fugitoid will be ours."

The Triceraton army officers burst into cheers at the speech from their beloved Prime Leader Zanramon.

"Now let us prepare for our invasion of this Earth," said Zanramon. "And begin the countdown to victory."

"Victory, victory, victory," chanted the Triceraton army officers.

The countdown was on to the full scale invasion. Ten Earth minutes and counting before the Triceratons were in full force.